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Deep Dives

  • Macgregor on Tucker


    Nothing much new here, but a wide-ranging review on a prestigious show.

    Forward as required.

    (52 minutes)

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  • So You Think You Know Your AI?


    AI has become a bit of a bogeyman, used to scare us all into thinking that we will soon be thrown on the scrap-heap of history when our jobs are taken by automation/artificial intelligence.

    Is there any truth to this suggestion?

    Or is it all a wild over-hyping that will fizzle out in the cold light of reality?

    What is "intelligence" anyway?

    Does it differ from wisdom?

    What will we do if/when the mundane is covered by automation and we don't need "the daily round, the common task" in order to survive? The answer will depend upon who garners the fruits of its labours - will they be reserved for the elite of the WEF-UN partnership

  • The Covid Gateway to the 4th Industrial Revolution


    Frontline Doctors is another grouping of medics who actually practise medicine and who have been countering the mainstream narrative on Covid - uncovering some unimaginable facts which even diehard "conspiracy theorists" hadn't thought to dream up.

    "The CIA is absolutely behind the advancement of these genetic vaccines... We’ve had a depopulation agenda in the US since the 1970’s – The whole storyline about depopulation is real"

    "We need criminal investigations in every state where the vaccines were advanced and that includes every state in the United States" (Funny that - I was saying the very

  • "This was a Fraud Against 'We the People' "


    Russel J Gould, "World Postmaster General", would reform our understanding of the decidedly arcane history of the rules of commerce, of flags, and of the bankruptcy of the United States of America (was there ever a time when the USA was not bankrupt?!).

    Fascinating stuff and not to be lightly dismissed, as much history seems to be interwoven within these threads.

    Does this point to a new beginning following the current global crisis?

    I still don't believe that I am qualified to answer that question, but somewhere along the way there do seem to be implications that must be unravelled. Should we just sweep it all away and reinvent from scratch? Probably (in my view) safer to start from where we are with somebody who actually seems to understand the principles and legal niceties that must be accommodated if further strife down the road is to be

  • UK Column Meets Jemma Cooper


    Brian Gerrish swaps notes with ex-BBC journalist on the strange state of UK journalism.

    "Fortune favours the brave"

    "We need to see if you're one of us"

    "... the merging of man and machine... were not far off that... "

    Slightly incestuously perhaps, one journalist interviewing another. The trouble is that is they are both talking from a similar perspective, so it's a bit of an agreement-fest. Nonetheless it's a very interesting conversation that brings out those triggers in life that provoke severe change of direction. 

    (67 minutes)



  • A Short History of the Deep State in the USA


    Oklahoma bombing, JFK, CIA, FBI, LBJ, 9/11, "and much more"...

    Ted Gunderson, law enforcement officer, private investigator, righteous sleuth, spills the beans... 

    ... and there's a LOT of beans.

    "... my dog likes you, I like you... "

    "... this is a spiritual war... "

    This is a repost of an original video. Watch it all.

    (55 minutes)



  • Where Are Gilbert and Sullivan When We Need Them?


    This tale of dastardly deeds and piratical purposes cries out for that good old-fashioned operatical treatment that was so well-received (and effective) in times of yore.

    Are there no budding composers and librettists who can step forward to fill this yawning gap in our modern pantheon of raucous pop and discordant noise?

    Plot? "Plot" you say? You want a plot?

    Is there a shortage of plots?!

    Perhaps we only have to look in the right place, and we will find a veritable cornucopia of plots!

    But maybe we can help out today with a neatly packaged, scumbag filled, byzantine assemblage of legal twists, important actors, nefarious motivations, occult collusions and yes, that vital lowly hero who selflessly stands against the impossible odds, determined to secure the eventual inevitable triumph of light and love over venality, subterfuge, and darkness - simply because it

  • IPCC Report AR6 Taken to Task


    CLINTEL (Climate Intelligence - an independent foundation in the fields of climate change and climate policy to generate understanding of the causes / effects of climate change and the effects of climate policy) bring us their studious assessment of the recent AR6 report from the IPCC.

    They have written (download) to Professor Dr. Hoesung Lee, Chair of the IPCC, to express their specific criticisms, concluding:

    "We regrettably conclude that the IPCC has failed to follow this advice and the AR6 exhibits the same flaws as before, namely biased selection of evidence, failure to reflect genuine controversies and failure to give due consideration to properly documented alternative views"

    Strong stuff.


  • Down the Rabbit Hole - into a Deep Fake World


    (New readers may like to check out the other articles in our "Down the Rabbit Hole" series, where we look at out-of-the-usual issues that many dismiss as absurd, but which seem remarkably resilient and are not easily disproved - forewarned is forearmed!)

    This starts off talking about cloning... but it's not just about clones, it's about all aspects of the deep fakery that may or may not be infiltrating our senses in these days of revelation of uncomfortable truths.

    We don't have to believe it all - but it would seem to be wise to at least recognise the possibilities...

    Viewers are warned that this is not all easy viewing. Either move on elsewhere, or...

    ... keep calm and carry on.

    (2 hours 39

  • CO2 Masterclass



    Dr Patrick Moore, "Dr. Patrick Moore - Co-Founder and former President of Greenpeace, Director of the CO2 Coalition, Senior Fellow of The Heartland Institute, and author of 'Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom' "

    In this video he brings a much-needed historical perspective to global temperatures, CO2 levels, polar bears, ocean temperatures, carboniferous deposits on the ocean floor, and the way in which humanity may (or may not) have been responsible for saving the planet from a disastrous CO2 famine.

    Not to mention the Great Barrier Reef... the Great Pacific Garbage Patch... etc etc


    (81 minutes)


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  • Financial Meltdown Incoming?


    This is a bit long and rambling, but never mind the shouty presentation (yes, they are American), but look at the facts presented.

    You won't find the substance of this on the BBC until it's all over.

    "... the Gold Token cannot be attacked if it's not a currency... "

    "... we're seeing Zimbabwe lead the way..." 

    "... a BRICS dumping ground for treasury bonds... "

    "... it means we're not going to be able to bring in imports ... "

    "... we're going to be in the midst of a Central Bank Digital Currency war... or stand-off, very soon... "

    "... it's not Klaus Schwab, it's King Charles... "

    "... 23 individual US States that have applied for BRICS membership...

  • A Load of Hot Air?


    What's up with the wind farms?

    Why does our power now cost an unaffordable arm and leg?

    Our modern industrial civilisation depends absolutely on a ready supply of affordable energy.

    Ah, but "climate change"! We must "save the planet"! We must build wind farms and solar panels instead of burning "fossil" fuels!

    Well, we've been building wind farms and installing solar panels seemingly for decades and to what net result?

    Why do all these wind farms not provide enough power? Have they made any impact upon the need for fossil fuels?

    With all these economical windmills working heroically night and day (when the wind blows), why have our power bills gone through the roof?

    Did those dreadful Russians take them all out?

    Or could it

  • Ukraine War is a Psy-Op


    Scott Ritter again explaining why Zelensky is pursuing an unwinnable conflict in the face of "certain defeat".

    To me, he makes more sense than most. 

    Once again, ignore the title - it's misinformation about the content (depending on interpretation of course).

    (24 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.


  • Quantum Computing Explained?


    As a "computer scientist" I was taught to think bits bytes registers and code at a time when a computer needed quite a large air-conditioned room to itself, not to mention various peripheral units (card readers, paper tape readers, magnetic tape drives, printers) scattered around it in their own large cabinets, all connected by equally large underfloor cables, and requiring constant attention from an operator to load the right instruction programs and the correct data tapes on the right drives at the right time.

    In fact, it was a time when the "operating system" had yet to be invented and the operator had to preset the "read a punched card" instruction into the program register, and the first card read had to contain the first (machine code) instructions to be executed. This was known a bootstrapping.

    As time went on the next machines introduced the idea of an operating system (although it wasn't called that until later) whereby the small "executive program" sat permanently in the machine and the

  • The Bidens According to Tucker


    Whatever you think of American politics, Tucker Carlson is, since he left them, reportedly more popular than Fox News, which must tell us something.

    Here he spills the beans on Hunter and Joe Biden and their supposedly completely above-board 'commercial' activities, as only Tucker can.

    (65 minutes)



  • When is mRNA not mRNA?


    I suppose I naïvely thought that all the possible permutations and combinations of Covid possibilities had been explored by now, but it turns out I may be wrong.

    Only logic, based on evidence and sound assumptions, will expose the truth eventually. Yes, we are finding that all assumptions, both explicit and implicit, must be identified and tested.

    In this case, the assumptions about "lipid nano-particles" "mRNA" and the "spike protein".

    Don't get too alarmed by this content - after all, if you are still upright, still functioning, and still curious,  this strongly suggests that your immune system is taking care of you, whatever the truth of the assertions herein presented.

    (76 minutes)



  • mRNA Results ... of Injection of Women and Mothers-to-be


    "... we exposed the most vulnerable to new risks that outweighed by far the original pandemic risks"

    "Today, more and more [results] of coronavirus measures pop up in our official statistics but few are interested to know"

    This is something that we should all know, as it strikes at the heart of humanity's future.

    Read the report.

    Watch the video:

    (56 minutes)



  • How to Approach our Spiritual Journey


    It's been a helter-skelter few years which have posed spiritual challenges both unfamiliar and enormous - but maybe not actually complicated.

    Unless you are one of those who rejects the very concept of spirituality. If so, just consider the simple logic - if we work together we are obviously more productive and powerful than if we fight each other. 

    To work together we must reach genuine agreement, which requires the free flow of ideas and true information. To avoid the fighting we must agree to stick to peaceful discourse.

    Everybody has the equipment between their ears to understand these points, but for whatever reason we are not all willing to make the deductions that follow on from them.

    This is a useful ramble around the psychology of these situations, and it challenges us all to face up to the realities.

    As individuals working separately we are not going to

  • Clif High Reports - Summer Immediacy


    This is an audio report (with pretty but unrelated pictures) which I deduce is 2023 and very topical.

    It's a bit technical, but bear with it.

    August incoming - keep up your situational awareness, prime it by listening to this recording.

    "... they can't have you talking about [this]... "

    "... they can't go back... "

    "... this is going to be a very very very entertaining late summer, fall and early winter... "

    (28 minutes)


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  • Five Eyes, NATO, & Chinese Election Interference


    Anybody that thinks they know they know their post-WW2 history may need to review this.

    Matt, a Canadian historian, has made a study of this period that paints a very different picture to that to which most of us may be accustomed.

    As so often, the secret services MI6, CIA, CSIS feature heavily...

    Sadly this Canadian presentation is heavy on the overbearing background muzak, but Matt is extremely knowlegeable and always (in my view) worth listening to.

    (25 minutes)