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Conspiracy Corner

  • Freedom of Expression in Legal Dystopia


    Once upon a time (and not so long ago) judges in Britain declared that freedom of speech without the freedom to offend was not worth having.

    But under what circumstances does one man's "hate speech" override another's "freedom of speech"? It's a question that our parents/grandparents would not have understood, but with which we today must grapple.

    Back in the day, Britain's judiciary used to take a robust view on people who decided to be offended by mere words. Provided that there was no incitement to commit a crime, Joe/Jemima Citizen was invited to take the rough with the smooth and grow a thick skin. It's a clear and unambiguous approach that used to put everyone on an equal footing in law, and facilitated full and frank discussion around many topics that some believe have become treacherous legal minefields

  • Farming in Dystopia, with Natalie and Ivor


    Yes, today our cup runneth over, with Natalie from Redacted interviewing the ever-reliable Ivor Cummins about the state of farming in the Irish Republic, as well as in the UK. What a pleasure to hear two sane and competent people speaking of the unspeakable in a sane and competent, even rather light-hearted, manner.

    Of course, the farmers of the EU also get a mention... as do all the usual suspects...

    "... The only thing that can push back against that now is ... "

    (18 minutes)


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  • Promethean Action - καιρός Global Review


    Formerly LaRouchePAC, they have rebranded (the last refuge of a dying operation?) as Promethean Action. I'm not sure whether that will improve their fan-base or finally consign them to blessed oblivion, but they do talk sense, and in a rather old-fashioned and intellectual manner that I find quite acceptable, even rather quaint in this modern no-holds-barred in-your-face age. Of course some of their presenters are better than others!

    I do wish though that they would pay more attention to the format and manner of presentation - their style must be one of the most off-putting on the net. 

    I have timed this video to start after the rather long intro... on the grounds that it doesn't add much of significance, is rather long, isn't very engaging, and you can watch from the start if you want to (and read the article) by clicking the link above. 

    This is a useful and wide-ranging

  • Actionable Intelligence?


    The Fulford Report this week purports to provide detailed information on the suppliers of the substance that it appears Big Pharma has been unable to synthesise (and for which Count Dracula might have had a penchant).

    I have no information beyond that provided by Ben in the public domain, so as always its up to you to decide whether or not to give him any credence.

    Suffice it to say that Ben is getting serious.

    (Modest subscription required for access to full report)


  • Talky Tice Wants to Discuss "The Future"


    Dear Richard, the debate has already been had and successive Governments have committed to reduce immigration "to the tens of thousands".

    Just do it.

    A new "national conversation" to kick the whole topic away into the long grass of political chicanery is premature.

    Is there any point in talking with politicians who demonstrate clear intent to break that promise? Should we not now demanddelivery on that promise before any further talk?

    Is Richard showing his true colours - controlled opposition?

    It's your decision.

    (9 minutes)

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  • "War Is the Goal"


    Neil Oliver:

    "War is the goal of the governments of the west"

    (11 minutes)


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  • How Not to Respond to a Pandemic


    Yes, this is new news of past events, but sometimes we need a reminder of just how "our" Government operates, and no doubt still operates.

    If the government would wish to reduce wasteful expenditure that clearly lies within their power to control, then maybe ensuring that their procurement systems are protected from interference, and prosecuting those who did interfere "pour décourager les autres" would be a good place to start.

    And the excuse that "there was no time because it was an emergency" does not wash.

    In any emergency, the very last thing you need is product that isn't fit for purpose, so the procurement rules on quality control should have been tightened up and rigorously enforced.


  • Why Should We British Worry About German Politics?


    Our newspapers and media stations don't report on what they don't see as relevant, but German politics, like seemingly all nations' politics these days, is apparently controlled by the WEF-UN "partnership". It is very similar to British politics, in as much as the political classes are all parroting the Climate Change propaganda as though they unquestioningly believe it. Diversity is good, except for diversity of opinion, and especially diversity of politics.

    It's a religion, or perhaps more accurately the biggest cult we have ever encountered, whereby the cult leaders brainwash everybody to believe (and obey) their leadership unquestioningly, and heretics (those who do ask awkward questions) are not tolerated. They have the cheek to call this new form of politics "democracy". "Autocracy" might be closer to the truth.

    Germany is the stand-out example of a leadership that brooks no opposition and ...

  • Dams Break Slowly, then Suddenly


    Some things take an exorbitantly long time to get resolved.

    Take the case (currently in the news) of the Post Office managers who were pursued through the courts for imaginary losses that never existed, but were reported as deficient by the new Post Office computer system - and the courts agreed that the computer was infallible and therefore they were guilty. As an IT systems engineer of many years standing, I cannot conceive of how any competent (and honest) IT professional could possibly stand up in court and swear that his system was infallible. It also beggars belief that it could have got to court if either P.O. management or their accountants had been both competent and honest. 

    Yet somehow it did. So who was professionally deficient and how? In the way of matters governmental, we will probably never find out, and that too should no longer be tolerated.

    "It seemingly did not occur to anyone to ask why over 750 managers with hitherto unblemished

  • Down the Rabbit Hole ... with The President


    Readers unfamiliar with our "Down the Rabbit Hole" series may like to view some of the earlier articles here, starting with nbr 1. Many may consider these propositions extreme, but the question is, can they be disproved? Could they be possible, and if so, what would be the implications? 

    If the implications would be trivial, then who cares? But if they would be earth-shaking, perhaps we should take note.

    OK - today's article definitely qualifies for the "Conspiracy theory" title, but Swiss lawyer Pascal Najadi, who took the Covid "vaccine" gene therapy and has since been on a nightmare journey of discovery, along the way

  • Lahaina - 5 Months on


    If anyone doubts that the USA government is pulling out all the stops for the displaced of Lahaina, this report should clarify the matter.

    Nick Sotor reports from Maui for Redacted:

    (12 minutes)


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  • You Are a Beneficial Owner - What Could Possible Go Wrong?


    When is an owner not an owner?

    It's a relevant question in these fraught financial times.

    If the banking system goes belly up (and who would bet against it?) what do we get left with?

    Do we own the stocks and bonds in our pension schemes?

    Do our pension funds own the stocks and bonds held within their schemes?

    The world runs on faith in our financial systems, but are these systems worthy of our trust?

    "... the customers assets are taken without the knowledge of the customers, transported... free of payment... used by somebody else and put at risk... "

    "... a derivative is a financial contract written about the behaviour of something else... "

    "... you are 'not exposed' to the failure of a counterparty

  • Fulford Report Monday 22 Jan 2024


    Ben's report today is essential reading.

    "Many monotheists think we are facing end times. The reality is we are facing beginning times"

    "I will start by summarizing my personal involvement in this war... a massive war that has literally been raging for thousands of years"

    "An ancient group mind or cult, known in folklore as 'Satan', is about to be defeated"

    No pressure then.

    Modest subscription required for immediate access.


  • Davos in 15 Minutes


    I doubt that any visitor to this site is willing to sit through all the speeches at WEF Davos, boring as they deliberately are, so here, courtesy of the ever-reliable Sky News Australia, is a brief rundown of the highlights.


    (15 minutes)


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  • Neil Oliver Excoriates Our Politicians - & the Way We Now Live


    "Since when did Prime Ministers (especially unelected and unwanted Prime Ministers of no demonstrable ability) entitle themselves to committing tax-paying citizens of the future - people as yet unborn - to the enabling of corrupt and spurious enterprises that might as well be promised to last for ever?"

    "... the fork in the road we must choose, the road down which we must walk ... "

    (10 minutes)


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  • Global Pandemic Preparedness - Dangerously Boring


    We have been hearing about the WHO's power grab under the guise of "pandemic preparedness" or "global health emergency of international concern" (a rather wider definition that could encompass almost anything from corona-sniffle to climate change to alien invasion).

    In summary, it means that Tedros can, merely at his own personal whim and fancy, declare such an emergency, and then all the countries that have signed up to the WHO will be obligated to obey all his diktats, regardless of... well, anything really... we could be locked down, locked up, forcibly injected, put on a restricted diet of meal-worms and crickets, even mandated to kill our first-born, all on the arbitrary say-so of the WHO (primary paymaster: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation).

    Clearly this is utterly preposterous, but our politicians have been preposterous for many years, and this is merely, as preposterousness goes, the next level up.

    We even have a

  • Another Conspiracy Theory


    You can see why the authorities might get fed up with all the conspiracy theorists putting out mis/dis/mal-information. After all, it feeds dissatisfaction with the mainstream media, maybe also influencing the public to mistrust media output, or even vital government policies.

    For example, this sophisticated and apparently well-produced video makes claims that may defy belief about the way that the internet is allegedly influenced by certain governments. Some folk may well be misled by similar content, even equating some of the activity portrayed therein with the supposed activities of 77 Brigade in the UK, without a shred of evidence.

    Be aware - not all videos are everything they seem.

    (14 minutes)



  • The War on Free Speech Just Ramped Up


    "Malinformation" - that which is true but which is used against official globalist policy.

    I suggest that this is merely a logical extension of the established concept of "hate speech" - the truth (where it may conflict with the globalists' agendas) may well cause globalists to be offended and therefore it must be criminalised.

    Nothing at all to worry about.

    Stand & Deliver Episode 77 


  • The Greatest Deception Ever Told?


    It's obviously impossible to verify most of this story, but if even half of it is true...

    You may need to pause it, run at reduced speed (they sped most of it up to reduce the run-time), and take notes. There are far too many linkages to remember in detail, but you can buy the book (published 2017, so you may only need to note down matters post Brexit)!

    This connects so many events and happenings of the last twenty years (and more) that it merits attention. You may need to reconsider everything you thought you knew.

    We did actually cover Boyd Anderson's story already in 2021 (2 hrs 4 mins), but it's too good a tale to let lie, and more
