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Great Reset

  • Colonel Macgregor Gives us the History Lesson that Putin Omitted


    There's so much in this interview that we are all sure to learn something new, to learn more about the historical events that brought us to where we find ourselves today, and how (but not why) we seem determined to keep digging despite the size of the hole that we are already in. The "why" is a seriously large omission that lies at the heart of current events and future direction.

    A tour de force.

    (42 minutes)


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  • Government by Regulatory Pyramid


    This is not party-political (in the sense of one political party competing against another).

    It is party-political in the sense that the concept of "the political party" has been and is still weaponised against the demos in order to invert the official relationship - so that the people become the servants of the government rather than vice versa.

    It is the case that most recent Acts of Parliament already give ministers the power to vary or remove existing clauses and insert new clauses without necessarily having to submit their suggestions for debate in Parliament. It is sufficient to publish the proposals to MPs, who need to demand a debate within a short time frame in order to get one. Since MPs are busy people who don't necessarily want to "rock the boat", these changes may well be allowed through without debate.

    Technically therefore such Acts of Parliament may be very significantly updated, without effective scrutiny, since ministers may make use of

  • A Battle Won, the War Continues


    The EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, in response to blockades by farmers all around Europe, has lifted some of the planned restrictions sufficiently to persuade the farmers that they have won enough, and can get off her doorstep and back to farming.

    But what has really changed? 

    "... the European Commission offered some concessions to the agricultural sector — but said it will not scale back its plan to cut 90% of greenhouse gas emissions by 2040..."

    To achieve that, the death by a thousand cuts will need to continue, until the farmers are too weak to mount such protests again (Heaven knows how much the farmers had to spend on time and diesel to mount this one).

    They need to use the upcoming elections to ensure that the usual suspects are removed from the EU parliament in June, but given that their authorities may not be above rigging such elections, that may be easier said than done.

  • The Shape of Global Leadership


    Jacob NordandGård guides us through the G7, G20, BRICS, WEF, BIS, IMF, UN, WHO...

    It's a long video at a little over two hours, but it's a (weasel word alert!) "complex" topic.

    "Crisis creates opportunity" so perhaps it's no surprise that we have a long sequence of crises that must be overcome by those who would rule the world. Clearly they are indispensable!

    So put the kettle on, make yourself comfy, and settle down for a relaxed session that lays bare the way that the elite are pulling the strings of puppetry around the world via these important global groupings. Just don't nod off or you won't know if you missed something important...

    (2 hrs 23 miins)



  • The Shape of C40 London to Come?


    Whilst we are on the mundane topic of traffic tribunals...

    ... we rise up to take a birds-eye view of the likely course of future city interventions, courtesy of Laura Dodsworth.

    It's not a vista conducive to wanting to move into the great metropolis of tomorrow in the same way that people moved into the metropolis of my youth - attracted by the bright lights, good times, funky clothing (yes, I did have a pair of flared trousers... though never drainpipes), and the sense of "happening". It was mostly myth of course and it didn't take me long to move away, housing becoming insanely expensive and traffic ridiculous. 

    Although that last bit is still true today, the dull compliance with all things rules-and-regulations that is required these days probably doesn't compete with the "happenings" of yesteryear. It is all going in the wrong direction, from bottom-up freedom to top-down one-size-fits-all coercion. Don't enter the hatched area, drive the right

  • Promethean Action - καιρός Global Review


    Formerly LaRouchePAC, they have rebranded (the last refuge of a dying operation?) as Promethean Action. I'm not sure whether that will improve their fan-base or finally consign them to blessed oblivion, but they do talk sense, and in a rather old-fashioned and intellectual manner that I find quite acceptable, even rather quaint in this modern no-holds-barred in-your-face age. Of course some of their presenters are better than others!

    I do wish though that they would pay more attention to the format and manner of presentation - their style must be one of the most off-putting on the net. 

    I have timed this video to start after the rather long intro... on the grounds that it doesn't add much of significance, is rather long, isn't very engaging, and you can watch from the start if you want to (and read the article) by clicking the link above. 

    This is a useful and wide-ranging

  • Talky Tice Wants to Discuss "The Future"


    Dear Richard, the debate has already been had and successive Governments have committed to reduce immigration "to the tens of thousands".

    Just do it.

    A new "national conversation" to kick the whole topic away into the long grass of political chicanery is premature.

    Is there any point in talking with politicians who demonstrate clear intent to break that promise? Should we not now demanddelivery on that promise before any further talk?

    Is Richard showing his true colours - controlled opposition?

    It's your decision.

    (9 minutes)

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  • "War Is the Goal"


    Neil Oliver:

    "War is the goal of the governments of the west"

    (11 minutes)


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  • The Pact for the Future!


    Yes you've guessed it - this is another UN initiative to bring more levers of power within its grasp.

    Duck dive or weave, there will be no escape if you live on planet Earth.

    All for our safety and enjoyment of course.

    "... this year’s Summit of the Future... will be held September 22–23 at the United Nations headquarters in New York"

    To "take action to safeguard the future for present and coming generations"

    "We are at a moment of acute global peril" etc - you get the drift.

    Jacob Nordangård comments.


  • Why Should We British Worry About German Politics?


    Our newspapers and media stations don't report on what they don't see as relevant, but German politics, like seemingly all nations' politics these days, is apparently controlled by the WEF-UN "partnership". It is very similar to British politics, in as much as the political classes are all parroting the Climate Change propaganda as though they unquestioningly believe it. Diversity is good, except for diversity of opinion, and especially diversity of politics.

    It's a religion, or perhaps more accurately the biggest cult we have ever encountered, whereby the cult leaders brainwash everybody to believe (and obey) their leadership unquestioningly, and heretics (those who do ask awkward questions) are not tolerated. They have the cheek to call this new form of politics "democracy". "Autocracy" might be closer to the truth.

    Germany is the stand-out example of a leadership that brooks no opposition and ...

  • The Green Revolution Exposed as Not Even Hot Air


    "The racket at the heart of wind power is even worse than we thought"

    The Nick and Nigel Show delves into the latest revelation from Bloomberg - we pay when the wind blows, we pay for base load power for when it doesn't, we pay when they turn them off because the wind blows too hard or the demand is too low. We assume all the risk, the wind farms assume all the money.

    How much? Well, it depends on the assumptions... and guess which party the assumptions turn out to benefit?

    (17 minutes)


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  • Lahaina - 5 Months on


    If anyone doubts that the USA government is pulling out all the stops for the displaced of Lahaina, this report should clarify the matter.

    Nick Sotor reports from Maui for Redacted:

    (12 minutes)


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  • Will Legislation Overcome the Laws of Nature?


    It's a silly question really - the laws of Nature are "immutable", at least as far as human beings are concerned.

    So perhaps the government really have set themselves up for an epic fail, even by their own abysmal standards of creating projects that don't work and/or don't come in on time and within budget (yes, such things are possible given reasonable project planning and management that respects the laws of Nature).

    The question of course, given that the Government is (at least in its own thinking) all powerful, how much damage it will wreak to the nation and to the population in its attempt to support the unstoppable legislation when it meets the immovable object of the laws of Nature?

    And in fact it's much worse than that - it's not just one Government that is hell-bent on this disastrous course, it is pretty much all (largely western) governments, all besotted by the pronouncements of the UN-WEF partnership and their various unaccountable

  • Government by Knee-Jerk


    The UK government appears to be operating in the fantasy land of its own propaganda, where regardless of the facts on the ground, the government always knows best.

    Examples of which we all have personal experience:

    "Our" NHS - otherwise known as the bottomless pit into which the governing classes are compelled by their own rhetoric to pour ever-increasing amounts of money simply because they can't think of any other "solution". Of course there is always a new reason for this (they were "underfunded", they were "inefficient and should be privatised", they were "inefficient and should be nationalised" "its a pandemic!" etc).

    The railways - see above

    Transport for London - see above

    Of perhaps more significance for our future is their fantasy of global domination, as illustrated by today's headline in the Telegraph:

    You Are a Beneficial Owner - What Could Possible Go Wrong?


    When is an owner not an owner?

    It's a relevant question in these fraught financial times.

    If the banking system goes belly up (and who would bet against it?) what do we get left with?

    Do we own the stocks and bonds in our pension schemes?

    Do our pension funds own the stocks and bonds held within their schemes?

    The world runs on faith in our financial systems, but are these systems worthy of our trust?

    "... the customers assets are taken without the knowledge of the customers, transported... free of payment... used by somebody else and put at risk... "

    "... a derivative is a financial contract written about the behaviour of something else... "

    "... you are 'not exposed' to the failure of a counterparty

  • It's the WEF Jim, But Not as We Know It


    A very unexpected speech at last week's WEF in Davos, a speech that took on all their false doctrines head on.

    It takes a while to get going, but it is certainly a massive (and welcome) break from their tradition.

    "... in power not to guide sheep, but to awaken lions"

    What could be further from their intention?

    (Brought to us by yet another YouTuber of whom we have likely never previously heard, who nevertheless sets the scene pretty well)

    (12 minutes)


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  • The Greatest Deception Ever Told?


    It's obviously impossible to verify most of this story, but if even half of it is true...

    You may need to pause it, run at reduced speed (they sped most of it up to reduce the run-time), and take notes. There are far too many linkages to remember in detail, but you can buy the book (published 2017, so you may only need to note down matters post Brexit)!

    This connects so many events and happenings of the last twenty years (and more) that it merits attention. You may need to reconsider everything you thought you knew.

    We did actually cover Boyd Anderson's story already in 2021 (2 hrs 4 mins), but it's too good a tale to let lie, and more

  • NATO Planning for War with Russia


    It's now the talk of the town - the only question seems to be how long before battle commences outside of the Ukraine.

    Suddenly everybody seems to have "hypersonic" missiles and they are not afraid to use them.

    So how will the UK, having run down its forces over many years, not to mention sending all available spare kit and munitions to Kiev (and quite possibly Israel), propose to catch up with a Russia that has been planning to repel any NATO "aggression" for many years, and has already been on a war footing for around two years? 

    We keep being told that Russia isn't going to stop at annexing Ukraine, and that the rest of Europe will be next. In point of fact Russia has shown remarkable restraint in staying behind the Dnieper river and not pushing on to take Kiev... so far. It has also

  • Has the WEF Reformed?


    Watching the Javier Milei presentation of all the reasons why the free enterprise system always trumps socialism for the well-being of the people, one may be tempted to wonder about where the WEF sits today on the spectrum, given that they have been proposing a system of technocratic control over everybody in order to "save the planet" for some years. On the face of it, Javier's presentation doesn't fit the narrative.

    Or does it?

    Given that the theme for this year's gathering is to "Rebuild Trust" (an admission of defeat in itself?), Javier certainly tones down the rhetoric.

    But in key respects he does not conflict with WEF plans:

    • He professes support for monopolies.

      The world's history of monopolies isn't supportive. The monopolistic