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Conspiracy Corner

  • Lies, "Treaties", and Whistleblowers


    Fraud vitiates everything.

    Dr Mike Yeadon reviews the evidence for fraud in connection with the Covid "Pandemic" and the WHO power-grab.

    Not much new here but "lest we forget".

    And in a world in which fraud at all levels will likely soon become apparent to even the most somnolent of citizens, we would probably do well to remember this legal maxim, especially if we are called upon to exercise our right to self-defence against fraudulent "authority".

    Fraud on a global scale against the global population by a global mafia masquerading as authorities of all kinds requires a global and legal response in self-defence.

  • Systematic Corruption?


    Richard Vobes investigates... the worst type of corruption.

    This needs to be investigated and heard in open court so that justice can be seen to be done. It is intolerable in a civilised society that such accusations can be left to fester unaddressed.

    (57 minutes)


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  • Mark Steele - Geordie Antidote to the Deep State?


    OK, it helps if you happen to be an expert in regional "English" (which I am not), but I just about managed to keep up with this one.

    Mark Steele of Save Us Now infamy, scourge of Gateshead Council, and electronic warfare expert who has forgotten nothing of his craft, shares his assessment of the current war of the Deep State vs the People with Ana Maria Mihalcea.

    Do give it a go, you are sure to learn something new from this presentation - once you get used to deciphering the Geordie.

    (65 minutes)



  • Parliament Debates Trends in Excess Deaths


    Dr John Campbell introduces, Andrew Bridgen MP hits it out of the park.

    (22 minutes)


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  • Neil Lays it Out


    Neil Oliver with another hard to hear monologue, asking many questions that will never be answered by any of the usual suspects.

    Pfizer, Cass, NHS... to name just a few.

    Have they no shame? 

    (19 minutes)


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  • The Storm is Upon Us


    Pascal Najadi interviewed on the current state of the unseen war.

    "This is our last Communication before The Current Wartime President and our Commander-in-Chief of the United States, Donald J. Trump addresses the world today April 15th 2024 as the Commander-in-Chief and Supreme Commander of the current and ongoing Global Defence War Earth Alliance."


    (78 minutes)



  • Fulford Report Monday 15 April 2024


    Drones, cruise missiles, and coke bottles?

    With the ICC in the Hague not playing ball with Israel, the conflict in Gaza entering the end-game, and Iran showing the temerity to answer back for Israel's attack on its diplomatic mission in Damascus, the media are in full-on propaganda mode today.

    One certainly gets the sense that things are not going Israel's way nearly as much as they would like.

    "This theater though, hides a very real war that is... heading for a climactic battle... "

    There is plenty this week to pique your interest.

    Modest subscription required.


  • "Greatest Military Demonstration in Modern History"


    George Galloway interviews Scott Ritter on Iran's recent response to Israel's attack on its diplomatic mission in Damascus.

    "Why announce it five hours in advance?"

    (20 minutes)


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    Alternative View... from Greg Mannarino.

    Sounds about right.


  • The Cass Review - Portent of Transanity?


    The Cass Review, as I need hardly remind everyone (!) is an "Independent review of gender identity services for children and young people".

    Quite why we old relics are excluded from gender identity services, or perhaps merely from the independent review, is unclear, but maybe lack of demand had something to do with it, even though that same lack of demand didn't seem to stop them including children and young people.

    Or maybe we old relics were too stuck in our ways to be manipulated into having ourselves so hideously reassigned, we may never know. Surely more research is needed?

    Anyway, the review may not have turned out too favourably for the woke crowd, for whom nothing as traditional as the concept of a man and woman getting together to create a family and further the human race independently of state control, can be left unchallenged and

  • Messages From Japan and Helsinki


    (9 minutes)

    A Message from Japan to the World by Aussie17

    Delivered by Prof Masayasu Inoue, Professor Emeritus of Osaka City University Medical School.

    Read on Substack
    Dr Asseem Malhotra has also been testifying about the Covid scam in Helsinki.
    Read his testimony
  • The Fight Against Climate Change Moves Up a Notch


    Safety Warning: Please don your tin-foil hat to protect your sanity before reading on.

    In order to protect the world from "Global Warming" (that according to the "overwhelming consensus of climate scientists" is certainly caused by us releasing CO2 into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels), it turns out that spraying chemtrails into the atmosphere is being done in order to reduce global warming by blocking the sunlight...

    And what the heck has Bill Gates got to do with any of this anyway? Perhaps he's working on a new quaxxine to protect against the cold once we can't see the sun anymore and we are not allowed to burn anything that creates CO2?

    (20 minutes)



  • Who Is "TV Licensing"?


    Yes, it's Martin Geddes vs. whomever is "TV Licensing", which appears to be a simple question that ought to be perfectly simple to determine. The fact that it isn't is cause for serious concern  (given that it probably affects the majority of households in the land) but not apparently to all legal beagles of the justice system.

    Martin now brings us up to date on the status of his case for payment by "TV Licensing" under his legal contract to provide them with correspondence services of which they have availed themselves. Yes, it's a case of who the heck is "TV Licensing" anyway, if anybody?

    Martin brings us up to date.


  • Dial M for Midazolam


    Whilst reminding ourselves of the trials of lockdowns, behind the scenes some believe that worse horrors were being perpetrated.

    "At 6pm on February 25th, the UK Column livestreamed an eye-opening and thought-provoking symposium on the systematic use of Midazolam and morphine to end the lives of patients"

    It's your viewpoint that counts.

    (2 hrs 39 mins)



  • Time Flies, But Remember Lockdowns


    We all know that our memories fade over time, and most of us are probably only too happy to forget the lockdown idiocies (not to mention turmoil) that swept the nation, and indeed much of the world, in 2020.

    Yet if we so blithely discard our recollection of these restrictions, how will we be protected against such extremes in the future? Or could we simply rely upon the official Covid Inquiry to fill the gap?

    Surely the events of 2020 should be in effect a vaccination of the population that protects us from ever permitting such nonsense to recur in the future? No It wasn't exactly safe, but if nobody remembers, thenit will not be effective either.

    An important observation I suspect.

  • Tavistock


    An ancient stannary town in Devon, home of the cream tea...  or something else?

    Mark Devlin spills the beans...   but beware, the rabbit hole runs very deep indeed.


    (82 minutes)


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  • NHS - The Face of Fascism to Come


    Ben Rubin explains "our" NHS, for those who haven't quite realised what has been going on for many years - under governments past and present of all stripes.

    Now we know exactly why the only "cure" for the NHS which is ever promoted by politicians is to spend more money on it. (Are we looking forward to our general election later this year?)

    So where does all this money go?

    And is money laundering the only problem, or is there more... ?

    (39 minutes)

    Delingpod Revisited

  • The Day of the Eclipse - Fulford Report - 8 April 2024


    There must be not a few subscribers wishing that this eclipse took place yesterday and we might know a bit more of the aftermath for this report!

    "There can be no doubt this eclipse is not an ordinary event. It passes over seven towns called Nineveh, a Babylonian city mentioned in the bible as the center of sin and depravity. It also passes through seven towns called Salem, known in the bible as the dwelling place of god"

    Only in America!

    There is still a lot going on, and "it ain't over until the fat lady sings"!

    Modest subscription required.


  • Oregon Redefines the War on Farmers


    Rule 1 - heap up the regulations

    Rule 2 - make them as complex as possible

    Rule 3 - wage lawfare

    Something similar coming to the UK soon I don't doubt.

    (21 minutes)


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    Go figure.


  • Nuclear - The Inevitable Confrontation?


    One thing which it would appear we can all agree on - even if subliminally - we cannot trust our politicians. The old joke about "how do we know when a politician is lying?" and the fact that we deem it necessary to elect them anew every 5 years speaks volumes.

    Add on top the events of recent years when many previously accepted "truths" were abruptly stood on their head, and we were implicitly told to forget them, simply put this notion of trust squarely centre stage for us all to see.

    So with the Green New Deal floundering in a dearth of rare earths, and impossible mining requirements, yet many still believing the CO2 catastrophe nonsense, and Zionists the world over seemingly bent on more war...  nuclear, both as weapons, and as a source of power that might actually provide an opportunity to close the green delusion power gap, seems destined to take centre stage once more.

    But (leaving aside the weapons!) is nuclear as safe as it's cracked

  • Down the Rabbit Hole to .. the Vedas and Great Tartary!


    Readers unfamiliar with our "Down the Rabbit Hole" series may like to view some of the earlier articles here, starting with nbr 1. Many may consider these propositions extreme, but the question is, can they be disproved?

    Could they be possible, and if so, what would be the implications? 

    If the implications would be trivial, then who cares? But if they would be earth-shaking, perhaps we should take note.

    That said, the ancient writings such as the Bible certainly do exist, and some have been translated.

    "Today we are living in a... time of awakening. It is called the morning of Swaroga and it has been happening since 2012"
