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  • Cell Phone Radiation Defiance


    The FCC's radiation safety guidelines are, some feel, well out of date and have failed to keep up with modern technology.

    The FCC's past chairman Tom Wheeler had this to say about the need for safety testing some years ago, and it seems that little if anything has changed since.

    The Defender (Children's Health Defence) reports on the latest prevarication / delay / failure to comply with a Court Order.

    We have reported on a

  • mRNA Technology - The Future?


    We have all heard about mRNA technology until we are blue in the ears (to mix metaphors) but Doctors for Covid Ethics have brought to the fore some conclusions that have huge implications for the future, and that may, indeed should, force us to choose our ground.

    Letting matters ride and trusting to the authorities to protect us is no longer an option, unless we want to dice with death - and how many of us would visit the NHS if that meant a quick game of Russian Roulette before leaving the premises?

    Surely that's just "conspiracy theory" nonsense?

    Well, maybe, maybe not. The Covid saga has been beset by so many theories and counter-theories that it's easy to be so confused that we throw up our hands in despair and conclude that we don't know the truth of them, but the D4CE book has most of the salient points covered - and are any less bad than the

  • When is mRNA not mRNA?


    I suppose I naïvely thought that all the possible permutations and combinations of Covid possibilities had been explored by now, but it turns out I may be wrong.

    Only logic, based on evidence and sound assumptions, will expose the truth eventually. Yes, we are finding that all assumptions, both explicit and implicit, must be identified and tested.

    In this case, the assumptions about "lipid nano-particles" "mRNA" and the "spike protein".

    Don't get too alarmed by this content - after all, if you are still upright, still functioning, and still curious,  this strongly suggests that your immune system is taking care of you, whatever the truth of the assertions herein presented.

    (76 minutes)



  • mRNA Results ... of Injection of Women and Mothers-to-be


    "... we exposed the most vulnerable to new risks that outweighed by far the original pandemic risks"

    "Today, more and more [results] of coronavirus measures pop up in our official statistics but few are interested to know"

    This is something that we should all know, as it strikes at the heart of humanity's future.

    Read the report.

    Watch the video:

    (56 minutes)



  • The True Origin of Money?


    Richard Vobes interviews Michael Tellinger, proponent of the Ubuntu "one small town" movement.

    "... it [money] arrived as a fully evolved, fully planned, premeditated tool of enslavement "

    "... we're not opposing the system, because if you do that you're going to lose"

    Essential viewing.

    (72 minutes)


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  • The Bernician Moves Hancock Case to the Court of Public Record


    We have reported on this case before.

    If memory serves, the Bernician started his case alleging "the Midazolam Murders" before Mark Sexton began his for the more general Covid restrictions. Doesn't time dull the memory?!

    His efforts were rebuffed out of hand by Westminster Magistrates several times.

    So now he has moved to convene a Grand Jury court of public record, which will mean that according to our constitution, the authorities will be duty bound to hold a trial.

    "nobody will stand in the way of our Private Criminal Prosecutions this time"

    How precisely that will pan out remains to be seen.

    (The video below is just the first of several -

  • "Unlawful and Possibly Criminal"


    Dr Anna Loutfi of The Bad Law Project explains what is going on in our schools in their attempt to teach PSHE (Personal Social Health and Economic since you ask).

    It seems to be inexplicably linked with RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) and HE (Health Education).

    Full disclosure - the Bad Law Project has links with the Reclaim Party. This site does not support any political party, but we are concerned about the state of our education system, upon which the government is always happy to impose its own brilliant ideologies, so on balance we are happy to feature this video.

    Of course, the government doesn't invent its ideologies, it imports them from... well, anywhere really, but

  • Another Sweet Conspiracy Theory?


    As if we didn't have enough conspiracy theories already, do we really need another one?

    Well, maybe we do. The track record of conspiracy theories being found to be true has a consistency that is somewhat startling, so I think we should take them seriously.

    This is about an alternative sweetener, but with a difference. Many are already aware of the dangers of artificial food additives / substitutes, particularly artificial sweeteners. Avoidance of artificial sweeteners (and artificial anything else) is, it would seem, a good idea.

    But what of a natural sweetener such a stevia? Wouldn't that be a perfect alternative to the evil sugar? What could possibly go wrong? 

    (9 minutes)



  • The War for Hearts Minds and Souls


    For me, it was Covid that declared the opening of hostilities.

    When it became clear that we were all to be jabbed for a fake pandemic, one had to ask "what will be in those syringes"? It didn't seem likely that it would be anything to our advantage.

    And so it has proved. Cui bono?

    The UN-WEF-WHO is trying desperately to lock us into legal submission, but as the primary factual result of their performance on Covid seems to be reports from around the world of elevated death from all causes strangely coincidental with the start of the vaccination programmes, I'm in no hurry to sign up.

    With a political establishment that was firstly only too willing to lead us by the nose into institutions that morphed into the EU; and was, secondly, spectacularly unwilling to actually implement Brexit in any meaningful manner, I see no cause at all to permit them to subjugate us to the

  • World Parliamentarians Excoriate the WHO


    "Centralisation causes nothing but misery because it destroys the mechanisms of error correction leading to doubling down on flawed policies"

    (13 minutes)



  • Vobes Investigates - A Home Education Support Service


    Hope Sussex was founded to support those parents who wanted to take their children out of the public and state education systems, those who were prepared to do what had to be done to bring up their own children for themselves in accord with their own beliefs and principles.

    Clearly the Universe has smiled upon their efforts.

    (28 minutes)


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  • Texel Island Update


    In August last year we featured Arthur Firstenberg's newsletter concerning the destruction of bird colonies on Texel island (Netherlands).

    Of course it was attributed to the deadly "bird flu" (be very afraid) but equally of course no alternative explanation was officially considered by the authorities, despite the coincidental arrival of brand new 5G masts on Texel.

    This year there is good news...  but equally, the problem has not gone away, merely morphed according to topology and intensity.

    But if "bird flu" is a fiction, what of human flu and all the other multitudinous "flu-like" indispositions that may from time to time affect us?

    If we

  • Tapping in to Our Potential


    Yes, there's no escaping the inimitable Richard Vobes.

    Here he is exploring yet another aspect of the human condition that we don't normally think about, but which could for some, perhaps for many, bring resolution to problems which we might previously have considered too deep-seated and too little understood to be properly addressed.

    (70 minutes)


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  • A Touch of Magic


    Touching isn't really a part of today's everyday life - and I guess that that's one reason for the popularity of dogs and cats - our pets are almost the only living beings (apart from spouses) that it's OK for us to touch and play with.

    Add in our traditional British reserve - and indeed aloofness - and it's clear that we have obstacles to overcome before we in the UK can get tactile.

    Helen Prosper from 'A Touch of Gentleness' explains, and there's more to it than we might expect!

    A fascinating presentation.

    (34 minutes)


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  • Catastrophe in Schools?


    Our schools are apparently bending over backwards to accommodate the self-identity preferences of school-kids, no matter how unusual.

    It is reported that there has been some brouhaha over the desire of one young lady to self-identify as a cat. She was (reportedly) supported by her teacher who strongly disagreed with another class member who considered the cat identity ridiculous, and insisted that her unusual identity is perfectly valid and acceptable. 

    Now most people would probably think that this is all a lot of nonsense that should be firmly squashed, the girls and boys should be firmly told that they are human, and that's an end of it.

    But although everybody is getting mighty steamed up about all this, I think the cat-girl is absolutely

  • Dr Peter McCullough Shreds the Quaxxines


    Dr McCullough addresses the Pennsylvania Senate on the Vaccines:

    (56 minutes)


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  • The Appeal of Apeel


    CHD TV interviews Christof Plothe D.O. who explains where Apeel came from, how a tiny start-up became an instant hit, the links to the WHO (how did you guess?) and other notable "usual suspects".

    It is applied (in separate forms) both before harvest and after harvest...

    Can be used on organic produce, (despite its pesti-/fungi-cide content?).

    Won't wash off.

    Oh, and it's "carbon friendly"...

    There's no full list of ingredients to bother our pretty little heads with, but all the regulators think it's absolutely fine so there's no cause to worry, right?

    "... you don't see any of these substances on the website of Apeel, but the patent itself ... in order to produce these substances even several heavy metals are being used... "

    "... we are left to a

  • Breaking All Records ...


    ... for maladministration?

    But perhaps as it was a "pandemic" there was neither time nor need for the bureaucrats to follow their own bureaucratic procedures for the protection of the public?

    A year after ICAN asked the question, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) responded with the time-honoured report:

    "A search of our records did not locate any documents responsive to your request"

    Read the ICAN Legal Update.

    I wonder if the MHRA falls similarly short? Would you bet that they don't?


  • Forensic Analysis of Vaccine Regulatory Failure in The USA


    It's been a long time in the making, but it's a hum-dinger, a triumph of logic and evidence over blah-speak.

    Aaron Siri runs us briskly through the long and sorry story.

    We are left wondering how any government could have come to the decisions that Congress came to with respect to the problems that the vaccine industry was facing over three decades ago.

    We in the UK might ask why the UK followed a similar route?

    It's very simple - but how could it happen?


    1 hr 57 minutes.


  • Why are the Wheels on the Green Bus not Turning?


    It seems that it it isn't just in the UK where the promises of alternative warmth from non-fossil-fuel sources are lacking in the actual delivery.

    All around the world the actualité is coming home to roost and even the politicians, try as they might, are finding that they can't spout sufficient hot air to keep their constituents warm and cosy.

    It's a sad story, but obviously it can't be their fault, since being politicians they can surely find someone else to take the blame?

    "There’s a lot of talk of a “transition”, and a lot of enthusiasm for it. There’s just no transition"

    "... atmospheric CO2 continued to rise, indeed rose faster than at any point since 1850 yet the increase in temperature stopped"

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