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The Unelected

  • All You Never Wanted to Know About 5-6-7G Wireless Bands


    Featuring an all-star cast of technocrats:

    Prof Ian F. Akyildiz

    Prof Josep M Jornet

    Nanotechnology being used today to connect people's bodies to the internet of things

    Terahertz frequency band enabling Teranets

    Biological embedded computing devices (internet of bio-nano things)

    Covid jabs: "small-scale bio-nano machines to monitor all health" 

    All connected up via low earth orbit satellites, and yes, they benefit from geo-engineering...

    This is a crash course introducing the communications side of the incoming technocratic control grid - you may wish to halt the video and take snapshots of the diagrams.

    Keep Calm and Carry

  • Are We Aiding and Abetting Child Slavery?


    "The Modern Slavery Act will give law enforcement the tools to fight modern slavery, ensure perpetrators can receive suitably severe punishments for these appalling crimes and enhance support and protection for victims. It received Royal Assent on Thursday 26 March 2015"

    " * require businesses over a certain size to disclose each year what action they have taken to ensure there is no modern slavery in their business or supply chains(my emphasis)

    " * create an independent anti-slavery commissioner to improve and better coordinate the response to modern slavery"

    Yet we still import batteries that include cobalt inside all kinds of modern electronics that I have no doubt source that cobalt from mines in the Congo, which

  • "Agent Zelensky" - Part Two


    Part One here.

    Part Two follows...  and the muzak is... tolerable.

    (45 minutes)



  • Storm Incoming?


    These last years have opened our eyes to the fact that our governments do not work for us, they work for the globalists. Who runs the globalists? There are articles elsewhere on this site that may give us some thoughts about that, but for current purposes it doesn't really matter.

    What does matter is breaking their hold over us.

    It seems that the time is near.

    Mark Sexton and others have been instrumental in assembling the evidence of wrong-doing in the UK, and submitting it to the Metropolitan Police and other police forces around the country (Crime nbr 6029679/21).

    Others have also

  • You Will Know Them by Their Fruits


    Matthew 7:15-20

    My worst subjects at school were history and geography. So I'm not a historian and cannot claim any historical insight for myself.

    Nevertheless I received a Christian upbringing for which I am grateful - I find the teachings of Christ as recorded in the Bible to be relevant practical and sensible. As for the rest of it, I retain my right to suspect that over the long course of history, translation, and "interpretation", "mistakes" will have been incorporated.

    When we review the long history of European Christianity we can see that it has been an unending power struggle, complete with religious wars and the persecution and burning of heretics who displeased the various religious authorities, and foremost amongst the latter we must rank the Vatican. These persecutions were not the fruits of Christ's teachings,

  • Fulford Report Monday 17 July 2023


    It appears that the Ukraine war is about to be (probably messily but by no means too early) terminated, that NATO has given up on a kinetic WW3, there is therefore hope for peace, and if Russia gets her way, hope for biological weapons criminal trials.

    Still, corporatism has still not been dented and the UN-WEF Climate-Change psychos are still spreading their ridiculous fear as far and wide as they may.

    It's a pity there is no international treaty against the psychological manipulation of the public.

    A report with lots to interest us this week (modest subscription required for full version).


  • Zelensky - Agent of the British Crown?


    Scott Ritter spills the beans, albeit to a dire soundtrack.

    This is part one, covering the alleged involvement of MI6 in the Maidan revolution, the subsequent demonisation of and split from Russia, Russia's annexation of the Donbass and Crimea (did we really expect it to give up the base of its Black Sea fleet?), and the ensuing war (that the Ukraine seems to have comprehensively lost, and that the UK is now escalating, sending cruise missiles that could carry significant payloads deep into Russia).

    (36 minutes)



  • Global Insanity Incoming?


    The WEF-UN partnership has become infamous for its gatherings at Davos wherein they talk about all kinds of far-fetched nonsense a long way from one's everyday life, and it's tempting for us feet-on-the-ground plebs to treat it as nonsense whilst we get on with our said everyday lives.

    Still, they are an exceptionally well-connected bunch, they have no concept of recognising democratically elected governments (except to "penetrate" them to work in the WEF-UN's own interests) and seemingly have all the money in the world to spend to bring their fantasies to fruition, fantasies that we are beginning to realise threaten our lives in countess ways.

    Stop World Control has done a neat job of pulling together the threads by which their power-grab will be accomplished, and a salutary presentation it is.

    "The billionaires who claim they want to save the planet, are the very ones who have been destroying it"

    Was Covid a Military Operation?


    The implications of that question are far-reaching indeed.

    If true, then the world we live in today is not the world we thought we lived in yesteryear.

    It implies that the military is running many countries world-wide, and not just in the USA. That the civilian governments are subservient to the military and not vice versa. That democracy across the world is a sham. That a "one-world" military is already here and already out of control.

    In fact I find it pretty hard to come to any other conclusion once all the evidence is taken into account.

    It also begs the question - just who does this military work for? 

    The Brownstone Institute,

  • "I Stand With Dez"


    This is perhaps a "message from our sponsor".

    Readers will know that this site accepts no money from anyone - but "higher powers" have ordained that we have enough to carry on.

    This video is the most extraordinary message from "left field" - just in time for our weekly newsletter!

    I am happy to carry it.

    This guy strikes me as genuine. As far as I recall, he has never asked for money either. He has in fact been extraordinarily silent for some time. I hope and assume that "the Universe", "the Force", or whatever "God" you have chosen to follow, has been training him up. 

    And our page headings have indeed always been in total accord with his message: 

    "The power of one can lead to the power of many"

    Scroll up and check!

    Clif High - the End of the World as We Knew It?


    Clif hasn't posted on his BitChute channel since May, but he is back on YouTube with uploads of earlier works, in no particular order.

    In this one from January 2023. He was ruminating on how this year would turn out, it is audio only (although the piccies are nice and an occasional caption fills a gap in the audio - blink and you'll miss it).

    He does start the recording (but doesn't always) with the date, so listen up for that.

    Did he get 2023 right so far?

    (31 minutes)


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  • Fulford Report Monday 10th July 2023


    The deep state may be running out of road but efforts to keep afloat may not be working any more...

    So we can look forward to more false flags and violence as they try to intimidate the world back into submission.

    Good luck with that. (Modest subscription required)


  • Central Banks Digital Currency - Control Central for Your Finances


    Don't take it from me - take it from the spokesperson for the Bank of International Settlements (BIS).

    It seems that they have ambitions to control not just international settlements, but your settlement with your grocer, or any other vendor that you may "choose" to patronise. From the sublime to the ridiculous, it's all in a day's work for the Central Banks...

    Learn the "secrets" of the Bank of Japan, the ECB, and... CBDCs.

    Prof Richard Werner explains to Ivor Cummins - watch right to the end:

    (69 minutes)


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    Their Reality That Lurks Beneath


    Neil Oliver (GB News) uncovers the unpleasant truth beneath the veneer of those who would cancel our ability to purvey the truths of which they disapprove. 

    As they do, they invert the truth.

    As ever, Neil delivers a masterclass in lucid rhetoric.

    As always, we appreciate and are thankful for his fearless clarity and eloquence.

    (10 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.


  • How Deep is This Sh*t We Are In?


    "The systems for all of this are already in place... this time it will not end"

    The WEF-UN partnership is now infamous for its outlandish plans to control the world, right down to the level of the individual,even down to monitoring our bodily functions. Controlling our spending capability via CBDCs, and thus controlling our lives, would be child's-play to them. Linking us up as Cyborgs to their AI hive mind ("enhancing" our thinking) will follow.




    Plausibly - it may not be perfect yet but why would that stop

  • Climate Emergency - Someone Else's Problem?


    At last - somebody who has crunched the numbers on what it will take to achieve all the legal targets that have been set world-wide to keep "global warming" within the magical 1.5oC, even assuming that that's what we need to do.

    Can it be done?

    "Current renewable energy systems generally have a lower Energy Returned on Energy Invested ratios (ERoEI) than current fossil fuel-based systems. They may not be productive enough to replace fossil fuels.  As such, they may not be the energy foundation for the next industrial era, but a steppingstone to some other kind of energy generation system not yet identified"

    How can we do it?

    "This is actually a mining problem"

    "There is no other source for those metals"

    "The idea of being managed from a central point is almost never going to

  • An Historical Note on the American Colonial Rebellion


    The AIER notes some of the circumstances that led to George Washington taking up arms against the British.

    As always, government overreach was behind it - pluck the goose too hard and it will ultimately turn on you. I guess this was before the government had worked out that they need to at least mount a pretence that they are on the side of the people whose finance they need in order to pursue their grand plans ... they just needed to learn the hard way - but learn they eventually did.

    It's interesting because many of the monetary tricks that we see today were in play then too.

    Imperial Monetary Policy and the Independence Movement

  • Fulford Report Monday 3rd July


    "Joe’s avatar will soon put all whistleblowers out of work, he’s such a one-man red pill machine"

    "Congress passed resolution 503 calling for the impeachment of Joe Biden for high crimes and misdemeanors"


    He may not be the only one. And tomorrow is 4th July...

    Modest subscription required.

  • The Covid Enquiry - Full or Fake?


    Michael Senger writing for the Brownstone Institute investigates.

    Mind you, he is commenting on the performance of one Matt Hancock, so it may be a bit one-sided - but are the contributions from all the protagonists both official and 'non-official but expert' all being give weight?

    "... the COVID Inquiry ... has revealed little of value and assiduously avoided asking officials why they found the horrific decision to copy China’s lockdown policy remotely appropriate... "

    17 members of the pro-lockdown pressure group ‘Independent SAGE’ have been asked to give evidence "

    Well, I

  • A Note with Respect to the Current Troubles in France


    Mahyar Tousi reminds us that the current troubles in France may not be unrelated by some to the concept of the religious wars of old.

    That's not to say that they are or that they are not, just that it is likely that some will see it that way.

    From my perspective, a conversion achieved by force is not a conversion at all, it is a subjugation.

    Force is an open admission that persuasion doesn't work.

    Those who seek to convert and spread their religion by coercion rather than by persuasion do not respect the right of anybody to make up their own minds for themselves, and the result is top-down control. It is the direct antithesis of a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

    OK, so a true bottom-up government of the people has yet to be established anywhere, but the principles established in Magna Carta and the American Constitution probably go some
