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The AIER brings us up to date with the now overt relationship between the global Covid exercise and the Great Reset (as documented by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, AKA "Davos").

"Spelling this out for those too stunned to take it in: this is an open admission that it benefits Schwab and Fauci’s political agenda to continue lockdowns as long as possible"

Presumably not to mention any UK politicians that seem to be strangely addicted to imposing as many lockdowns as they can get away with, based on "evidence" that has an undeniable tendency to unravel within a few days of presentation.

"Will they succeed? Is their behavior remotely justified? Does the pandemic really prove our society is fatally flawed? Why can’t they use the political system to gain majority votes if their agenda is so good?"

(my highlight)

Good questions all - but so far answers seem to inhabit only the realm of speculation.

"Schwab et al. know the lockdowns are “taking out” certain industries while sparing others: in a nutshell, the powerful survive"

Of course there is more - but you'll have to read the article.

And don't forget, this isn't a Bond movie, this is reality . . .