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  • When Is a Virus Not a Virus?


    Following the earlier admission via FOIR (Telegram link) that the SARS-COV2 "virus" as isolated is not known to the UK government agencies, the question of whether it exists and has been proven to cause the "Covid-19 disease" remains pertinent, however much some in authority would like to suggest otherwise.

    Much hangs on the answer to the question that for some mysterious reason nobody wants to answer.

    If it has never been isolated then we cannot confirm its supposed genome and therefore we cannot devise any test for it. We can't even prove that it causes any disease at all, let alone Covid-19, a disease which (according to "experts") has precious few distinguishing symptoms and can thus be readily confused with various maladies similar to flu, or even radiation

  • Speaking of Mouthpieces of the Ruling Class


    Speaking of publications that work on behalf of the "authorities" rather than their own professed calling, TCW Defending Freedom (or "the Conservative Woman" as was - this name change itself illustrates the updates to emphasis that we now feel necessary to make in these nonsensical times) takes the BMJ no less to task for publishing what they claim is a smear job on those groups of medical professionals who really have been standing up for their own professed calling.

    "It attempts to discredit a number of ethically motivated pressure groups...  in that time-honoured Big Brother way that George Orwell so chillingly first depicted"

    And here perhaps we get to the nub of it:

    "It is clearly designed to ensure that no members of either group get anywhere near the official Covid-19 Inquiry"

    Well, we can't

  • If You Really Want to Know What's Going On


    The world is in upheaval.

    Governments are being seen to turn against their people, who are responding accordingly. Worldwide.

    The imprecise talk of the New World Order that has been simmering for years (along with the "war on terror") has reached a new height since the formal partnership between the WEF and the UN. The seemingly unlikely talk at Davos that had previously been ignored as absurd has been brought to the fore.

    Those not familiar with the above should probably watch the second video below before taking on the first, so if you are unaware of the implementation of the Great (unwanted) Reset by the Davos elite, then watch the second video first.

    This first video summarises how it is being countered. (Allegedly). 

    "We are going to get every last one of them and ensure that nothing like this can ever occur again"


  • Covid - The Infinite Onion?


    The indefatigable journalists at UK Column bring us yet another blockbuster presentation revealing unsuspected layers of what may amount to government corruption in the administration of the Covid "vaccines at warp speed" phenomenon.

    You thought you knew who was responsible for administering and regulating the roll-out and ensuring safety?

    If it turns out that you didn't, would that amount to fraud?

    Yes, all this took place in America, but (a) who's to say that something similar didn't take place here in the UK and (b) even if it didn't, our regulatory authorities in practice depend (excessively in my view) on sound regulation in America.

    As the months go by and more layers of the Covid onion are unpeeled, more shocking revelations appear that make us question everything that we have been taught about the medical and regulatory industries.

    I won't put up the video here because

  • Died Suddenly - The Stew Peters Film


    (68 minutes) - Warning - Not Suitable for Children -

    and I guess for those adults who cannot cope with this scale of evil.



  • COP Out?


    Another riotously successful climate conference concluded, with much material for awaiting journalists to report to their eager readerships.

    Not to be outdone, NetZero Watch add in their two-pen'orth for good measure - and some might say bring some much-needed realism and humour (not specifically in that order) to the topic.

    The dreadful truth of course is that the War on Climate was the front-runner for the War on Terror, and lately the War on Pandemics - none of which can ever be determined to be won, since how would you define "winning"?

    To measure the changing climate with any accuracy is a fools errand, given the chaotic nature of the contributing weather patterns; we might need accurate statistics spanning a century before a real trend could be determined and even that might not be enough.


  • The FTX Crypto Collapse - Brownstone Investigates


    The FTX crypto collapse has ruffled many feathers, lost its customers a great deal of money, and no doubt prompted many people to look a little deeper into what went on.

    Including the august Brownstone Institute, whose founder (no less) Jeffrey A. Tucker has put fingertips to keys to bring us what he has discovered (I've no idea whether he lost any money, but he's certainly been "following the money").

    "there were deep connections between FTX and Covid that have been cultivated for two years"

    "Why was a crypto exchange so interested in the debunking of repurposed drugs in order to drive governments and people into the use of patented pharmaceuticals... "

    Just the tip of the iceberg actually...

    "I think you get the idea. This is all a

  • Lest We Forget


    (31 minutes)

    We may as individuals forgive those who have wronged us as we feel appropriate to our circumstances. That is our freedom and our right.

    We should however never forget the extraordinary level of brainwashing, nudging, opprobrium, name-calling, and indeed threats and actual violence that were directed to those who merely pointed out that there was no evidence to support the effectiveness of the measures being imposed, to support the attempts to cajole us into taking an experimental medical intervention (in blatant contravention of the Nuremberg Codes), to support the alleged safety and efficacy of the alleged vaccines, to support the elimination of all alternative medical therapies other than vaccines, or even to support the alleged danger that the virus was supposed to pose to us all.

    Nor must we forget the extraordinary attempts to completely censor all opinion contrary to the official line, even when cogently argued by exceptionally

  • Not Me Gov - It's Climate Change


    Of all the preposterous ideas for explaining the rising levels of excess deaths from all causes, "Climate Change" must rank amongst the most implausible - implausible that is unless you take your opinions from "experts" and "authorities" of official kinds rather than from evidence or from genuine practitioners of the art of medicine.

    UKHSA's chief doom-monger and blame-dodger Jenny Harries may of course have some sort of undisclosed special interest involved in her unstinting determination to absolutely ignore any possible national side-effect (such as excess deaths) arising from the UKHSA's unshakeable purpose to inject as many unsuspecting people (and their children who by all available statistics are at no discernible risk from the demonised virus) with an experimental gene therapy of no known long-term safety profile - although it does now have a very known inability to prevent both infection and transmission.

    A therapy which incidentally comes from a company whose proven 

  • US Senate Votes to END the COVID "Emergency"!


    We thought it would never happen, but maybe elections (no matter how badly run) do matter after all.

    The "national emergency" that turned out to be for a virus that was no more deadly than the annual flu has been relentlessly extended every time it threatened to expire, for no obvious reason (other than to prolong the legal ability to push vaccines under an Emergency Use Authorisation).

    "The Senate passed a measure in a 62–36 bipartisan vote to end the emergency, which was initially declared on March 13, 2020"

    ...thus putting them on a collision course with "President" Biden, who has threatened a vetoI wouldn't doubt that the new House of Representatives will align with the Senate on this issue, so we'll see how long the Pretendency holds out.

    High time.

  • The Covid Graphene Vaccines according to La Quinta Columna


    La Quinta Columna (The Fifth Column) is a Spanish site (but you can select English language at the top right when the page opens) that has been quietly at the forefront of the scientific / technical evaluation of "the jabs" with particular reference to graphene and its derivatives. 

    If anyone is in any doubt about these mRNA shots, this is the site to put those doubts to bed. 

    If you can't find what you are looking for here, then you may well not find it anywhere.

    For example, you can download their Technical Report GRAPHENE DETECTION IN COVID19 VACCINES BY MICRO-RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY (in Google English), or download a list of articles

  • Thoughts on the General Medical Council


    The General Medical Council is the regulatory body  

    "... responsible for setting the standards for medical students and doctors... "

    You might think that this is the doctors' professional association with members elected by the doctors themselves...  but it appears that you would be wrong.

    A quick investigation of their web-site reveals that it is rather coy about how the Council chair and members get their councillorships, so being intrigued by this rather basic omission I did an internet search and came up with a 2019 advertisement in the Sunday Times for a Council Member (£18K annually for 'up to' 3 days per month, since you ask):

    "We are seeking to appoint a medical member for our governing Council"

    Equally strangely, the said "We" are not unidentified. Is it

  • Are Today's Nurses and Medicos Competent?


    We would all hope so, indeed we should demand so, since nurses need numerical ability in order to get the decimal point in the right place when administering drugs to patients - who may well not think (for any number of reasons) to check their work in this department.

    Startlingly, some experienced nursing professionals, writing in the Daily Sceptic, fear that nursing numeracy cannot at all be taken for granted.

    "When George Orwell’s Big Brother in Nineteen Eighty-Four taught that two plus two equals five, the point was that authoritarians can make people believe something they know to be untrue. If nurses are innumerate, a pandemic can be presented with whatever numbers that the Government wants to induce fear and compliance"

    "Don't be ridiculous!" I hear you say, but - "How many trotted out the mantra about the COVID-19

  • Vaccine Hesitancy Ongoing? The Mystery Unravelled


    I hate to keep banging this drum but whilst the powers-that-be continue, so must we.

    The Daily Sceptic brings up a useful article (actually one among several in today's email) which reviews the reasons why some people may not be too keen on Covid vaccines, or even on vaccines in general.

    Vaccines have the distinction that they are a class of medical interventions that are routinely given to healthy people who are not sick - yet they pose risks to health that every authority acknowledges, in principle if not in practice.

    This means that any justification for such an approach must rely on good statistics properly and very carefully (it's a minefield for experts, let alone the man on the Clapham omnibus) gathered and analysed over the requisite period of time. This was clearly not practicable for the Covid shots

  • Another Reason NOT to Jab Our Kids


    ICAN draws attention to another side-effect of the jabs in kids - Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). Whilst similar to the flu and not normally problematic, RSV can be serious in the "very young".

    Not that that has been recognised by the regulatory authorities...

    Read the ICAN Legal Update.


  • Alphonzo Monzo Talks to Clive


    "I will praise You, for I am fearfully, wonderfully made; Your works are marvellous and my heart perceives it well" - Psalm 139:14 (The Keys of the Kingdom Holy Bible)

    Just now though many people are not feeling quite so wonderfully made, for all sorts of reasons - poor nutrition, misguided lifestyle, impact of toxins of all kinds, allergies, you name it.

    Speaking personally, I only turned my own health around when I realised that I needed to start forming my own judgements and making my own health decisions. After all, my doctor's role is to inform and advise, not to decide - that's my job! I haven't looked back, except in some relief that things turned out so well and happily, so quickly.

    (44 minutes)


  • Something We Were Not Told About the Pandemic?


    Including who was in charge of the pandemic response, apparently.

    Of course the lead was taken by America, but evidence has been uncovered that the Anthony Fauci - Deborah Birx duality was not in charge.

    It seems that the legal situation was changed, effectively by presidential fiat:

    "An astonishing Government document dated March 13th 2020 ... reveals that United States policy in response to SARS-CoV-2 was set not by the public health agencies... but rather by the National Security Council"

    "The NSC does not include as regular attendees any representatives from public health related agencies"

    "... on March 18th 2020, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) – which comprises the CDC, NIAID, NIH and other ... agencies – had no official leadership role in pandemic response"


  • Frauds Collapse Quickly


    The Friday wrap-up with Greg Hunter of USA Watchdog...

    According to Greg, it's all coming down and the collapse will only gain speed.

    (You can skip the first 2 minutes 30 of adverts if you wish)

    If the following message on social media is correct, he's right:

  • Lockdown? Lets Do It Over Again!


    And now for something completely different: 

    "a new poll finds large parts of the public clamouring for new restrictions this winter. As many as 42% back the return of social distancing, while 20% want to reimpose the Rule of Six immediately and over 60% want mask mandates back on public transport"

    A dark winter indeed!

    I have to wonder about this poll's selection criteria. Was it properly randomised? Did it include the appropriate percentage of small business owners (for example)? And perhaps MPs? Certainly the fearful and well-off seem to be very well represented.

    "A YouGov survey this week shows the same lingering authoritarianism"

    Are we all doomed?


  • UK Labs in Gain of Function?


    Bio-labs are in the news again, this time reportedly at our very own Imperial College, London.

    IC have denied the "gain of function" accusation, but in that case it's not at all clear what the purpose of the project was:

    "Imperial defended its research. A spokesperson said: 'This government-backed research used viruses no more pathogenic than those already circulating within the population and will provide crucial insights that support government decision-making on how to manage the pandemic"

    Surely in these matters, in order to maintain public trust, transparency is essential, especially in times when a not inconsiderable portion of the public already have considerable distrust in both IC and the government.

    Technocracy News and Trends
