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Great Reset

  • We Can Never Have Enough Medication ...


    ... or perhaps more accurately, "enough industrial waste product", in this case from the manufacture of aluminium. It's dangerous and difficult to safely dispose of fluoride, so what better than to dilute it by adding it to our drinking water supplies "to protect our children's teeth"?

    And since it's not a regulated medication but an industrial waste product, perhaps it doesn't need "informed consent" and so forth? 

    UK Column reports.

    (58 minutes)



  • Local Councils ... Stooges of Central Government / UN-WEF


    "... policies that are affecting people now... the implementation of those policies is being done at a very local level... that is, the local councils... the policy has come straight down from the highest levels, UN, direct to local authorities... and then the local councils are enacting the policy without any real consultation with local people... "

    "... it's becoming worse and worse every day because they are developing the devolution which is the 'levelling up' we hear about... "

    "... they should be consulting with people which of course they are not... "

    Madeleine Hunt, when active in Poland's Solidarity movement, came to recognise the words, texts and procedures that formed both the visible and hidden doctrines of communism - and was shocked to detect that very same communist language and procedure at work within the United Kingdom's 

  • Fulford Report - Monday 25 March 2024


    Assuming that there will be an end-game (and that time only goes forwards) we would always be technically correct to say that "the end-game approaches". The fact that this journey is a great deal longer than many of us expected doesn't change that, although it does compel us to re-evaluate our assessment of both length of journey and progress so far.

    Given that NATO (both official and unofficial) seem hell-bent on continuously poking the bear until he reacts out of anger rather than premeditation, it is reasonable to suggest that the bear isn't going to volunteer for further poking without calling out those who are orchestrating the poking - and those who provide the hardware and expertise needed to do that poking are not difficult to identify.

    To suggest that that calling-out will at some point be issued in kind, is simply to anticipate the obvious - actions speak louder than words.

    "The Khazarian mafia is planning a holocaust or mass murder event

  • Disempowerment Enmity and Inversion


    For those behind the curve, DEI is one of several modish fads to afflict the body corporate these days - it officially stands for Diversity Equity and Inclusion, but in the way of all matters woke it is in practice too frequently implemented as the opposite, normally to the disadvantage of the white population.

    Google whistle-blower Zac Vorhies discusses AI with SGT Report, noting how it is being warped into wokery in absurdly obvious ways - when even Microsoft's Bing turns up better results, maybe it's seriously past time to change your search engine!

    Where will this lead? Independent people like Zac will create their own AI...  stand by for AI Wars incoming!

    (52 minutes)



  • World on the Brink?


    Regular readers will be familiar with the inimitable Ivor Cummins, who always seems to dive into the problems of the moment with precision.

    Today he gives free reign to Simon Hunt, who as well as being a relic of Empire also knows a thing or two about economics and geopolitics, which are in many ways two sides of the same coin.

    "... if the Fed instead of dropping rates, raises them, the market will be so shocked...inflation has not been defeated, and... the Fed knows it... "

    NB: We don't do financial advice on this site, so none of this should be so construed.

    (46 minutes)


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  • Catastrophic Confusion & Obsessive Covid Disorder


    It has taken 4 years to move from Obsessive Covid Disorder to a point where we may now perhaps indulge in some rational argument about what really happened in 2019-20, and how we might actually more sensibly work in the future.

    Leaving aside all the technical virological and counter-measures arguments, it is apparent that the situation management of early 2020 where "the science" met "the government" in a conflicting and fast-changing muddle of overthrown pandemic preparedness and panic (which saw much of the former somehow displaced by much of the latter), this contribution by the good folk at the Global Warming Policy Foundation is, if not completely timely, at least on target.

    What has Covid got to do with Global Warming? Both involve serious interaction between "government" and "science", so should be subject to a set ofcommon principles.

    The authors' primary contention is

  • How did we get from Freedom to Public-Private Dictatorship?


    It's been a long road travelled largely out of the headlines... perhaps because those who write the headlines didn't want to make any kind of big deal out of it.

    The truth is that even where we are today, if freedom of speech had been respected throughout then we probably wouldn't be so far down the road - but freedom of journalism (as opposed to freedom of speech) ie: the freedom to dig for the stories and have them published with appropriate fanfare, has been quietly withdrawn for many years now, without being reported. 

    After all, why would you publish negative stories about the outfits that provide your income?

    Today, at the dawn of the age of citizen journalism outside the reach of the big publishers, that has begun to be reversed, despite desperate attempts to discourage defund and shut down popular channels that publish the truth that the big boys don't like.

    Jeffrey Tucker, founder, author, and

  • A Spanner in the Greenworks?


    More from Net Zero Watch - or, to dig a little deeper, from the Royal Society, no less.

    They have uncovered a problem with the modelling of methods to deal with the intermittency of "renewables". Yes, it's odd that isn't it? But it's becoming almost routine rather than unprecedented to find problems with "the modelling" these days.

    I suspect that because modelling is (or can be) rather complex, the public has a tendency to consider it something that scientists do and it must therefore be "scientific" - but that is an error. It might reflect science if done well, or it might just reflect the prejudice and/or error of the modeller. And if the modeller is modelling something that isn't fully understood in the first place, well...  the result isn'tlikely to be very close to useful.

    In this case, they

  • Fulford Report Monday 11 March 2024


    The fakery continues, with nobody really able to distinguish true from false. 

    Is Benjamin himself real, or an AI fake? Who can say?

    And does he actually say whatever his contacts in the secret services / societies want him to tell us?

    None the less it's an interesting report this week, and the second time that residents of California may wish to take note...   and more training for the rest of us to differentiate "what is" from "what isn't".

    Modest subscription required.


  • The Religious Imperatives Behind the War in the Middle East


    The Gaza conflict is seen by many as intractable, but the source of that intractability is not necessarily prominent in our thinking.

    If we cannot understand it, then we will likely be blind-sided by developments. Stephen Gardner interviews Robert Spencer, "expert on Islam and Jihad".

    (NB since nobody these days seems to be truly independent of attachment to either side, as always we should take claims made here about this conflict with a pinch of salt - it's your viewpoint that counts)

    (24 minutes)


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  • But It's to Save the Planet!


    The CCC (the Government's Climate Change Committee) has a problem.

    It is legally obliged to solve an intractable issue.

    Nuclear takes too long to implement, "renewables" are too intermittent, and everything else creates CO2 which cannot be released. So what to do with it?

    Carbon capture is a safe political solution in so far as it has always been assumed that new technologies will be invented to solve the problem of sequestration. By extending this assumption, nobody need look too closely at the implications, so "job done" for today.

    However, time waits for neither man nor novel technologies, so the CCC has had to do a bit more assumption-wangling to make it look like it has some plausible solution that could solve this tricky situation.

    Essentially, by compressing this terrible CO2 to a sufficient degree, it can be pumped underground into

  • Posthumanism Fast Approaching ...


    Does anybody really understand AI?  Doubtful.

    Is AI really exemplified by the AI apps that have so far been released by the Googles and Microsofts of this world for the public to play with?  Very Doubtful.

    Are "they" really planning to build an internet of AI that can monitor and control, even generate,  everything we can see and everything we can upload, even (eventually) everything we can think? Tick.

    Isn't that insanely technically challenging and probably untestable?  Tick.

    And could it work?  Maybe, in parts...

    So it will take them for ever to get it to that point? Probably.

    So we have time...  Sorry, Nope.

    The truth is that it wouldn't matter to

  • WEF: Wildly Expensive Failure


    Definition of insanity: - keep doing the same thing and expecting different results.

    After innumerable years of government subsidy for developing "renewables" as a power source to replace "fossil" fuels, one might begin to understand that if we don't have progress now that "fossil" fuels are as expensive as they have been for many years (thanks to our benighted leaders' obsession with weakening Russia by all means possible) then it seems reasonable to suspect that "renewables" are not going to cut the mustard. Not now, not ever, certainly not any time soon.

    So since the convoluted strike price mechanism so clearly failed, the government is taking action to reprioritise fuels that workdouble down on renewables by increasing the subsidies. Evidently, despite telling us all

  • When Technocrats Sunk Their Claws Into President Donald Trump And He Rolled Over

  • Whither England?


    Encyclopedia Britannica does a fair job (in my humble opinion) of reviewing this sceptred isle - our ancient land of myths and legends too many to review here.

    We who still dwell here, some aghast at the changes being foisted upon us by an establishment apparently driven berserk by who knows what devilish intent, others keen to embrace the white-hot up-ending of previously established societal norms and balances, all now are confused about whither we are headed.

    Will we be scorched by climate change, devastated by nuclear war, driven insane by unending conventional war that will bleed us dry of children wealth

  • Colchester Council Learn About the Destruction of UK Farming


    Continuing on from Colchester Council - Starring on YouTube...

    (15 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.

    See also Speeches (and more) in Dropbox resources folder.


  • Timely Reminder - The NHS Really Was Overwhelmed by Covid!


    That the NHS was overwhelmed in early 2020 is, in my view, completely obvious.

    The question however is:

    Overwhelmed by what?

    By a novel and deadly virus...   or by a well-planned tsunami of authoritative propaganda that swept aside all doubts and reasonable concerns?

    It's for you to decide.


  • Summer Vacation? Choose Your Destination Carefully


    With the world psychosis ratcheting incrementally every week, the latest example of over-reach comes from the home of Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité - yes, the government of La Belle France has legislated for... well, watch for yourself.

    (11 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.


  • Yanis Varoufakis Updates Us on Matters Political and Economical


    One-time Greek Finance Minister (who took on the EU for a proper banking bail-out and was betrayed by his own prime minister), author of very readable economics books, who cut his political teeth on the UK Miners' Strikes under Margaret Thatcher, Yanis Varoufakis does his own analytical thinking and isn't afraid to share his results with the world - or as many as are prepared to listen to him.

    Here he turns his attention to how the "City of London" operates to secure its profits (and shed its losses) whilst becoming an ever-growing part of UK GDP (as measured b officialdom).

    "It's a massive gambling extravaganza where all the profits go to the financiers, and all the losses go to you"

    (54 minutes)

