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The US elections proved problematic to say the least.

Trump election rallies were packed out, drawing many thousands (even mid-pandemic) whilst Biden rallies were lucky to number in the hundreds; yet we are asked to believe that Biden squeaked in at the last minute with a late 3am surge of votes in the swing states.

It isn't within my gift to untangle all the ins and outs of the matter, but those who are interested may find this summary useful.

However, I hesitate to say that this is authoritative because there are significant problems:

a) it is undated (but probably December 2020)

b) it is not attributed to a specific source

c) it cites no references

In its favour, it summarises a complex topic with efficiency and clarity, drawing unpalatable but inevitable conclusions.

I found it initially at https://phibetaiota.net/2021/01/robert-steele-best-single-summary-of-election-fraud-ballots-demanding-investigation-total-4340058/ - which site also has a video (reproduced below) in which RDS (whose judgment I respect, which is not to say he's always right) talks about the document a bit further.