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Great Reset

  • Hawaii - Tip of the Weather Warfare Spear?


    In the absence of a proper unbiased investigation into the causes and circumstances of the Maui conflagration, we have to make do with whatever reporting and speculation we can muster, and then it's up to each of us to draw whatever conclusions we feel most likely.

    My own feeling is that whilst the survival of much greenery interspersed between the burnt out houses and cars would seem to indicate the use of DEWs (directed energy weapons) to pin-point accuracy, there may well more than one factor at work, and it does appear that there was planned concerted action to (a) maximise the death and destruction (b) prevent the use of mitigation measures. Could weather warfare also be involved?

    Dane Wigington can present as a bit of a repetitive broken record, but he is probably one of the most knowledgeable on the possibilities, as he has been following the climate engineering stuff for years.

    With fires breaking out seemingly all over the western world, we

  • Part 28 - Climate Change - a Review of the Evidence


    Climate Catastrophe! 

    Lock up your daughters! There's too many humans on the planet already!

    We've all heard it for decades, so they've got it right, right?

    Well, only if you ignore the primary evidence - evidence of climate cycles (up and down), the CO2 relationship with planetary temperature change (not what you might think), not to mention the absolute need for CO2 to support vegetation without which all life on this planet would... die.

    Net Zero anybody?

    And of course the secondary evidence... that the IPCC's climate research is primarily funded by politicians and foundations that are all pushing the climate scare. Might that have something to do with it?

    Tellingly, they don't base their arguments on evidence - they base them on "models" - and we all know how good Neil Ferguson's Covid

  • So You Think You Know Your AI?


    AI has become a bit of a bogeyman, used to scare us all into thinking that we will soon be thrown on the scrap-heap of history when our jobs are taken by automation/artificial intelligence.

    Is there any truth to this suggestion?

    Or is it all a wild over-hyping that will fizzle out in the cold light of reality?

    What is "intelligence" anyway?

    Does it differ from wisdom?

    What will we do if/when the mundane is covered by automation and we don't need "the daily round, the common task" in order to survive? The answer will depend upon who garners the fruits of its labours - will they be reserved for the elite of the WEF-UN partnership

  • The Covid Gateway to the 4th Industrial Revolution


    Frontline Doctors is another grouping of medics who actually practise medicine and who have been countering the mainstream narrative on Covid - uncovering some unimaginable facts which even diehard "conspiracy theorists" hadn't thought to dream up.

    "The CIA is absolutely behind the advancement of these genetic vaccines... We’ve had a depopulation agenda in the US since the 1970’s – The whole storyline about depopulation is real"

    "We need criminal investigations in every state where the vaccines were advanced and that includes every state in the United States" (Funny that - I was saying the very

  • A Short History of the Deep State in the USA


    Oklahoma bombing, JFK, CIA, FBI, LBJ, 9/11, "and much more"...

    Ted Gunderson, law enforcement officer, private investigator, righteous sleuth, spills the beans... 

    ... and there's a LOT of beans.

    "... my dog likes you, I like you... "

    "... this is a spiritual war... "

    This is a repost of an original video. Watch it all.

    (55 minutes)



  • IPCC Report AR6 Taken to Task


    CLINTEL (Climate Intelligence - an independent foundation in the fields of climate change and climate policy to generate understanding of the causes / effects of climate change and the effects of climate policy) bring us their studious assessment of the recent AR6 report from the IPCC.

    They have written (download) to Professor Dr. Hoesung Lee, Chair of the IPCC, to express their specific criticisms, concluding:

    "We regrettably conclude that the IPCC has failed to follow this advice and the AR6 exhibits the same flaws as before, namely biased selection of evidence, failure to reflect genuine controversies and failure to give due consideration to properly documented alternative views"

    Strong stuff.


  • Down the Rabbit Hole - into a Deep Fake World


    (New readers may like to check out the other articles in our "Down the Rabbit Hole" series, where we look at out-of-the-usual issues that many dismiss as absurd, but which seem remarkably resilient and are not easily disproved - forewarned is forearmed!)

    This starts off talking about cloning... but it's not just about clones, it's about all aspects of the deep fakery that may or may not be infiltrating our senses in these days of revelation of uncomfortable truths.

    We don't have to believe it all - but it would seem to be wise to at least recognise the possibilities...

    Viewers are warned that this is not all easy viewing. Either move on elsewhere, or...

    ... keep calm and carry on.

    (2 hours 39

  • The Door to Global Control


    The United Nations isn't known for underestimating either its omniscience or its incredible management abilities to deliver whatever it deems necessary for the unfortunate peoples of the world - peoples that its sponsors seem to consider supernumerary - a gigantic overload on the capabilities of mother Earth to support them all.

    So its latest proposals to set up an "Emergency Platform" for taking world control by the scruff whenever any "Complex Global Shock" is deemed incoming is only the logical and sensible action to take, and no doubt grateful national leaders all around the world will happily endorse this proposal (a) because it's the easy thing to do and (b) because they prefer to listen to the charlatans at the UN than to their own populations.

    I note the weasel word "complex" snugly ensconced within the incoming verbiage.

    Meaning of "complex":

    "don't you worry your simple

  • Covid - the Undead Pandemic that Refuses to Die (in the Minds of "Regulators")


    Words fail.

    A new Covid "booster" jab - for children? 

    Children who by every known metric were never (even at the height of the "pandemic") at any serious risk from Covid are being invited - nay, "bribed" even - to take part in a trial for a new Covid "booster" that will certainly come with associated and probably serious "side effects". Only for the "unlucky few" of course.

    A "booster" that is only required because the original jab didn't provide the promised protection.

    Would you go back to eat in the same restaurant that served you a bad meal the first time?

    The White Rose takes this suggestion apart.

    Meanwhile Conservative MP

  • Debanking Supplants Debunking?


    Perhaps the debunking was becoming too hard, too ineffective?

    "... nearly one million accounts have been closed over the past four years...  this figure may be underestimating the true scale of account closures, given that it only reflects accounts closed over concerns of financial crimes, and therefore would not include cases... [where] bankers determined that he did “not align” with the bank’s values... "

    Read the Story.

    Watch the video:

    (4 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video

  • A Load of Hot Air?


    What's up with the wind farms?

    Why does our power now cost an unaffordable arm and leg?

    Our modern industrial civilisation depends absolutely on a ready supply of affordable energy.

    Ah, but "climate change"! We must "save the planet"! We must build wind farms and solar panels instead of burning "fossil" fuels!

    Well, we've been building wind farms and installing solar panels seemingly for decades and to what net result?

    Why do all these wind farms not provide enough power? Have they made any impact upon the need for fossil fuels?

    With all these economical windmills working heroically night and day (when the wind blows), why have our power bills gone through the roof?

    Did those dreadful Russians take them all out?

    Or could it

  • Boris as You May Once Have Voted for Him


    There is a theory that Boris was a bit of a maverick.

    A man who declined to conform to the political norms of the day, who may even have had the interests of his electors at heart.

    Whether any of that is true is impossible to know, but some kind souls have put together a reconstruction of the Boris that perhaps we thought we knew - until the Covid scare destroyed all reason and rational argument on a global scale - speaking in the belly of the Beast.

    His warnings on 5G, Smart Cities (and Smart everything else) were indeed relevant.

    Quite interesting to review what might have been...

    (With thanks to the Light Paper &

    Cell Phone Radiation Defiance


    The FCC's radiation safety guidelines are, some feel, well out of date and have failed to keep up with modern technology.

    The FCC's past chairman Tom Wheeler had this to say about the need for safety testing some years ago, and it seems that little if anything has changed since.

    The Defender (Children's Health Defence) reports on the latest prevarication / delay / failure to comply with a Court Order.

    We have reported on a

  • When is mRNA not mRNA?


    I suppose I naïvely thought that all the possible permutations and combinations of Covid possibilities had been explored by now, but it turns out I may be wrong.

    Only logic, based on evidence and sound assumptions, will expose the truth eventually. Yes, we are finding that all assumptions, both explicit and implicit, must be identified and tested.

    In this case, the assumptions about "lipid nano-particles" "mRNA" and the "spike protein".

    Don't get too alarmed by this content - after all, if you are still upright, still functioning, and still curious,  this strongly suggests that your immune system is taking care of you, whatever the truth of the assertions herein presented.

    (76 minutes)



  • Fulford Report (pre-written) - Monday 31 July 2023


    This week Ben offers us a rather startling list of all the many and various secret societies with which he has been in contact. 

    It's pre-written because he is currently on holiday.

    It is startling primarily in its length.

    Still, it's a big world, so maybe that's only to be expected, and in a world which we can now see has been run primarily by secret services / societies rather than the governments of the day, this is information of which we should be aware.

    Modest subscription required.


  • mRNA Results ... of Injection of Women and Mothers-to-be


    "... we exposed the most vulnerable to new risks that outweighed by far the original pandemic risks"

    "Today, more and more [results] of coronavirus measures pop up in our official statistics but few are interested to know"

    This is something that we should all know, as it strikes at the heart of humanity's future.

    Read the report.

    Watch the video:

    (56 minutes)



  • All You Never Wanted to Know About 5-6-7G Wireless Bands


    Featuring an all-star cast of technocrats:

    Prof Ian F. Akyildiz

    Prof Josep M Jornet

    Nanotechnology being used today to connect people's bodies to the internet of things

    Terahertz frequency band enabling Teranets

    Biological embedded computing devices (internet of bio-nano things)

    Covid jabs: "small-scale bio-nano machines to monitor all health" 

    All connected up via low earth orbit satellites, and yes, they benefit from geo-engineering...

    This is a crash course introducing the communications side of the incoming technocratic control grid - you may wish to halt the video and take snapshots of the diagrams.

    Keep Calm and Carry



    This is one of those terms that has been sculling around for some time without many people paying much attention or gathering much understanding. Will currency be gold-backed? Are debts going to be forgiven? If so, how and why? 

    Often associated with its big brother GESARA - the difference being simply that N is for National and G is for Global.

    So if you want to know more (and I recommend it, as its probably coming down the tracks as fast or faster than CBDCs) then this set of videos from 2021 (when we were otherwise distracted) is for you.

    If you aren't a fan of "the Donald" then brace to suspend your disbelief for a short while... if you want to get ahead, follow the money!

    This is an American viewpoint, but the principles are relevant to Global GESARA as well. I'm thinking that NESARA will be introduced in the US first, with the rest of the world following shortly afterwards.


  • Global Insanity Incoming?


    The WEF-UN partnership has become infamous for its gatherings at Davos wherein they talk about all kinds of far-fetched nonsense a long way from one's everyday life, and it's tempting for us feet-on-the-ground plebs to treat it as nonsense whilst we get on with our said everyday lives.

    Still, they are an exceptionally well-connected bunch, they have no concept of recognising democratically elected governments (except to "penetrate" them to work in the WEF-UN's own interests) and seemingly have all the money in the world to spend to bring their fantasies to fruition, fantasies that we are beginning to realise threaten our lives in countess ways.

    Stop World Control has done a neat job of pulling together the threads by which their power-grab will be accomplished, and a salutary presentation it is.

    "The billionaires who claim they want to save the planet, are the very ones who have been destroying it"

    Was Covid a Military Operation?


    The implications of that question are far-reaching indeed.

    If true, then the world we live in today is not the world we thought we lived in yesteryear.

    It implies that the military is running many countries world-wide, and not just in the USA. That the civilian governments are subservient to the military and not vice versa. That democracy across the world is a sham. That a "one-world" military is already here and already out of control.

    In fact I find it pretty hard to come to any other conclusion once all the evidence is taken into account.

    It also begs the question - just who does this military work for? 

    The Brownstone Institute,
