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The Green movement will no doubt be pleased to hear that their worst fears are proving groundless, "according to a study  for the Global Warming Policy Foundation by independent scientist Dr Indur Goklany".

This good news is brought to us by James Delingpole writing for Breitbart.

The Great Climate Catastrophe has been rather pushed out of the news of late due to another more immediate crisis, but of course we should not assume that it has gone away. Perhaps Boris will be pleased to hear that all the change and disruption involved in implementing his new Green New Deal at breakneck speed may turn out to be less urgent or even unnecessary; or perhaps not, time will tell.

"Almost everywhere you look, climate change is having only small, and often benign, impacts"

"A recent study showed that the Earth has actually gained more land in coastal areas in the last 30 years than it has lost through sea-level rise"

Read the article.