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  • Climate Chuckles of the Week


    The ever reliable Climate Discussion Nexus pokes much-deserved ridicule at the latest climate scare news peddlers, currently finding their beloved narrative crumbling beneath their feet and threatening to dump them into a whole ocean of the patiently waiting cold water of truth.

    And closer to home, even the Royal Society feels safe now to have pop at some of the more ludicrous climate predictions...

    In these fractious times we must take our entertainment where we can find it 😎.


  • While You Were Distracted ...


    Whilst we were looking to national government for national policy direction, maybe we failed to notice that in fact local councils have been implementing national, even global policy for some time.

    Glaring examples are "Climate Emergency",  and "15 minute cities", but there is more, a lot more.

    I guess we have all noted the vast building programmes for identikit new housing estates on land peripheral to existing conurbations, even to small villages, that seem to have sprung up overnight, to the point where conurbations are now merging into megurbations across large tracts of what was formerly countryside.

    Did we ask for this? 

    No, it's not accidental coincidence, it's national policy facilitated by national government, dictated globally but implemented locally.

    This video from Glastonbury three years ago:

    (1 hr 26

  • Great Green Implosion Incoming?


    First up, NetZeroWatch:

    "Campaign group Net Zero Watch says that the wind industry has effectively admitted that it has been deceiving the British public over the cost of the energy 'transition'. RWE Renewables has just told the Government that it needs its subsidy 'strike price' to rise by 70% if any more wind farms are to be built"

    Whilst this comes as no surprise to those of us who follow such matters, given the already accelerating price of power in the UK, it doesn't really take much imagination to see that this sort of price trajectory is in nobody's interests, nor is it slowing down. After so many years of subsidies to "kick-start" the green revolution, "renewables" are still unable to stand on their own feet. Will the

  • Two Hoaxes in One Article


    Climate "science" (as practised by the IPPC-UN-WEF and our political classes) must be one of the longest running and most pernicious scams ever, or if not ever, probably in my lifetime.

    It has recently been accompanied by a supporting cast of minor hoaxes - minor that is in comparison with the Big One, but pretty big in their own right, and first and foremost among these is undoubtedly the Covid.

    Neither of these scams take a great deal of work to understand, but those who are not of an enquiring mind, and/or are wont to believe the authorities and the "fiercely independent" press and media, all fall for them hook line and sinker - thus becoming singularly unwilling to consider that they may just possibly have been hornswoggled.

    The Climate scam is of course close to the perfect scam, in as much as climate science being possibly the most complex topic known to man is really not amenable to argument by the man in the street, because so many factors are

  • Colchester - Dialogue with the Deaf?


    It is noticeable that whatever anybody may say about the democratic process, our "elected representatives" all seem to spend more time following WEF-driven narratives than they do listening to their own residents.

    What business is it of any local council to even listen to the WEF? Come to that, what business is it of our parliamentarians to listen to the WEF WHO etc?

    Perhaps we need to learn to make ourselves heard and to remind our elected representatives of whom they are supposed to serve. 

    Colchester City Council appears to be a case in point, as demonstrated in this rather excellent little video:

    (15 minutes)


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  • Has Rishi Pricked the UK Green Fantasy Balloon?


    Rishi Sunak may have turned the greens purple with indignation at daring to row back on some minor part of the WEF-UN's beloved climate vendetta against carbon dioxide (and therefore against us), but does this hesitant move really signify a change of direction, or will he be overwhelmed by the furious response that he has just provoked?

    Nick and Nigel chew over the arguments.

    (17 minutes)


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  • The Great Global Warming - Fact or Swindle?


    This now somewhat ancient video reminds us just how long this controversy has been running (it aired first in 2007) - yet in its fundamentals it could have been released yesterday. The argument (if that's what it is) is still completely stuck in 2007, having made absolutely no progress one way or the other since then - we do have to ask ourselves - why?

    Maybe it isn't an argument at all. Maybe it's just an idiotic duel of the completely deaf.

    (73 minutes)



  • Climate Chuckles


    At grave risk of committing the cardinal sin of not taking life sufficiently seriously(and especially Climate Change - if that qualifies as life - it does seem to have some sort of undead indestructable quality of its own, although it may not be alive if it never manages to evolve to adapt to new circumstances), I offer this tongue-in-cheek review from CDN of the "science" that currently purports to "save the planet".

    Brickbats on a postcard please to the usual address.


  • Germany Passes its Own Energy - Dictatorial Powers - Law


    Once again, Britain is leading the way in Europe! No doubt the Germans were so impressed by the British Parliament's recent efforts that they have passed what sounds much like a carbon copy (sorry - not carbon, that's being zeroed) of the recent UK Energy Bill. Or did the UK borrow our Bill from them? Well, we are still good Europeans at heart are we not?

    Complete with heat pumps, mandatory renewables, all the usual impracticable nonsense that will leave the population cold, and its once unstoppable economic miracle - how to put this? - well, stopped. This promises to be as popular as a teetotaller at the Munich Oktoberfest. Speaking of which, I wonder when the good politicians of Germany (or the UK for that matter) will cotton on to how much CO2 is produced by the brewing industry...

    And after all, why would good Europeans need manufacturing industry when China / Far East does it all for us with plentiful coal power?

  • The Ideal Mine?


    This is new one on me, but is the Woodsmith Mine "the answer" to global warming, feeding humanity, and continuing civilisation?

    I don't know, but it's a brilliant PR piece that hits all the modish "hot buttons".

    And it's British (well, Anglo-American), so we'll probably find some way to make it illegal and close it down...

    (9 minutes)


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  • Is the Wind Industry Running Out of Wind?


    Net Zero Watch bring us the latest result of wind power generation auction, and it doesn't bode well.

    If wind is so cheap and plentiful, why are providers not queuing up to reap the profits?

    As ever, it's the subsidies that seem to be the problem. But if it's really so cheap and plentiful, why the need for subsidies?

    And if it still isn't cheap and plentiful after so many years of subsidies, it's a fair bet that it never will be.

    Will this circus ever end? Perhaps when the auctions finally run out of bidders?

    So what's the alternative? Send the link to your MP.


  • "Energy Bill", or "Energy - Dictatorial Powers - Bill"?


    Another critique of the Bill - this time from the Daily Sceptic. As you might expect, it's sceptical.

    The war is not between Left and Right, the war is between centralisation (empowerment of the few) and freedom (empowerment of the many).

    The Bill wants to impose the elite's favoured "solutions" upon the many, and it will as always end in disaster, because they never choose their "solutions" either wisely or appropriately. Despite having all the best advisers at their beck and call ready to advise them, their solutions are invariably political and one-size-fits-all because without that - well, I guess we have no need of them!

    They are behaving like zombies that cannot see or hear any conflicting evidence. Maybe we really do have no need of them.

    If we find our own solutions then we will quickly pick up on those whose solutions work best, and these solutions will be copied because they work

  • The Last Word on Climate Change?


    "If only!" I hear you cry.

    Nevertheless those who profess to know best and therefore feel no need to listen to anyone else are still plodding relentlessly on in their irrelevant unscientific way - though sadly not irrelevant to our future prosperity and comfort, possibly even to our survival (many more die from cold than from excess warmth).

    So who better to clearly and calmly summarise the salient facts as we know them than Ivor Cummins?

    (20 minutes)


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  • More on the Energy Bill


    David Kurten introduces us to the ramifications of the Energy Bill.

    The devil of course is in the detail - "energy smart regulations" will allow ministers to set up draconian energy rules and targets that everyone must comply with without ever going back to get authority from Parliament.

    This is dictatorship by statutory instrument. Including new fines and imprisonment for non-compliance. Without explicit parliamentary approval.

    Worth watching.

    (23 minutes)


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    Nigel Farage isn't impressed either...


  • Carbon Offsets are a Shell Game? No Longer!


    Shell Plc have faced reality.

    "Shell... has quietly shelved the world's largest corporate plan to develop carbon offsets"

    "Shell has struggled to find projects that meet its standards for quality"

    "The pullback reflects... an admission that the prior goals were simply unattainable"

    Well, at least they have chosen to admit the truth that others still seek to ignore.

    Will this start a trend? Or will the multiplicity of offset scams stubbornly endure in the face of reality? Would that not amount to misleading investors? With possible legal consequences that would be - shall we say - significant?

    Zero Hedge

  • Politico Comments on the Energy Bill


    The Energy Bill is due for more Parliamentary debate this month, allegedly.

    It's a complex beast, and apparently required in order for us to make up for the loss of EU legislation "following Brexit".

    Is it all about investment?

    A delay on the Energy Bill will have a massive ripple effect on the rest of the energy sector... Why would you invest in the U.K. when we don’t have an incentive package that matches the IRA [the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act] or EU’s Net Zero Industry Act, and now we don’t even have the legislation, maybe, to back it up?"

    So investment necessary to reach "net zero" might be imperilled?

    “The important reforms and measures it includes are needed more than ever after the energy crisis to help accelerate the energy

  • Bloomberg Pulling Sadiq's Strings in London?


    Why is Sadiq Khan railroading his "clean air" agenda through in London?

    London is the only (as far as I know) C40 city in the UK, so far.

    "C40 is a global network of nearly 100 mayors of the world’s leading cities that are united in action to confront the climate crisis"

    Of course London is a major world city - the WEF's C40 project could hardly be considered credible without it, so they have their puppet in place as mayor (but did he campaign for election as the "WEF stooge" offering C40 City status?). 

    No matter - he has powerful backing from non other than Michael R Bloomberg (no doubt intervening to champion the interests of

  • From Inside the Belly of he Beast


    Former London banker Alexander Pohl explains his journey of awakening - from wide-eyed ingenu to old hand who knows how the system is worked to the benefit of the unscrupulous.

    "... there's a lot of dark stuff in these companies' supply chains... it's all about money... "

    He tried to escape - but found that the system was following him...

    "... then I was left with Sweden"

    (92 minutes)

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  • Who Funds the "Fact Checkers"?


    The assertions presented here will probably come as no surprise to many, but it's good to see the financial trail behind those who would judge truth from narrative (or should that be narrative from truth?) that leads back to all the usual suspects.

    OK. it's from Australia, but one can bet one's bottom pound/dollar/shekel/yuan/zloty etc that it's the same globalists up to the same shenanigans the world over.

    Rebel News reports.

    (17 minutes)


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  • Lahaina Maui Destruction Revisited


    Sasha Latypova (of Pfizer investigatory fame) turns her attention to the strange selectivity of the destructionon the island of Maui.

    "What’s unique about this is the infrastructure of this town is intact. The gov buildings are fine, all roadways are fine and usable. Bridges are intact. The water treatment plant on top of the hill adjacent to school (east end of Lahaina) is fine. School is intact. The substation and solar farm next to school are intact"

    In fact, all the local authority infrastructure seems to have somehow escaped the unstoppable inferno that totally destroyed all the private property.
