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Free Citizen

  • President Putin Reviews the Global Situation at a Press Conference


    Whatever you think of Mr Putin, if he is your enemy, then know thine enemy. Otherwise, know what he says anyway.

    Maybe we should hear what Mr Biden would say at a similar press event.

    "There will be no more negotiations"

    (36 minutes)


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  • Campaign Thoughts from Jonathan Tilt


    Our democracy is so structured that only candidates for the major parties have any realistic hope of getting elected. History shows that to be so, or at least to have been so in the past...

    Major reforms need somehow to be instituted that would allow independent candidates a fair opportunity to present their case, and/or voters need to proactively hold their elected politicians / parties to account, which they don't currently do because they have been brainwashed over many years to believe that only candidates of the major parties have any chance of election - a self-fulfilling belief if ever there was one.

    If we voted according to our conscience rather than for the least worst main party candidate, we might surprise ourselves!

  • Conflict of Interest? How Old-Fashioned


    As if we didn't know it in our hearts already, but kudos to  DR CARL HENEGHAN AND DR TOM JEFFERSON for spelling it out for the Daily Sceptic.

    Some of he highest medical advisers in the land seem to have some little (or not so little) financial support from one part of Big Pharma or another, even though (or perhaps because) they are supposedly working in the public interest.

    I would bet that they are a long way from being the only public officials charged with supporting our medical safety who have such financial links, whether disclosed or not.

    Not to mention media presenters...

    "Serious reform is needed and has been for a long time"


  • Clif High Back on Video! With Some Serious Thinking


    It's been quite a long time since Clif gave one of his own videos, but his new rig is definitely superior to the old.

    Here he takes issue with Elon Musk and Alex Jones, muses on his understanding of how human memory works (simplistic overview only, thank Heaven he didn't go into the detailed version!).

    I'm not going to try to summarise the rest of Clif's brain dump, but MK Ultra / mind control processes are reviewed, not to mention love-making, fight or flight, 1947... and aluminium oxide, chemtrails, 5G, Finns, Kalahari Bushmen + a few others, and Atlantis.

    Oh, and more...

    We are all MK-Ultra'd now.


    (52 minutes)

    Your hippo is under attack!

  • Another Scott Ritter MasterClass After Events in Slovakia


    I wasn't going to present yet another Scott Ritter rant (just yet), but this one, prompted by the attempted assassination of Robert Fico, prime minister of Slovakia, is (as always) informative, sometimes surprising, and broadens out perhaps inevitably into the ramifications of the current state of the Ukraine war and the prospects for peace negotiations now that Russia has put an arrest warrant out for Zelensky.

    And if not peace, then what?

    (50 minutes)


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  • Regrettably, This Is About Covid - and Not!


    Regular readers will have noticed that I don't publish too much about Covid any more. It's not that it isn't important, but there's a lot else besides that needs saying these days.

    Still, Mike Yeadon has published an important summary (nothing new there, in either sense!) that serves as a very useful reminder that Covid was precisely conceived as a psy-op.

    Both he and I noticed quite quickly that Covid as a pandemic was seemingly exceptional in not creating any surge of excess deaths if we ignored reported cause of death. So either the cause of death was misreported, or there was no pandemic, or Covid itself somehow suppressed other normal causes of death.

    It turned out that as Covid arrived, flu flew away, just like that!

    Call me old-fashioned (thank you!) but Mike Yeadon explains it much better than

  • Lies, Damned Lies, And Green Cost Assertions


    It's pretty obvious that the assertions of cheap renewable power are somewhat adrift from reality when such assertions coincide with ever rising fuel bills, despite ever more "renewable" power installations, not to mention opaque subsidy schemes.

    Either some middle-man is making a killing between power generation and delivery, or some cherry-picking of the definition of "costs" is involved, or total incompetence, outright fraud, or maybe all four...

    The continuing need for subsidies to make it all compatible with gas-powered generation (itself not exactly becoming any cheaper since the machinations around the Ukraine war), and the somewhat opaque government power pricing scheme that could have been designed to confuse the uninitiated, and one begins to see the scale of the deception.

    David Turner (Daily Sceptic) puts it all into the realm of facts and figures for us.

    It seems that most of the subsidies go to

  • Carbon Capture - The Obvious Solution?


    Leaving aside the inconvenient fact that without carbon dioxide, vegetation would not grow and we would all perish from starvation, it could still be just about plausible that too much CO2 would be in some way damaging... for instance, if we had 100% CO2 then we would all suffocate for lack of oxygen.

    Happily, in the presence of sunlight and green vegetation, 100% CO2 would be impossible, since the vegetation would convert it to oxygen in short order (probably strangling us within its infinitely-enfolding tendrils in the process). All without even considering the similar aquatic life that also processes CO2 in the oceans.

    Which rather begs the question: if the vegetation (farmed or natural) already performs the carbon capture process for free, what need to invent an artificial capture process?

    And is it really wise to even consider blocking the sun (chemtrails etc) thus limiting the power of vegetation to

  • Lord Frost Speaks


    Lord Frost is the man who was perhaps most central to actually getting us out of the clammy embrace of the European Union. As such he has a track record which demands some respect.

    OK, our exit was "negotiated"  in probably the worst possible way, but I believe that aspect of the process wasn't within his brief.

    I suppose that many hope or have faith that Lord Frost is not a typical politician, but is perhaps a more traditional politician for whom his responsibilities to the peoples of these isles matters. We need all the help we can get, even from politicians within the system, so perhaps we should wish more powers to his elbow.

    None of which is to say that I would expect him (if elected) to make much difference - the forces of darkness seem to be too far embedded within the woodwork of our institutions for one man to overthrow, and overthrow does seem to be what we need.

    Still, what do I know? Never say

  • Nigel Farage on the Incoming US Election in November


    Love him or hate him, Nigel Farage has the tremendous advantage that he isn't Tory or Labour or LibDem or Green, and has a very long and robust history of fighting for the freedom of the United Kingdom, even making the proceedings of the European Parliament as entertaining as we never thought possible in the process.

    He has also consistently demonstrated remarkable understanding of the way that the political winds are blowing.

    So here we present the Nick and Nigel show, assessing the extraordinary (even by American standards) electoral situation in the run-up to the November US Presidential elections, and what that may mean for the Trump and Biden show:

    (15 minutes)


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  • The Most Important Question in the Universe ...


    The most important question in the universe... is also the most annoying when repetitively asked by small children!

    "Mummy, why did that man tell me to cycle in the road?"

    "Because he's a policeman and you are not supposed to cycle on the pavement dear"

    "Mummy, why am I not supposed to cycle on the pavement?"

    "Because it's against the law dear"

    "Mummy, why is it against the law?"


    OK, enough of that, you get the picture. Children instinctively understand that the "Why" is important.

    Perhaps that tells us something?

    But when people in big organisations ask themselves the "Why" question and don't get any satisfactory answer,

  • Ukraine - War Without End?


    Some believe that the war has already ended.

    Some think all the West needs to do is to send more money munitions and equipment, and train more fresh Ukrainian conscripts of just-about-fighting age to work them.

    Some believe we should send our own troops to "confront Putin" (but it is fairly obvious that we have already done that to some extent, so we are already at war with Russia).

    I suppose some even think that a few nukes aimed at Russia would do the job, even at this late stage, but we won't go there today.

    One thing I think we can rule out is "war without end". Russia has made it plain that that isn't going to happen, and, well, she seems to hold all the cards...

    "The lack of manpower in Ukraine cannot be solved. It is a product of endless death paid for with our tax dollars. NATO has prolonged the fighting with funding and arms, but not to win, only to

  • Come the Revolution, What to Do and How to Do It?


    Martin Geddes has been contemplating the incoming Greater Reset. 

    Well, it is abundantly clear that somebody needs to, and would we trust the current incumbents at Westminster anywhere near the fabled levers of power ever again? It's a reasonable expectation that many of the extant people posing as authorities will be removed as being part of the problem, so cannot preside over the solution.

    My first comment is that since the US military seems to have us all under (so far undeclared) martial law, the initial take-down of the criminal elements of the establishment must be conducted by the military themselves in accordance with the military laws in effect.

    Why are we in the UK talking about the US military?

    Because this revolution is not local

  • A Speech for Our Times - Winston Marshall


    Winston Marshall debates politics with Nancy Pelosy at the Oxford Union.

    A man to watch - he should go far - the further the better!

    (15 minutes)



  • The Great Reset is Taking Shape ...


    It was either going to be the New World Top-Down Order of the Blair - Cameron - May - Boris - Bush - Obama - Clintons - Kissinger - Schwab - Rockefellers - Rothschilds brigade of Khazarian Zionists and Eugenicists, or it would be the opposite, an expertly crafted and skilfully engineered demolition, on behalf of the freedom of the people, of the centralized power structures of those self-appointed global elites who thought that they would rule the world - AKA the global corporate oligarchs (Club of Rome, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, World Economic Forum (now "in partnership" with the United Nations) the list goes on... ).

    How were these centralized power structures built in a world of democratic governments? By ancient secret societies and modern secret services of the world who, whilst nominally under

  • Where We're Going, How We Stop It


    Ivor Cummins introduces Eddie Hobbes.

    Everything you didn't want to know about the WHO's plans for the future.

    OK, but the UK government has said that it isn't going to pass the changes in current form, and they're politicians, so we can trust them, right?

    (74 minutes)


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  • More from Clif High


    These are audio only, so you can kick back and watch the ceiling whilst you attempt to keep up.

    They are rather like brain dumps, so pay attention.

    Transition from "complicated" to "complex" 

    (21 minutes)


    Medbeds, Chemtrails, Nesara/Gesara, Space Aliens Worship Cult, We are running the media now, Drone Attack - Glorious 12th incoming, impact of fiat currencies on Baby Booms / Busts, and the Shift of the Ages (not to mention the Vatican)

    (21 minutes)



  • Clif High Speaks to Dr Naomi Wolf About the Universe


    Clif is the only man I know who has (a) been able and (b) dared... to explain the mysteries of the universe, our place within it, and how 3D life death and time work to school us to ever greater perfection and power over the ages, all without resort to religious dogma. A dangerous man indeed, especially if you are of a dogmatic persuasion.

    All presented in the most matter of fact manner and based on his own experiences, rational thought, evidence, and logic. He bridges the gaps between "sciences" "religions" and "spirituality" (demolishing some long-held popular notions in the process) - whether we think he's onto something is up to each of us, but for my money (OK, his work is free of charge) he's one of the best revolutionary philosophers out there.

    As a bonus he runs through his current projects and keys us up for the incoming events that his work leads him to expect. Don't dismiss out of hand, he was right about last October...

    It's a bit of a

  • Ukraine Update


    Scott Ritter delivers the latest news from Ukraine.

    News of the offensive has been long awaited, but now it's here - it's just that it's the Russian offensive, not the Ukrainian.

    And it's looking like rolling over the Ukraine well before any effective response can be mounted.

    Yes, it's a war of evidence, information, and logic, as well as logistics and kinetics.

    NATO seems to be in a hole, but will they stop digging? Or will there be an escalation of desperation?

    (25 minutes)


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  • The Grid Connection - a Right or an Entitlement?


    John Droz Jr reviews the imbalance of influence in today's politics with regard to "Green" initiatives, asking how the one-sided influence of paid lobbyists in our political system is balanced in the interests of the public at large.

    The public at large however is also subject to influence from many quarters, primarily from the mainstream media in all its forms - articles from (biased / unbiased) sources, advertisements, but also direct suggestions for "home improvements" (possibly sponsored by local government / national government and often communicated by unsolicited phone calls that may well be illegal), not to mention from their "elected representatives" especially at election time when they presume to tell us what policies we should be demanding.

    Maybe it's time for the public at large to organise policy forums that review our political parties' policy offerings from the point of view of the man in the street (and a coherent fully formed analysis,
