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  • This is Unrestricted Warfare


    Anna de Buisseret tells it like it is.

    Very measured, very logical, very basic, very informative.

    And common sense.

    Essential viewing.

    (26 minutes)



  • What Does the Vaccine Industry Think of Vaccines and "Vaccine Hesitancy"?


    Set aside your preconceptions, and enjoy this discussion on the vaccine industry, from the point of view of - the vaccine industry.

    The Pulse has done us a favour here, since most of the contributions on this debate have been, shall we say, somewhat polarised.

    Whichever side of the debate (or echo-chamber!) you may be on, "know thine enemy" is good advice.

    The UKHSA gets specific mention...

    (39 minutes)


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  • Better Way Conference 2022 Aftermovie


    A conference of health professionals, journalists, truth seekers and activists of all descriptions.

    Better Way Conference is an initiative of World Council for Health& EbMCsquared.

    View the 58 minutes of the 2022 conference, reviewing the status of the medical establishments worldwide at that time.

    "The WHO has a historical legacy of mismanagement and corruption that is rooted in conflicts of interest"

    "... WHO is all about human rights and sovereignty... they're not... what we are saying is that what you are doing is wrong... you have had your time ... and we're going to pressurise our World Health Assembly delegates to withdraw... We don't want our funding going into any organisation... that essentially is going to

  • Meanwhile, Down Under


    Jacinda may have transferred her affections from New Zealand to Prince William, but her lockdowns legacy lives on in the NZ courts.

    I wonder how long that will last?


  • $ Billions In Economic Damage, Millions Injured Or Disabled


    Ed Dowd, formerly of Black Rock, and his associates have investigated the likely damage in the USA from the Covid vaccines roll-out.

    Don't panic, it's the USA not the UK, but bearing in mind that the UK has approximately 20% of the population of the US, as a first very rough approximation the UK may have suffered in the region of  20% of these figures, even if no UK officials want to depart from the now facile but uninformative "safe and effective" narrative.

    There is still work to do, and perhaps Andrew Bridgen MP has started it.

    Zero Hedge reports.


  • Sir Christopher Chope Excoriates the Government


    In a very parliamentary performance before a packed almost empty chamber, Sir Christopher addresses perhaps the most significant, most divisive and potentially devastating (for politicians) and sadly only too devastating (for the victims) topic that parliament as a whole clearly prefers not to face - almost matching the level of non-attendance that Andrew Bridgen inspired when he recently drew attention to statistics indicating the true nature of the "protection" afforded by the latest booster jabs. 

    Sir Christopher was highlighting the need to overhaul and make functional the compensation scheme for the vaccine-damaged. 

    That most of these victims have suffered from the Covid jabs is unsurprising given (a) the high numbers of the jabbed (b) the numbers who have received multiple jabs and (c) the novel nature of the

  • Injured by the Vax? You Can Still Sue


    Yes, "our" government has of course given the pharmaceutical companies indemnity from prosecution (how is that in our interests? I only ask because I would like to know) but that doesn't necessarily preclude those injured from suing for additional losses over and above the standard one-size-fits-all government-stipulated limit of £120K.

    The Daily Sceptic reminds us of this point, and notes that victims of the Astrazeneca jab are indeed mounting legal action against the pharmaceutical company for damages above that limit.

    "Lawyers representing the group, who are pursuing personal injury compensation in addition to a Vaccine Damage Payments Scheme claim, argue that the AstraZeneca vaccine was 'not as safe as the public were entitled to expect' and that the case is not about finding fault 'but about the reasonable expectation of safety'. They claim people were provided with a false picture of safety and efficacy and expect the number joining the lawsuit to increase."


  • So Who Was the Organ-Grinder?


    More follow-on in the wake of the Hancock WhatsApps is provided by Alex Starling, writing in the Daily Sceptic, who rightly identifies Hancock as a low-level player whose role was simply to do as he was told, not ask any difficult questions, and (one suspects) be rewarded by making quite a few essentially illegal bucks on the side via dubious procurement contracts.

    I find his analysis persuasive, and note with some satisfaction that he does indeed go beyond the simplistic but unsatisfactory notion of "incompetence" and asks the serious question: "Who was the organ-grinder" that issued Matt (directly or indirectly) his instructions?

    He is also kind to Chris Whitty, noting that "Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty advised government ministers

  • Problem - Reaction - Solution



    Andrew Bridgen MP addresses an empty House:

    (24 minutes)


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    Reaction - Solution

    Richard Vobes ruminates on the latest situation:

    (21 minutes)


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  • Propaganda - Don't Look There, Look Here


    Propaganda is much in the news these days, but many cannot see it.

    Many expect that our official bodies will tell us the truth, but it doesn't take very much investigation to reveal that...  they don't.

    They repeat the favoured assertions that are untrue, then construct arguments upon the foundation of sand that they chose, in order to prove the official narrative.

    Covid is a case in point, the official assumption being that the test does not lie. That falsehood was exposed early on by Mike Yeadon et al, but the media sail blythely on seemingly unaware. But it's their job to be aware. If I can be aware, they can too. So we deduce that they don't want to be aware.

    Even the WHO admits that in a "low incidence" population (such as the asymptomatic!) where you

  • Pantomime Isn't Dead - It's Just Bigger than Ever Before


    We have commented before on the Hancock WhatsApps, and it's always gratifying when others come up with a similar analysis.

    "For understandable reasons, however, the degree of deception that I've just described seems impossible for most people to get their heads around"

    Which may account for the remarkable observation of how few such others there seem to be.

    Plenty are quite prepared to go to the halfway house - the house of incompetence ('they mean well but they're useless rather than criminal') - but few venture the last few steps to declare the whole Covid exercise a gigantic fraud, and our "illustrious leaders" members of a global mafia for whom scamming the

  • A Calm and Rational Covid Review from the Front Line


    Calm and rational may not be words that one normally associates with talks about Covid and vaccines (let alone Covid vaccines) but I thought this worth highlighting, because it covers so many important points of interest - both medical and political - from the point of view of the front line, and does so in a very clam and intelligent manner.

    It also melds UK experience with US experience. 

    Hindsight is a powerful tool - we should use it more often.

    (49 minutes) 


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  • So Covid "Most Likely" Came from a Lab After All?


    Latest "revelation" from US "officialdom" paints the Chinese Wuhan virus lab into a corner - or tries to. Why would they do that?

    Well, the trail of money from Fauci's NIH has been exhaustively publicised by Senator Rand Paul in Congress for ages, so it must true if Fauci was lying about it, right? And it must be a deadly pathogen or why would they have bothered hiding these arrangements and then trying to brazen it all out?

    Except that all the excess death statistics world-wide (prior to vaccine roll-out) didn't reflect any kind of pandemic, just a moderately bad flu in a year when:

    flu disappeared from the statistics(!),

    the statistics were fiddled by attributing death on the basis of a Covid test that was "guaranteed" to provide false positives

    and to this day I know of

  • Stay Home - Protect the NHS - Save Lives - Now Swallow the Limited Hangout


    The news is full now of the Hancock WhatsApps which purport to explain the unconscionable decisions made by the then Health Secretary, particularly in regard to the now infamous operation to get the elderly out of hospitals and into care homes.

    This is ultimately a revelation of insufficient substance. The term "Limited Hangout" comes to mind.

    Is it all about diverting us into looking into the intricate details of some sub-events that can be blamed on "incompetence", or perhaps on the negligent criminality of some minor bit-player, who can be thrown under the bus to satiate the mob's lust for vengeance and thus protect the main players who operate in the background?

    It seems that Matt Hancock is to be the first such victim, and he will be lucky

  • CDC Cannot Substantiate Safety of Covid Boosters


    Given that the UK appears to routinely rubber-stamp the American health regulatory agencies, this should be of concern to us all.

  • Excess Deaths - Parliamentary Non-Answers and More


    "How can the Chef Medical Officer get this wrong?"

    and more...

    (12 minutes)


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  • Covid - Climate Change - Propaganda


    The Daily Sceptic Newsletter today highlights some pertinent pieces that neatly skewer the most egregious canards of our time.

    Is there nothing that the powers that be get right?

    I won't comment on them individually, because in truth there is nothing very new to say (and it would take too long), but taken as a whole they do make one wonder if there is today any matter the news / government propose that doesn't warrant the greatest possible level of scrutiny and distrust.

    One might think it an exaggeration to say that "they have lied to us about everything" but... is it really?

    It's your judgement that counts. Not the government's. Not the NHS's. Not the WHO's. Not the UN-WEF partnership's.

  • The Bernician - Private Criminal Prosecution - Latest!


    We have reported on this case previously - very previously - but we perhaps didn't expect such a protracted delay in taking this forward.

    Perhaps we should have.

    Anyway, we do finally have an update, even if it follows a similar fate to Mark Sexton's submission to the Metropolitan Police.

    Of course that is not the end of the matter - an appeal is now in train. Mark Sexton's submissions never even got before a judge, so this does represent progress, of a sort.

    The judicial system itself is now in the dock of public opinion.

    "... it

  • Leading German Newspaper Die Welt Goes Public on Pfizer Vaccine Trial


    The cracks in the global media's slavish adherence to the official narrative are appearing, even if "only" in Germany.

    Where one leads, others will follow - and not before time.

    Where have they been these last years?

    Steel yourself:

    Essential reading (download).

    The Daily Sceptic spills the beans.


  • The "Pfizer Defence"


    Sasha Latypova delivers 25 minutes on the results of her investigations into who exactly was pulling the strings of the warp-speed vaccines, and how it went.

    We have noted her work previously, but it is worth repeating as she reveals processes methods and controlling interests hugely at variance with our reasonable expectations.

    At 24:25: Pfizer's declaration in court: "We did not defraud the government. We delivered the fraud that the government ordered"

    (25 minutes)