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Conspiracy Corner

  • To Solve the Israel-Gaza Problem, First Understand It


    I claim no special insight into the workings of the Middle East, other than what has been abundantly clear for many years - that the Great Powers have been manipulating matters in the region ever since WW1.

    The American Lyndon LaRouche apparently had a long-standing position on the matter, and since his passing, the LaRouche Political Action Committee has maintained his work, and comments on the current crisis from a relatively detached perspective.

    Is it accurate? I don't know, but as far as I can see it does largely fit the overall facts as we know them.

    Worth reading.


  • Eternal Gratitude to Our Great Leader, Klaus Schwab!


    Whatever you think of the World Economic Forum, the world is set on course for great change - the only question is, where will this change take us?

    Here we have a review of the future according to the WEF - there is of course another vision of the future, as recorded in the Bible, although that perhaps takes more effort to understand being written in rather more picturesque language that requires careful interpretation - a difficult task these days.

    So perhaps we have to choose our preferred psy-op - will we choose the WEF psy-op that seeks to persuade us that they have our future already wrapped up under their experts, or will we choose the anti-WEF psy-op which refutes the ultimate centralisation of all control over humanity?

    Whatever, here we are concerned mainly with the vision of the WEF:-

    Glory to the New World Order! Hail our Great Leader - Klaus Schwab!


  • Down the Rabbit Hole - and Into the Planet!


    (Let me start with the customary suggestion - readers are advised to read my other 'Down the Rabbit Hole' titles (use top left Search box), in particular Down the Rabbit Hole - 1, before continuing)

    This video is a round-up of many of the stories about what may lie beneath our feet, and who may have lived there, even who may live there still... there is now so much published information that it seems unreasonable to dismiss it all out of hand as "baseless conspiracy theory" - although it seems equally unreasonable to assume that everything published is invariably true!

    This idea actually has a long history of investigation and discoveries - ancient multi-story underground cities have been revealed in Turkey and probably elsewhere, even the lost civilisation of Atlantis was said to be linked around the world by subterranean railways... indeed they were also said to be more technologically

  • Tesla - Deep Dive


    Nikola Tesla is famous, even if our understanding of his life and works isn't all it might be.

    Most people may wish to know more about him. many would like to understand his inventions better, and a few might wish to take up his work and progress it further, but whatever your inclination, one must make a start somewhere, and perhaps this article is as good a place as any.

    Yes, it does explore whether Trump family members had any involvement with Tesla, but that's in the nature of an additional bonus on top of the basic thesis, so whatever your views on Trump, don't let them put you off.

    Warning - this is a magnum opus which you're not likely to digest in a single sitting! You are going to need to set aside some time for several sessions...


  • More on EMF Dangers in the Energy Bill - Effective but Neither Safe nor Insurable


    Richard Vobes interviews Eileen O'Conner, from the Radiation Research Trust, who explains how the Government has pushed through the recent Energy Bill without proper consultation:

    (54 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.

    Link to the Action Pack Letter Templates.


  • All You Didn't Want to Know About Sustainable Development, but Need to Ask


    The UN, WEF, WHO, and all their tireless workings for the future of their planet (keep your global-speak phrasebook to hand):

    (38 minutes)


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  • 5G - Blessing, Curse, or Both?


    "Has our Government ignored the worldwide appeals and consensus statements made by independent scientists and doctors, calling for a revision of safety guidelines and a halt to the rollout of 5G on the basis of research on the much lower levels of pre-5G emissions?"

    At this stage there can be no doubt about the answer. Whatever the question, whether it be about quackzine efficacy and safety, or EMF / smart meter safety, or pesticide / fungicide / herbicide safety, nobody in government is prepared to actually contemplate that their cherished projects (in alliance with the corresponding global corporations) might just be already shown to be less safe than they are being cracked up to be (many would go further).

    This article in the Daily Sceptic reminds us that concerns about the safety of the 5G roll-out (whatever that may mean in your area)

  • To Comply, or to Fight Back?


    This is the follow-on from Martin Geddes' "court case" over non-payment of council tax.

    It's a marathon rather than a sprint, but Martin isn't minded to give up when he sees that he is winning.

    I doubt that the council will want to go to a real court because by all accounts the real courts have already conceded that the tax is unenforceable, but they may no longer retain the initiative.

    Martin is doing this for everybody - his is the test case that should "blow the bloody doors off" even if mainstream media does ignore it, as is their wont with anything that challenges the status quo. There will be keyboard warriorsenough to get the news out.

  • Strange Times, Unusual Conclusions


    Investigators of "conspiracy theories" have come in many forms shades and sizes in recent (and not so recent) times, but one of the striking features of their work is how many of them have broadened their topic interests away from their original focus, and towards humanity's existential questions - Where did we come from? How should we live? Why are we here? Whither are we going? What to do? How to do it?

    Investigators of mysterious artefacts, ancient megaliths, paranormal goings-on, and indeed modern mysteries such as crop circles, are all driven by tangible evidence and all come up against what appears to be a flat denial ofreasonable challenges to the accepted dogmas of our age. Faced with frankly unlikely, even ridiculous interpretations of supporting evidence, they inevitably start posing questions about who what

  • Is Trump All He's Cracked Up to Be?


    We have noted previously that the globalist conspiracy to dominate humanity is likely also running the opposition, as is their normal modus operandi. The primary suspect for this post is probably Donald Trump, who many believe, withconsiderable evidence, to be in league with the Q team to take down the "deep state". However, his recent unequivocal support for Israel in their actions against Hamas in Gaza may be shaking his anti-globalist credentials.

    "The Donald" has also blotted his copy book by his support for the Covid "vaccinations" programme, that has now lost much of its credibility, with lawsuits popping up in various jurisdictions to hold the medical authorities to account. It is this a...

  • The End of the World as We Have Known It?


    "The FRB [Federal Reserve Bank] is now resorting to fraudulent accounting to hide the resulting bank run"

    "In other words, the whole financial house of cards rests on a foundation of fraud"

    "In the past, the FRB has responded to crises of this nature with events like 9/11, Fukushima and most recently the pandemic and vaccine global genocide attempt"

    Benjamin Fulford is not mincing his words this week.

    Read on to discover much else besides, including where our UK taxes may actually be going...

    Modest subscription required. Recommended.

  • Global Financial Crash / Nesara - Gesara Imminent?


    This is as they say "scuttlebutt" - word on the internet street - conspiracy theory on steroids, fit only for nerds who have nothing better to do with their time than scan the usual suspect sites for new mis/dis/information. Yes, guilty as charged.

    I don't normally feature videos from this source because, well, you likely have neither the time nor the inclination to sit through it all, and yes, he can be annoyingly slow at getting to the point, and yes, he is mostly of interest to those residing over the pond. He isn't the BBC/CNN etc. He's a bloke who does what he feels led to do.

    But today is the exception.

    I suspect he has a very significant - nay huge - point to make here, and I believe his track record to be pretty good, which is why I'm featuring his work today (you can skip the first 21 minutes without missing anything of substance 😎 but DO watch from there at least to the 50 / 60 minute mark).


  • So Are the Excess Deaths Really Caused by the Jabs?


    The inimitable Ivor Cummins discusses the data with Dr Pierre Kory.

    (29 minutes)


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  • Amnesty for those Who Mandated their Errors on Everybody?


    These are unprecedented times. Some are evidently now realising that they went too far - much too far. Anybody can make a mistake, but who is entitled to force their mistakes on everybody else?

    It's a matter of simple logic. Whilst centralised control enforces one bad decision on everybody, distributed control allows others to come to their own conclusions and devise alternative approaches. People notice which approaches work and which don't, and make their choices accordingly.

    The centralised top down approach assumes an always-correct infallible central authority, and we know that that is an absurd proposition without precedent in history.

    (8 minutes)



  • Report from Acapulco - "Devastation"


    This video is from 28 October, just aftera relatively benign tropical storm suddenly turned into a raging hurricane (hurricane Otis) which hit a quite unprepared Acapulco, before immediately fading away to not much at all.

    This report is from a resident in Mexico, north of Acapulco.

    "Most people in Acapulco had already gone to sleep and no idea there even was a hurricane... "

    "... no help in Acapulco for anyone, and in fact they're blocking help from coming in... "

    "... there was no rain with this hurricane... the storm surge was absolutely massive... "

    "... this has defied

  • The Case for Due Process


    One wouldn't think that it would be necessary to demand due process from a court of law.

    When it is, maybe we need to take into account the possibility that it isn't a real court of law, especially when due process is peremptorily denied.

    This article (part 4 of the series) follows on from part 3: Martin Geddes' recent "court" appearance on account of his demand for due process in connection with his declining to pay his council tax demand in absence of due process.

    How complicated is this really? Just as complicated as they can make it through obfuscations evasions and unwarranted assertions of all kinds, and as perhaps we might imagine, it's the stuff they don't address that matters.

  • Prison Planet


    The Conspiracy Theory to end them all - or to end our freedom, even to end our humanity?

    Is it all about the money? Is money really at the root of all evil?

    Or is it all about power and control? And is money merely the instrument used to achieve the total enslavement of humanity?

    As always, it's your choice that counts.

    (2 hrs 30 mins)


    Like / Dislike this video here.


  • "It's Absolutely All About the Money"


    UK Column (Brian, Alex and Debi) meets Jacqui Deevoy...

    Topic: NHS, care pathways, midazolam-morphine and others, "euthanasia" - or murder as Jacqui rightly remarks.

    How does she cope with such stories? How rare are they? (Not nearly rare enough)

    This is a UK Column "extra time" (ie: less formal) discussion that whilst normally restricted to UK Column members is exceptionally being made available for unrestricted access.

    (10 minutes)


    (Jacqui Deevoy's fundraiser is here and she has a show with 

  • We Will Have Total Disclosure For The Crimes Against Humanity


    We have been promised a turbulent autumn...  it doesn't come much more turbulent than this.

    Who is "the Donald"? On whose team has he been playing? On whose team is he now playing?

    If the "Deep State" has been trying to control both sides of the narrative (as is their normal practice), then who is the prime contender for the bogus "good guy" leadership?

    Are we so sure that there isn't one?

    And why was "the Donald" really so supportive of "the jabs"? He at least has some explaining to do.

    There are more questions that may be pertinent, but I'll leave it there for now. 

    I have neither knowledge nor even opinion at this stage - but I do think that we have been promised both "Revelation" and "anti-Christ" (and maybe more than one of both!).

    It's our task to discern the truth

  • A Bridge Too Far?


    Here we have it - a (full?) run-down of our modern scam world - legal, political, judicial, corporate, "charitable", and military - all carefully constructed over centuries.

    A vast interlocking network of conspiracies to enslave humanity and steal our wealth our labour and our future? Or a benign system of governance that has only our well-being and development at heart?

    Time prohibits me from a full assessment, but there's enough here to suggest that we could
