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Deep Dives

  • The True Voice of the Left: Yanis Varoufakis


    One of a very few people who are always worth listening to (especially when you disagree with them), Yanis is committed to "the left" rather than to those who merely profess to be of "the left". He isn't committed to just any "left", he is steadfastly committed to his "left", a right-thinking "left" (if that isn't an oxymoron) that is uncompromisingly founded on evidence, logic, and the benefit of the people.

    And Yanis certainly isn't afraid to do his own thinking - I suspect he found out years ago that he couldn't trust anyone to do his thinking for him - but he also explains himself clearly, coherently, and with conviction. 

    (70 minutes)


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  • Beyond the Israel Gaza Conflict


    Stopping the war is clearly paramount, but is only the first step into a post-conflict future.

    If such a future could be painted, maybe the gains to be made would be seen to be more attractive than the losses that both sides currently face. It could hardly be otherwise - we are inevitably stronger when we cooperate to mutual benefit, than when we waste our time and resources trying to overcome each other.

    It's not rocket-science, but the most intractable obstacle standing in the way is inevitably the current lack of trust, and this should be where the external international powers are able to contribute their efforts. Perhaps Israel / Palestine should become an altogether demilitarised zone? Even that however would probably not be enough; until the external international powers themselves stop stoking the rhetoric of distrust and conflict, it's hard to see how the local protagonists can lead the way to a trustful solution.

    This presentation is somewhat

  • Yanis Varoufakis Updates Us on Matters Political and Economical


    One-time Greek Finance Minister (who took on the EU for a proper banking bail-out and was betrayed by his own prime minister), author of very readable economics books, who cut his political teeth on the UK Miners' Strikes under Margaret Thatcher, Yanis Varoufakis does his own analytical thinking and isn't afraid to share his results with the world - or as many as are prepared to listen to him.

    Here he turns his attention to how the "City of London" operates to secure its profits (and shed its losses) whilst becoming an ever-growing part of UK GDP (as measured b officialdom).

    "It's a massive gambling extravaganza where all the profits go to the financiers, and all the losses go to you"

    (54 minutes)



  • Colonel Macgregor Gives us the History Lesson that Putin Omitted


    There's so much in this interview that we are all sure to learn something new, to learn more about the historical events that brought us to where we find ourselves today, and how (but not why) we seem determined to keep digging despite the size of the hole that we are already in. The "why" is a seriously large omission that lies at the heart of current events and future direction.

    A tour de force.

    (42 minutes)


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  • Organised Crime Revealed in Plain Sight?


    A very hard-hitting, hard to watch report from UK Column covering chapter and verse of the Covid "pandemic" vaccines trials, and subsequent approvals under Emergency Use Authorisation by the MHRA.

    "The FoIA request was eventually granted by court order through the PHMPT's attorney, Aaron Siri. The judge in the matter required the FDA to release all 451,000 pages of information over eight months, despite the FDA planning to retain the data for 75 years"

    Yes, there's a lot of detail here but in summary form (phew!), all based on documented results from many thousands of volunteers for the original Pfizer and Moderna vaccine trials.

    It's a long presentation at a little over one hour, but keep going because the final summary of how the "outbreak" went all the way from "we've got a

  • This is War - But Not as We Imagined It


    To some extent we have covered this before...

    ... but it's always good to see others putting out the same message.

    Pascal Najadi joins the AJ Roberts Show to explain the truth that nobody will believe - that WW3 has been waged for some years and is (hopefully, allegedly) now coming to a close in 2024.

    That's not to say that it's over, or that there won't be a great deal of sweeping up to do in 2024/5 and onward, but maybe the active stage is over (or will be closed shortly) (whatever that may mean). 

    "The Law of War Manual of the United States Military is in force"

    "If you don't now read what we disclose then you will have a hard time to get to grips with what is soon coming to surface... "

    Tucker Explains the State of the United States


    If you watched the Putin interview, then what you got primarily was Vladimir Putin. That was as it should be.

    So to redress the balance, this is Tucker Carlson, absolutely nailing today's zeitgeist.

    Classic Tucker.

    (25 minutes)


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  • The Tucker Putin Interview


    The much anticipated interview is here.

    President Putin delivers a two hour interchange with Tucker, which includes a potted history lesson of the last centuries, plus the more recent history which has brought us to where we are today.

    (2 hrs 7 mins)



    strictly for conspiracy theorists only...

    Jean Claude (from Beyond Mystic) discusses the interview with Janine - whether or not we believe in tarot cards, this does raise some hugely important points which if

  • Down the Rabbit Hole ... with The President


    Readers unfamiliar with our "Down the Rabbit Hole" series may like to view some of the earlier articles here, starting with nbr 1. Many may consider these propositions extreme, but the question is, can they be disproved? Could they be possible, and if so, what would be the implications? 

    If the implications would be trivial, then who cares? But if they would be earth-shaking, perhaps we should take note.

    OK - today's article definitely qualifies for the "Conspiracy theory" title, but Swiss lawyer Pascal Najadi, who took the Covid "vaccine" gene therapy and has since been on a nightmare journey of discovery, along the way

  • Down the Rabbit Hole to ... Tartary!


    Readers unfamiliar with our "Down the Rabbit Hole" series may like to view some of the earlier articles here, starting with nbr 1. Many may consider these propositions extreme, but the question is, can they be disproved? Could they be possible, and if so, what would be the implications? 

    If the implications would be trivial, then who cares? But if they would be earth-shaking, perhaps we should take note.

    That said, today we take the plunge into an area that we have probably all heard about, but never seriously considered. Yet if we have heard about it already, from whence did that notion arise? And why are we so unclear about the substantive details?

    And could this topic just maybe have relevance to our current situation vis à

  • No Such Thing as Green Steel?


    The closure of the blast furnaces at Port Talbot has caused the usual ruckus from those who value home-based steel-making. They make good points, but steel-making doesn't exist in a vacuum, it exists in an energy market.

    Our energy market has been (rightly or wrongly) severely skewed over many years by the closure of coal mines and what is euphemistically but inaccurately (in my view) termed the Green Energy agenda.

    (Call me old-fashioned, but any agenda that seeks to restrict the (currently tiny) amount of the primary plant-growing gas in the atmosphere cannot be regarded as "green")

    Now coal has well-known undesirable features and I doubt that anybody seriously wants to go down the mines again to hack it, so it's not as straightforward as reverting to coal-fired power plants, but nuclear is certainly an option, as is gas (if we could abandon our obsession with the Russians being the devil incarnate and rebuild/build a pipeline). Windmills are simply

  • Sergei Lavrov - Whither the Ukraine Conflict?


    If you would defeat your enemy - or make peace - first understand your enemy.

    Sergei Lavrov explains Russia's current position to the UN Security Council.

    First the short version:

    (31 minutes)


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    The full report of the same:

    (2 hrs 7 mins)


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  • Another Kennedy Conspiracy Theory


    It's been a while since I decided that nothing would faze me any more, but this is maybe a worthwhile use of your time, since we have no real idea how things are going to turn out - except that events in America may determine events around the world. Who knows how the Joe Biden pretendency is going ultimately to pan out?

    Yes it's a conspiracy theory, but well presented by somebody who has clearly spent a great deal of time on researching it.

    And yes, the truth can be stranger than fiction...

    (90 minutes)



  • Letter from Sweden


  • A Tale of a US Lawsuit


    Dr Shiva Ayyadurai relates the story of his lawsuit against Twitter (as it was then) for censoring him at the behest of the US government.

    There's a lot going on here, but it does illustrate the lengths that "the establishment" goes to in order to cover their tracks.

    "... all these guys are part of one collective network of elites... "

    "... this is classical limited hangout... " 

    "... Elon Musk still has a backdoor portal to Twitter open ! "

    "... they do not want us to build a bottom-up movement because that is the only way we will be able to shatter the swarm... "

    " Here's what's going on at a much more devious level, that's why we have to waken to this... "

    There's a great deal of good sense, good information, and

  • Zombieland


    This is a sober but heart-stopping review of the state of America (but not limited to America) induced, laid bare, by the Covid pseudo-pandemic.

    (If you think it was a real pandemic, then you're maybe on the wrong web-site)

    How could so many fall for such a huge hoax, a hoax that really didn't require very much investigation to detect the anomalies and downright falsities upon which it depended?

    If I knew it, why didn't you? To ask that is neither to score a point nor to criticise, but it's a question that needs an answer if we are not to fall for the future hoaxes that are almost certainly being lined up for us.

    "I just want to take a moment to note how profoundly strange and unprecedented this all is"

    "Fertility has collapsed in this country as the clot shots impact fertility, change menstrual cycles, and cause miscarriages. Yet the National

  • South Africa's Case Against Israel


    Here we have the documented case against the state of Israel, which has been accused of breaching the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

    The International Court of Justice in the Hague has scheduled a first hearing on 11th/12th January.

    The presenter outlines a long litany of death and destruction which most civilised people may probably agree do amount to genocide.

    Whether such destruction is warranted may be confused in the public mind by all manner of considerations, but the legal position is clear - the crime of genocide is never warranted, no matter the provocation.

    It's easy to get emotional about such events, but the legal case must be determined in accordance with the transgressions of the
