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  • How the Hell Do we Get to NetZero - And if we Can't?


    Some logical analysis of the evidence, from the redoubtable Nick Hubble (for whom I have the greatest respect) of Fortune and Freedom.

    It's not just the green/not green argument - it's how we do it, and the truly silly thing is that nobody seems to have come up with a feasible plan.

    Sadly, being silly has never been a bar to political promotion (some might even think that being both gullible and plausible is a primary qualification for an ambitious politician), so we can't just say that we won't believe it because it's too preposterous.

    We choose what we believe for better or for worse, and what we think and what we believe influences others, so it behoves each of us individually to choose very carefully when the stakes are as high as this. Going with the flow is no safeguard against the idiocy of our politicians.

    Policy comes into it, so does civil unrest, so does consent, so does timing, so does economics,

  • A Happy Earth is a Prosperous Green Earth!


    As ever, those who would rule the world, together with their dupes and accomplices, have it exactly backwards - the way to green the Earth is through more CO2 not less!

    We know this from satellite photos, and the totally dismal record of failure of the predicted climate apocalypses that somehow never materialised.

    NetZero Watch celebrates 52 years of never getting it right, both for our entertainment, and for the necessary instruction of those who haven't been around that long but have suffered the indoctrination offered by our out-of-control education system.

    Was learning ever this much fun?


  • A Telling Question ...


    This is a quicky - you only need to take in the first few minutes to get he drift (and it's only six minutes in all!).

    (6 minutes)


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  • Richard Vobes Investigates High Conspiracy


    Dane has been investigating climate engineering for seemingly ever.

    Dane plus Richard provide a very level-headed conversation - Dane does have a tendency (in my view) to come across as a zealot rather than a unbiased scientist - but if we listen to what he says, a little zealotry is understandable.

    Richard is the perfect foil for his tendency to an excess of emotion.

    "Climate engineering... is about power and control - period"

    "These are patented processes - we have these patents at geoengineeringwatch.org, we are not guessing"

    (47 minutes)


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  • The Great Global Warming Theatre


    Or, as the bard didn't say:

    "If Warming be the means to power, drone on - give them excess of it, that surfeiting, the people may weary, and so comply".

    Whether you appreciate my doggerel or not, this con has been fought for many a year, as evidenced by this informative video from 2015.

    Eight years on, it's time to listen.

    Unless of course you put implicit trust in that unaccountable club of oligarchs, the WEF.

    (73 minutes)


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  • Net Zero Subsidies? Don't be Silly!


    Given that the windmills and solar panels have been supported by subsidies for many years whilst they got established, one might be forgiven for thinking that if they still need subsidies to be competitive then matters are not working out as expected, and it is now time for a serious "drains up" review of where it all went wrong.

    But governments time and again have demonstrated that there is no limit to which they will not stretch the actualité in pursuit of their favoured projects, no matter how much money they have to extract from our pockets in order to do so. The green delusion is no different. 

    NetZero Watch is on the case as always, speaking truth unto deaf power, and pointing out that the reformed power pricing and tax mechanisms devised by "our" government to keep the whole tottering power supply functioning - despite the manifest destabilisation inherent in the chosen "green" methods of generation - will hit the poorest the hardest (whilst doing nothing to reduce the fundamental need for gas

  • Net Zero Clamp-Down Coming?


    So the UN's IPCC is stepping out into the fray once more, stating that:

    "An 80% global reduction in CO2 emissions is needed to limit warming to 1.5°C", 

    and quick off the mark, our doughty civil servants have

    "modelled a way to reach the target by 2042" including a "50% reduction in meat and dairy consumption, a 15% cut in air passenger levels compared with pre-pandemic levels, and the widespread acceptance of heat pumps in homes"

    not to mention the ever popular Low Traffic Neighbourhoods, insect-burgers, and fluoridation schemes to keep us all owning nothing and happy as Larry.

    And of course no mention that as the UK's emissions are already insignificant compared with the ever-growing emissions of India and China (to name but two), the whole exercise is completely pointless even on its own terms.


  • Problem - Reaction - Solution



    Andrew Bridgen MP addresses an empty House:

    (24 minutes)


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    Reaction - Solution

    Richard Vobes ruminates on the latest situation:

    (21 minutes)


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  • A Light-Hearted Look at a Serious Topic


    Richard Vobes runs the gamut of presentational styles in a seamless skip around the many follies of Climate Change which I would defy anybody to rehearse!

    You may guess from the title that his approach is distinctly old-school!

    (18 minutes)


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  • Greens Knocked Back by Dutch Electorate


    "Caroline van der Plas’s Farmers-Citizen Movement (BBB) is projected to become the equal largest party in the senate, taking 15 seats from none before the vote"

    "The BBB’s victory means the farmers can form alliances with other parties in the senate and block green legislation"

    The control matrix is glitching.

    The Daily Sceptic reports.


  • Biden Throws Net Zero Under the Bus


    You know the pips are squeaking when the most on-message pretender to the presidency of the United States gives the OK to a huge oil project in the pristine wastes of Alaska, in the teeth of opprobrium from the climate zealots.

    If even the American government is opening up new oil drilling, how long will the rest of the world's "green" governments hold out in the face of (a) their domestic energy shortages and (b) a US poised to make a financial killing by selling them the oil (at elevated prices) that they could have produced or bought for themselves at a substantially lower cost?

    Is the great Net Zero bandwagon about to be slammed into reverse?

  • Propaganda - Don't Look There, Look Here


    Propaganda is much in the news these days, but many cannot see it.

    Many expect that our official bodies will tell us the truth, but it doesn't take very much investigation to reveal that...  they don't.

    They repeat the favoured assertions that are untrue, then construct arguments upon the foundation of sand that they chose, in order to prove the official narrative.

    Covid is a case in point, the official assumption being that the test does not lie. That falsehood was exposed early on by Mike Yeadon et al, but the media sail blythely on seemingly unaware. But it's their job to be aware. If I can be aware, they can too. So we deduce that they don't want to be aware.

    Even the WHO admits that in a "low incidence" population (such as the asymptomatic!) where you

  • " ... No Intervention of Democracy Whatever in this Process ... "


    I think David Starkey hits the nail squarely on the head in this somewhat formulaic presentation.

    And William made an astute choice of protagonists as well!

    Of course they don't talk about the elephant in the room (is the Climate Change narrative valid?) but "we know our place".

    (8 minutes)


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  • The Great Global Warming Swindle


    This video "premiered March 8, 2007 on British Channel 4", was uploaded to YouTube 2018.

    Another excellent account of the political history (Lord Monckton) behind the Climate Change narrative can be found here.

    And a short summary of how the techniques of propaganda have been and are still being used to scam us all in 20th and 21st century.

    The Great Global Warming Swindle (2007) full documentary:


  • The Most Egregious Example of Propaganda


    The problem with "Climate Change" is that we fall into the trap of arguing the toss on the basis of "the science" (which is monstrously complex and therefore impossible to prove, and - more to the point - very hard to disprove in the minds of most).

    But the truth of the matter is that it isn't science, it's propaganda.

    So let's look at it from that viewpoint...

    What is propaganda?

    Neither more nor less than the art of deluding the public to believe something that isn't true. The Nazis of Germany in WW2 are reputed to have been adept at this skill (but I don't think they were by themselves). What was their secret?

    "tell a lie big enough and repeat it until people believe it"

    Obviously, the ideal world for the propagandist is one in which the media of the day are controlled. In Germany in 1940 the

  • Death of Net Zero Predicted


    This news will no doubt come as a horrible shock to many, but it's hard to argue with the cold facts.

    No doubt that is exactly why the supporters of Net Zero don't like to talk about the facts, preferring to emphasise the emotional arguments - but when were wars won by emoting?

    As they were never taught in school, emotions are useful for driving your attention and purpose, but thereafter we need evidence logic analysis planning and execution to get to where we want to be.

    The 'orrible Nigel, erstwhile scourge of the EU, now (some think prematurely) retired to journalism, spills the ghastly truths that climate change campaigners won't touch:

    (15 minutes)


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  • HAARP - Played by Angels or Demons?


    The earthquakes in Turkey and Syria have made the news recently, but there have been many others around the world in recent times.

    Much speculation has been centred on the assertions that at least some of these have been created deliberately. How on earth is that done? By using electromagnetic waves at enormous power to mess with the ionosphere, it is asserted that earthquakes below the heated area may be triggered. You wouldn't need power to move the tectonic plates, just enough to trigger release of the building tension between adjacent plates.

    The HAARP (high frequency active auroral research program) installations around the world are supposed to be for monitoring and research purposes, but they are connected to electrical supplies capable of massive power - such as might be required to attempt such feats as to trigger an earthquake.

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