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Conspiracy Corner

  • How Dangerous is Nuclear?


    Given that the green transition seems to be in deep trouble for lack of resources (amongst much else), why the reluctance to develop nuclear?

    Because it's dangerous.

    But given that so much of what we have been taught (climate change, pandemics, quaxxines) isnow being challenged and indeed found wanting by many, should we not be reviewing the supposed dangers of nuclear radiation from nuclear plants seriously? Is this danger really as great as we suppose?

    Well, I don't know, but it does seem that governments around the world are taking different views on this, given the panicked rush to renewables isn't working out too well, and that France seems to have made an adequate job of running its electricity supply on nuclear, to the point where it can export this power to other countries.

    And alongside

  • Skynet 2024 Now Live?


    Skynet may be a misnomer... it uses Mesh networks on Bluetooth at "street level".

    But isn't Bluetooth short-range only? Well, not any more...

    So is every Bluetooth device now a spying-capable device? 

    Well, it's technical, but the short answer seems to be... yes, very likely.  And don't think that turning your "Bluetooth" off (or even turning your phone off) will defeat it.

    But Isn't there another Skynet based on satellites

    Quite so - and maybe they could be linked up via ground stations...  I have no information, but would you bet against it?

    "This will... translate to a complete loss of privacy for most people"


  • Another Year, Another Global Hoax Revealed?


    Another hoax?

    Covid and Climate Change not enough? 

    Actually, this one is way way old...  as old as the nuclear industry.

    Is what he says really true? 

    I don't know, but nothing these days would surprise me... make of it what you will.

    Video of Mr Galen Windsor, of the Manhattan Project and various civilian/governmental nuclear facilities since the end of WW2. One can see how old the film is as it has obviously been digitised from an original photographic master... 

    (91 minutes)


    Fulford Report - Monday 29 April 2024


    "His resignation triggered 'a wholesale tsunami or clear out at Director General of Military Intelligence around the world… they are all gone' "

    Will the ICC issue arrest warrants for Mr Netanyahu and others? 

    That would put UK government and the Biden regime squarely on the spot. 

    As ever, it's not over until the "fat lady sings"; meanwhile the remaining KM are still finding money down the backs of other people's sofas, so the sooner somebody turns up a fat lady who can sing, the better for all concerned.

    Modest subscription required.


  • The Other Biggest Fraud in the World ...


    Climate Change, together with its ugly offspring Transition, are certainly pretty big phantasms, right up there with Big Pharma's products and their carefully cultivated but mostly undeserved (and, purists might quibble, wholly ambiguous) reputation as "safe and effective". 

    Safe for whom? Effective at what? Governments certainly made them safe for Big Pharma by preventing them from being sued for harms caused, and equally certainly made them effective for Big Pharma's bottom line by making the buying decision on behalf of their populations entirely without asking those populations whether they actually wanted those products on the terms offered.

    Step forward Jacob Nordangård PhD to unravel the plethora of commissions, politicians, councillors, dubious corporate personalities with "non-profit" foundations, and other institutions not excluding the US

  • The Quest to Reveal the Global Criminals


    I have tended to avoid featuring Ole Dammegard for no other reason than that his presentations tend to be on the rather long side, and I try to keep matters short (believe it or not!) as I am well aware that not everybody has the time to sit through long videos.

    Still, Ole is an old hand at investigations (especially of false flag operations), and a source that I greatly respect, so his latest contribution is very welcome; indeed I suspect timely, as the wheels of revelation do seem to be gaining both traction and speed now. His story serves to provide an overview that perhaps brings together a number of historical events into a coherent narrative. 

    "It feels to me like they're almost following the Book of Revelation... as a manual..."

    But then again, perhaps he's just a dyed-in-the-wool conspiracy theorist. But still, he's a very logical and precisely thought out conspiracy theorist. Recommended. Actually, highly

  • The Local War on the Global Controllers?


    Catherine Austin Fitts, interviewed by Greg Hunter, explains the plan to control the world through control of the food supply - or should I say "food" supply, since most of us wouldn't class insects as genuine food. Insects are almost certainly just the extreme version of "food" - we are already subject to engineered food - highly processed food - artificial "food" - fake meat etc made from fungi or "grown" in a lab from synthetic ingredients...  it's just thatwe can still find real natural nutritious food if we look for it, even if it is contaminated with "acceptable" levels of poisonous chemicals masquerading as fungicide, pesticide, herbicides, vaccines, etc.

    And once they control the food supply and the spending of fake money CBDCs in place of cash, then the control matrix is snapped shut around us.

    An interesting argument complete with a spirited altercation over Trump's responsibility for provision of the fake quaxxines under "warp speed". Oh

  • Down the Rabbit Hole with Michael O'Bernicia


    Love him or hate him, or merely unsure about him, Michael has an extraordinary story to tell.

    It's so far-fetched as to be dismissable as unbelievable, yet... could it be true?

    It's a bit slow to start, but if you want another slant on who controls the world and how they do it, you could do worse than start here.

    If you want to understand what has motivated and enabled the global power pyramid throughout history, you might start here. 

    Amazingly, it's also true that if you want to know how he is setting about remodelling the world as it should look, once our current corrupt power structure has been dealt with by whatever means (yes, he has ideas on that too), you should also start here.

    "Jurisdiction is key"

    "We're only doing what they should have been doing all along... "


  • Fulford Report - Death by a Thousand Cuts Continues - Monday 22 April 2024


    "... the Russian, Chinese, UK and US navies etc. are all cooperating against a common enemy... "

    Meanwhile the money-laundering in Washington DC continues, but as with all ponzi schemes it buys less and less time...

    For the details and some startling world statistics, don't miss this report (modest subscription required).


  • "Millions Will Die!"


    Personally I'm getting very bored with this dialogue of the deaf, where one camp shouts at the other and the other shouts back, heedless of the requirement to acknowledge the doubts and difficulties and yes, even the evidence and the logical arguments.

    This site sets a good deal of store by evidence and logic (I can't help it, it's a working life-time of training), so shouting interminably across the fence isn't my cup of tea.

    "Climate change" is a wonderful propaganda weapon in so far as the workings of the climate is probably the most complex topic known to man, so unfounded assertions based upon dubious modelling are notoriously difficult to prove or disprove in the absolute. So the onus falls upon the deniers to disprove the assertions of remote global authorities, whereas the onus of proof should be falling on those who would demonise the past decades of advancement of healthy civilisation and consign our future prospects of health and global sufficiency to the scrap-heap.


  • Lies, "Treaties", and Whistleblowers


    Fraud vitiates everything.

    Dr Mike Yeadon reviews the evidence for fraud in connection with the Covid "Pandemic" and the WHO power-grab.

    Not much new here but "lest we forget".

    And in a world in which fraud at all levels will likely soon become apparent to even the most somnolent of citizens, we would probably do well to remember this legal maxim, especially if we are called upon to exercise our right to self-defence against fraudulent "authority".

    Fraud on a global scale against the global population by a global mafia masquerading as authorities of all kinds requires a global and legal response in self-defence.

  • Systematic Corruption?


    Richard Vobes investigates... the worst type of corruption.

    This needs to be investigated and heard in open court so that justice can be seen to be done. It is intolerable in a civilised society that such accusations can be left to fester unaddressed.

    (57 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.


  • Mark Steele - Geordie Antidote to the Deep State?


    OK, it helps if you happen to be an expert in regional "English" (which I am not), but I just about managed to keep up with this one.

    Mark Steele of Save Us Now infamy, scourge of Gateshead Council, and electronic warfare expert who has forgotten nothing of his craft, shares his assessment of the current war of the Deep State vs the People with Ana Maria Mihalcea.

    Do give it a go, you are sure to learn something new from this presentation - once you get used to deciphering the Geordie.

    (65 minutes)



  • Parliament Debates Trends in Excess Deaths


    Dr John Campbell introduces, Andrew Bridgen MP hits it out of the park.

    (22 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.


  • Neil Lays it Out


    Neil Oliver with another hard to hear monologue, asking many questions that will never be answered by any of the usual suspects.

    Pfizer, Cass, NHS... to name just a few.

    Have they no shame? 

    (19 minutes)


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  • The Storm is Upon Us


    Pascal Najadi interviewed on the current state of the unseen war.

    "This is our last Communication before The Current Wartime President and our Commander-in-Chief of the United States, Donald J. Trump addresses the world today April 15th 2024 as the Commander-in-Chief and Supreme Commander of the current and ongoing Global Defence War Earth Alliance."


    (78 minutes)



  • Fulford Report Monday 15 April 2024


    Drones, cruise missiles, and coke bottles?

    With the ICC in the Hague not playing ball with Israel, the conflict in Gaza entering the end-game, and Iran showing the temerity to answer back for Israel's attack on its diplomatic mission in Damascus, the media are in full-on propaganda mode today.

    One certainly gets the sense that things are not going Israel's way nearly as much as they would like.

    "This theater though, hides a very real war that is... heading for a climactic battle... "

    There is plenty this week to pique your interest.

    Modest subscription required.


  • "Greatest Military Demonstration in Modern History"


    George Galloway interviews Scott Ritter on Iran's recent response to Israel's attack on its diplomatic mission in Damascus.

    "Why announce it five hours in advance?"

    (20 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.

    Alternative View... from Greg Mannarino.

    Sounds about right.


  • The Cass Review - Portent of Transanity?


    The Cass Review, as I need hardly remind everyone (!) is an "Independent review of gender identity services for children and young people".

    Quite why we old relics are excluded from gender identity services, or perhaps merely from the independent review, is unclear, but maybe lack of demand had something to do with it, even though that same lack of demand didn't seem to stop them including children and young people.

    Or maybe we old relics were too stuck in our ways to be manipulated into having ourselves so hideously reassigned, we may never know. Surely more research is needed?

    Anyway, the review may not have turned out too favourably for the woke crowd, for whom nothing as traditional as the concept of a man and woman getting together to create a family and further the human race independently of state control, can be left unchallenged and

  • Messages From Japan and Helsinki


    (9 minutes)

    A Message from Japan to the World by Aussie17

    Delivered by Prof Masayasu Inoue, Professor Emeritus of Osaka City University Medical School.

    Read on Substack
    Dr Asseem Malhotra has also been testifying about the Covid scam in Helsinki.
    Read his testimony