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Deep Dives

  • Storm Incoming?


    These last years have opened our eyes to the fact that our governments do not work for us, they work for the globalists. Who runs the globalists? There are articles elsewhere on this site that may give us some thoughts about that, but for current purposes it doesn't really matter.

    What does matter is breaking their hold over us.

    It seems that the time is near.

    Mark Sexton and others have been instrumental in assembling the evidence of wrong-doing in the UK, and submitting it to the Metropolitan Police and other police forces around the country (Crime nbr 6029679/21).

    Others have also

  • You Will Know Them by Their Fruits


    Matthew 7:15-20

    My worst subjects at school were history and geography. So I'm not a historian and cannot claim any historical insight for myself.

    Nevertheless I received a Christian upbringing for which I am grateful - I find the teachings of Christ as recorded in the Bible to be relevant practical and sensible. As for the rest of it, I retain my right to suspect that over the long course of history, translation, and "interpretation", "mistakes" will have been incorporated.

    When we review the long history of European Christianity we can see that it has been an unending power struggle, complete with religious wars and the persecution and burning of heretics who displeased the various religious authorities, and foremost amongst the latter we must rank the Vatican. These persecutions were not the fruits of Christ's teachings,



    This is one of those terms that has been sculling around for some time without many people paying much attention or gathering much understanding. Will currency be gold-backed? Are debts going to be forgiven? If so, how and why? 

    Often associated with its big brother GESARA - the difference being simply that N is for National and G is for Global.

    So if you want to know more (and I recommend it, as its probably coming down the tracks as fast or faster than CBDCs) then this set of videos from 2021 (when we were otherwise distracted) is for you.

    If you aren't a fan of "the Donald" then brace to suspend your disbelief for a short while... if you want to get ahead, follow the money!

    This is an American viewpoint, but the principles are relevant to Global GESARA as well. I'm thinking that NESARA will be introduced in the US first, with the rest of the world following shortly afterwards.


  • Central Banks Digital Currency - Control Central for Your Finances


    Don't take it from me - take it from the spokesperson for the Bank of International Settlements (BIS).

    It seems that they have ambitions to control not just international settlements, but your settlement with your grocer, or any other vendor that you may "choose" to patronise. From the sublime to the ridiculous, it's all in a day's work for the Central Banks...

    Learn the "secrets" of the Bank of Japan, the ECB, and... CBDCs.

    Prof Richard Werner explains to Ivor Cummins - watch right to the end:

    (69 minutes)


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    Here's "the Science" on Electric Cars


    In summary, don't.

    That's all you need to know (but don't forget the fire risk from exploding lithium-ion batteries) about the green transition.

    To make appreciable emissions savings over the life of an electric vehicle is next to impossible by many estimates - and those estimates may be optimistic. Does it really make sense to spend money retooling the entire automotive industry (money that may well not be costed into these estimates) on this basis, for a transition that may well turn out to be unfeasible due to the specific resource constraints?

    Still, if you need more convincing, Matt Ridley writing for the Daily Mail

  • How Deep is This Sh*t We Are In?


    "The systems for all of this are already in place... this time it will not end"

    The WEF-UN partnership is now infamous for its outlandish plans to control the world, right down to the level of the individual,even down to monitoring our bodily functions. Controlling our spending capability via CBDCs, and thus controlling our lives, would be child's-play to them. Linking us up as Cyborgs to their AI hive mind ("enhancing" our thinking) will follow.




    Plausibly - it may not be perfect yet but why would that stop

  • GWPF Dr Benny Peiser Down Under


    A calm discussion comparing the status of energy provision in Australia with the state that pertains in the UK and Europe.

    The discussion may be calm but the upcoming consequences of the current political trajectories may be a very long way from calm.

    The northern hemisphere has been subjected to what we might call accelerated shock in terms of energy supply (due to the sanctions in support of the Ukraine) which has had some effect in concentrating minds.

    "... they are telling the armed forces to decarbonise... "

    How are matters likely to unfold in the future?

    As usual, the issue is dominated by the politics, but might the market respond and save the day?

    Maybe not, but perhaps we can buy our energy from overseas ... ?

    This doesn't seem to be about to end well any

  • Climate Emergency - Someone Else's Problem?


    At last - somebody who has crunched the numbers on what it will take to achieve all the legal targets that have been set world-wide to keep "global warming" within the magical 1.5oC, even assuming that that's what we need to do.

    Can it be done?

    "Current renewable energy systems generally have a lower Energy Returned on Energy Invested ratios (ERoEI) than current fossil fuel-based systems. They may not be productive enough to replace fossil fuels.  As such, they may not be the energy foundation for the next industrial era, but a steppingstone to some other kind of energy generation system not yet identified"

    How can we do it?

    "This is actually a mining problem"

    "There is no other source for those metals"

    "The idea of being managed from a central point is almost never going to

  • A Masterclass on How We got Here


    I never had the time or inclination to delve into the intricacies of communist-socialist-fascist-neo-con internecine warfare, but after reading this magnum opus I have come to a better understanding of the words "dialectic" and "cybernetics". I'm not sure that this makes me a wiser person, but it highlights the tendency of elites everywhere to invent a jargon that only the initiates understand, and thereby keeps everyone else out of the loop.

    Canadian historian Matt Ehret is a veritable walking encyclopedia of historical knowledge and yet somehow seems to remain a well-grounded human person, a feat that I suspect eluded most of the characters whose progress he has studied.

    In this article he takes us on a ride through about the last 150 years right up to Prigozhin's recent

  • Free Speech in the Right Frame of Mind and Place


    Do we believe in "free speech"?

    Well, James Delingpole is brave enough to say that "it depends".

    And I think he's right.

    Free speech in the right circumstances is very beneficial if it helps others to formulate their own views.

    In the wrong circumstances it muddies the waters, confuses the listener, and and may even promote the madness of crowds...

    I also think that "free speech" doesn't include deliberate falsehoods half-truths omissions or incitement to criminality. To be useful it has to be honest peaceful and unthreatening.

    Which introduces another problem - who is to judge this "honesty"? Rhetoric can be used for good or for ill, to inform or to confuse or to mislead. Caveat

  • WTC7 - No Plane-Strike, So Why the Collapse?


    World Trade Centre - 9/11 2001 - Two aircraft strikes (allegedly) - Three buildings collapsed.


    (38 minutes)


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  • The UN Coming to a Council Near You?


    Sandi Adams of Glastonbury Council fame, interviewed by Brian Gerrish of UK Column, explains her view of current developments (some might say undevelopments) which appear locally but which seem to emanate (via various obscure routes) from UN Agenda 2030.

    Whilst Agenda 2030 is discussed at UN level, or even at national level, Joe Citizen doesn't take much notice, but when it comes into Joe's own backyard he sits up and takes notice. 

    And it is now coming into our backyards everywhere.

    The countryside's farmers are going to be replaced by countryside management - but management on behalf of whom? One thing seems for sure, it won't be for those who actually live on the land.

    (68 minutes)


  • WW3 Has Been Televised for Years


    We just didn't know it.

    Nor did we know that we were in the front line.

    Covid was a psy-op?

    Just the most recent in a long long line... 

    "This change has been witnessed around the world"

    "The absurdity and stupidity is what causes you to disengage with caring about your government - this is intentional"

    "... the fourth unelected branch of government... "

    If you think this only applies to the US, think again. The US-UK "special relationship" is/was indeed special, and preferably not explicit. 

    Now we find that all of NATO is involved, and the UN, and the WEF... but perhaps that last was an overreach too far.


  • A Message


    It has been said that we attract what we broadcast, that our thoughts alone affect the world around us. If so, then we clearly need to be careful - thoughts lead to words and actions, words and actions lead to consequences - but thoughts alone also reinforce habitual patterns and thus also lead to consequences.

    Our lives are lived largely by habit - we all have our daily routine that we have found by past experience and (limited) experiment to work (at least satisfactorily) for us. If we had to rethink our daily routine from scratch every day, we would never get past breakfast!

    But how often do we experiment further with our routine to see if we could improve it some more, maybe in ways we couldn't have previously imagined? What if we ate fruit instead of flakes for example? Or used coconut oil in our coffee in place of pasteurised-homogenised-skimmed milk? Or skipped breakfast on Fridays? The possibilities are endless but the rewards in terms of health might be significant?


  • Confused? You Will Be ...


    Sometimes, in trying to make sense of this weird world, we do well to step back, and just let our thoughts wander.

    Let Ole Dammegard be your guide...

    Long, but fascinating.

    Not for the temporally challenged!

    (91 minutes)



  • Climate Catastrophe Unchained


    Dane Wiggington has been pointing up the assertions of the so-called "Chem-trails" being sprayed in our skies for years, the assumption being that this is associated with the climate change nonsense so beloved of the UN agencies and WEF.

    Maria Zeee now unearths some documentation relating to some of this madness - from an official website of a US Government agency, the NOAA.

    "As part of Public Law 92-205 (1972), all non-Federal weather modification activities must be reported to the U.S. Secretary of Commerce, via the NOAA Weather Program Office"

    ... from which we may infer that additional unreported federal weather modification activities will also in all likelihood exist...

    Apparently all in the name of solar radiation management - for the next 200 years. Assuming we last that long.

    "No Environmental Impact Statements

  • An Academic Experience of Propaganda


    An American academic taking a dispassionate view of propaganda?

    Greg Hunter (USA Watchdog) may not be our idea of a dispassionate interviewer, but his interviewee today is a very cool dispassionate and level-headed and indeed persuasive academic who (in my view) talks a great deal of good sense.

    You couldn't make it up, but he didn't have to...

    Of course, it could all be a gross inversion of the truth - it's your judgement that counts.

    (67 minutes) 


  • The Fulford Review - Wednesday


    Benjamin reviews the current state of the world for Patriot Underground on Bitchute.

    "The US is under attack, there's no doubt about it"

    Is anything what it seems?

    As always, make up your own mind.

    (50 minutes)



  • Motivational Globalist Socialist Video


    It was never about our health, it was about training us into unthinking compliance.

    Literally unthinkable compliance.

    Absolutely real.

    Only we the people of humanity stand in their way, but humanity has no place in their globalist future.

    It's not just about America, it's about the world.

    Whether or not we agree with all the ideas expressed herein, I suspect that we can agree with the notion that the world faces a fork in the road. A choice ultimately between the route toward top-down control by the self-appointed few, and the route toward bottom-up control by and for the many.

    "What does it mean to master the future?"

    (101 minutes)