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Deep Dives

  • SitRep America


    Mike Steger reviews the current state of America (and the world).

    LaRouchePAC really do need to better presenters, but what they say is more important than how they say it.

    Notwithstanding, if you feel like skipping the introduction (first 9 minutes), then you know what to do.

    Where America goes go we also...

    (34 minutes)



  • The Lair of the Beast


    This site has noted the extent of the modern British Empire before... but that concentrated mainly on the financial empire, and that didn't go nearly far enough.

    A bit later (mid 2021) we reported speculation about what the future might bring post-Covid, and that wasn't far out either, but nonetheless still painted an incomplete picture.

    30 months on and we now have LaRouchePAC setting out the globalist control mechanism, centred on the UK, the City of London, from whence post WW2 the state of Israel was manipulated into being. This in association with the UK-US "special relationship" set up the foundation for US Wars on Terror, the Zionist conspiracy that now faces a major, possibly final, crunch as the world rejects the thrusts to (a) eliminate Gaza, and (b)

  • This Should Upset the Apple Cart


    In the holiday spirit we continue with another article that a great many may find absurd, offensive, unnecessary, and so on.

    I'm not going to make any comment on any of that, but I do believe that there are many references in ancient literature (yes, including the Bible) that support Clif High's thesis here. It's not the proverbial "rocket science", but it does conflict squarely with the notion that the King James Bible is the unadulterated "Word of God". If you are firmly wedded to that notion and firmly resolved to treat any conflicting idea as the "work of the Devil", then I suggest that you skip this article. 

    If I am guided by evidence and logic, rather than the dogma of the "KJV immaculate", then logic says that between the original Bible texts being written and the KJV translation being completed, there was ample opportunity for the Devil to work his mischief (and/or for humanity

  • Fulford at Christmas 2023


    My apologies for taking Christmas Day off 🙂.

    It seems that Benjamin Fulford did not, so here we present his Christmas 2023 report for Monday 25th December.

    "... both China and the West (the rest of the world not so much) need to completely change their long, short and medium turn economic plans"

    "The victors in the war against the KM are now presenting plans that are astonishing in their scale and ambition"

    "Once the plans on how to accomplish this are worked out, the result will make the Cambrian explosion look like a champagne bubble by comparison"

    We stand on the threshold of a new age, a new era, a new eon perhaps.

    Buckle up. Do we trust any government that relies on coercion to take us into

  • "There's Some Strange Stuff Going On Here"


    So what "strange stuff" might be going in within the hallowed walls of Westminster Hall in Parliament?

    The long-awaited Parliamentary debate on e-Petition 635904 on the proposed WHO measures (including the so-called "Pandemic Treaty" and the changes to the International Health Regulations) took place yesterday Monday 18th December.

    We applaud Dr John Campbell for publishing selected speeches from this debate (which would otherwise be long and perhaps difficult to navigate - but there is a link below 🙂).

    If you ask me, these 3 speeches represent Parliament at its finest - concise, clear, and on point. Strange stuff indeed...

    1) Mr Philip Davies MP (Shipley)(10 minutes)



  • Dr David Bell Educates our NHS Employees


    I hesitated over the wording of this title - should I use "Employees" or "Public Servants"?

    The distinction matters, because the former are primarily there to obey their masters in the (not inconsiderable) hierarchy of control, and the latter are primarily there to serve the people who turn up requesting help.

    No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon” - Matthew 6:24

    Nor can you serve both the client and your employer unless their requirements are strictly aligned.

    We must each form our own opinion on whether that alignment exists within today's NHS (now subsumed within the

  • Scott Ritter Gives Us All an Education


    Starting with Israel v Hamas and the Middle East, moving on to Ukraine, Russia, and other issues, this is a broad sweep starting with an in-depth analysis of Israel v Hamas and moving on to other topics, including the EV market in China. Well, I guess somebody had to do it.

    (2 hrs 10 mins) 


    Like / Dislike this video here.


  • Deep State Unveiled in Digestible Video Clips


    Tavistock, Deep State, the Cabal... whatever we want to call it - what is it?

    It's complicated, but for those who don't want to wade through hours-long presentations, this Swedish group has put together a slew of individual sessions each exploring a limited aspect of the whole.

    And it's in English! What's not to like?

    Episode 1- What is the Deep State?


    Episode 2: There is a company called Ericsson

    Modern History Explained?


    The Tavistock conspiracy theory isn't new, but some think it is closely interwoven into the fabric of the last century...

    Is it true? If you can stand the awful and intrusive (yes I'm showing my age here) tinkly muzak which "graces" this video, watch and make up your own mind...

    (18 minutes)



  • Will AI Rule the World?


    So what is it with AI? Will it rule the world?

    What are its limitations?

    Will it take my job?

    Well, maybe it depends...

    Maybe it won't do my job any time soon, but listen up, and form your own conclusions.


  • This is Not Financial Advice


    With faith in the world's financial systems (and the bankers in control of it all) possibly approaching a long-time low, the much-speculated financial crash is thought by many to be incoming, sooner or later.

    Obviously these days, money in the shape of currency is what makes the world go round. Any widespread disappearance of the purchasing power that it represents would be catastrophic for consumers, producers, retailers, farmers and everybody else (even if some of the more cynical may expect the bankers to look after both themselves and their politicians).

    So as the smallest cogs in the monetary system, the ordinary people, may be wise to consider how they might guard against the eventuality of a serious financial crash. The supermarkets and world supply chains are obviously also thinking about it, but they have other financial tools available to them and are outside scope of this article.

    Personally this interviewee strikes me as quite impressive and

  • "The Great NHS Heist"


    The NHS is lauded by many as our "national treasure" - much like the BBC really - and set up for ostensibly laudable reasons. Who would not want competent but expensive medical treatment free at the point of use?

    But did the NHS deliver?

    Well, here we are in 2023 and those on waiting lists may feel that promise rapidly receding over the future horizon.

    How far has the rot set in?

    "... it saddled the NHS with a toxic burden of debt... "

    Ah, debt... the cause of all modern ills it would seem. Who created that debt?

    "... the Health and Social Care Act... in effect in law abolished the NHS... removed the duty of the Secretary of State to provide health care" (see also the

  • A Tall Tale of Abuse of Power?


    Martin Geddes (yes, him again) expands the scope of his reporting, this time to relate a depressing story of power withheld, and indeed justice withheld.

    We have been following his battles over the TV licence fee and the supposed obligation to pay Council Tax, but this is a new twist; although I guess we shouldn't be surprised that there are other allegedly legal obligations that are conflicted in similar manner.

    Happily he hasn't sought to take on this battle himself, but reports on another's quest to maintain power supply to his home with a supplier of his choice.

    "It is a genuine scandal, and forms part of a much bigger scandal of how power companies treat us like serfs and ignore the law with impunity"

    "This is the critical point: NONE of these entities had any power to act whatsoever"

    I can't imagine that any major power company

  • Just Another Conspiracy Theory - Pay No Attention


    Like it or not, the US of A is still a force to be reckoned with, if only because of the myriad international connections that it has over recent centuries forged, for good or for ill, all around the globe, not least under Trump.

    Unlike the British, who since the "end of Empire" have been seen as a bunch of losers to be subsumed into the Empire of the EU by any means possible.

    LaRouchePAC have added to today's uncertain geopolitical climate with the bold assertion that in fact much of the activities of the American leadership (excluding Trump) have been directed from... wait for it... London.

    That if true would certainly give the lie to the notion that the UK lacks influence these days. Perhaps it counts as the UK's oft-vaunted "soft power"? Of course, just like America, the UK is not a monolithic entity but a wide collection of factions

  • The Science from NZ - for Those Still Baffled


    This presentation is from a whistle-blower in New Zealand.

    This interview starts with an emotional overload that, whilst understandable, doesn't add any information - to be cruelly practical, if you skip the first 8 minutes you will still catch all the important information.

    It puts the notion of excess deaths into perspective, all supported by the government's own data.

    (64 minutes)



  • It's Baffling - But Maybe Not Quite What You Think


    Ever been had?

    If you're looking for something but cannot find it... maybe you'e looking in the wrong place?

    (73 minutes)

    Watch here.

  • Are We Ready for Hypernovelty?


    Sarah Westall interviews Clif High, covering a great deal of ground in three parts.

    Parts 1 and 2 are freely available and linked below, part 3 is for subscribers to Sarah's paid substack. It's up to you whether you want to take out that subscription (although there is the 7 day free trial if you want it).

    This is a fascinating interview, not to be missed, not for the faint of heart, nor for the irreparably religious... and even the religious may wish to know what the others are foretelling.

    If you want a glimpse into what we may be in for over the next few years, I know (in my misguided opinion) of no better guide than Clif High, and Sarah asks all the right questions.

    Each video starts with a snippet from the interview to whet your appetite (which makes it seem a bit disjointed until you realise what's going on) followed by the message from her sponsor(s) (we all have to make a living) followed by the

  • Are we Subjects of a System of Subinfeudation?


    Martin Geddes asks how our system of government became corrupt, and notes how that corrupt system was legally ended with the execution of King Charles I. You may argue that what followed was no better, but that doesn't invalidate the legal principle, it merely describes the result at the time.

    Martin then enlightens us about an Act of Parliament passed in 1649, which may open a whole new can of worms...

    In the mention of this he states:

    "So 'we the people' are sovereign, and act as principal, delegating this sovereignty to government, our agent"

    Well, not as I understand it, although this does bring out another aspect of the corruption of our constitutional arrangements: Government and Parliament are emphatically not the same thing.

    Under the separation of powers, Parliament proposes legislation which is then

  • The Illusion of Reality


    At grave risk of alienating around 90% of my readership...

    ... today we explore what may (or may not) be the true nature of our earthly reality.

    Certainly in a world in which our mainstream media are adept at misrepresenting reality in order to sway our thinking in directions that our puppeteers wish us to support, reality has been shown in recent years to be elusive.

    It's a bit tricky to navigate this topic because it's so difficult (likely impossible) to prove what the true nature of reality may actually be, so ultimately we may have no way to decide one way or another... but perhaps that is the ultimate challenge?

    However we do have a (possibly "the") master "conspiracy theorist" to guide us in our quest, so all is not lost, it merely requires an adjustment to the controls of our mindset. Don't forget, if it all becomes too much, simply hit the STOP button and move on to the next article in our

  • Scott Ritter - on Israel and Everything


    Two videos featuring Scott today...

    Scott on Israel (hold on to your hat!) This is going to be very unpopular in official circles.

    Scott on Israel plus everything else - Zionism, American exceptionalism, free speech, Elon Musk / X, Scott Ritter's safety, and much more besides.

    Scott is one of those people with whom one may not always agree, but one does recognise that he is usually very well informed and he exhibits exceptional clarity of thought and presentation - and yes, sometimes he unhappily does get a bit overheated. Nobody's perfect.

    There is over two hours worth of material here, so choose how much you want to watch.

    First up: Scott on Israel vs Hamas, where lies the moral high ground, how is the Middle East reacting, how is the world reacting. If you are easily disturbed by forcefully presented views on Israel, you may take offence at this, but
