Tip - If you are using a phone, set the "Desktop Site" option in your browser   


Skynet may be a misnomer ... it uses Mesh networks on Bluetooth at "street level".

But isn't Bluetooth short-range only? Well, not any more ...

So is every Bluetooth device now a spying-capable device? 

Well, it's technical, but the short answer seems to be ... yes, very likely.  And don't think that turning your "Bluetooth" off (or even turning your phone off) will defeat it.

But Isn't there another Skynet based on satellites

Quite so - and maybe they could be linked up via ground stations ...  I have no information, but would you bet against it?

"This will ... translate to a complete loss of privacy for most people"

So this may be a good time to invest in manufacturers of faraday cages for phones.

If you don't want to be tracked, leave your electronic devices behind - and if you are paranoid (who isn't these days?) don't get jabbed, and/or wear a faraday suit ... and hat ...

(19 minutes) 
