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  • This is not Legal Advice


    I found this article of interest, not because I am fascinated by the complexities of law but because it seems that these largely unknown unrecognised and unacknowledged complexities may be cause for serious concern, given that the ostensible function of a court is to achieve justice.

    I'm sure there is a lot more here than meets the eye, but some of the historical developments noted certainly provide an interesting glimpse of the legal mindset as it has evolved over the years.

    I'm sure that this website holds many more items of interest for those that wish to explore further.

    Canon 3228 : The Twelve Presumptions of Court


  • Reiner Fuellmich Leaves the Corona Committee - 2


    We first reported on this from the viewpoint of Reiner himself, so today we redress the balance by bringing you Viviane Fischer's explanation of the rift.

    A sorry tale indeed, and one that should never have been allowed to fester for so long.

    As always, it's your judgement that counts.

    (10 minutes) German with English subtitles


    And here, Reiner responds more directly to Viviane's assertions. The subtitling seems to be by AI and is tricky to follow, but you do get the gist... 

    Reiner Fuellmich Leaves the Corona Committee!!


    Many who have followed the work of the Corona Investigative Committee will be dismayed by the news that it appears that it is breaking up.

    I think that's the only way that we can describe the situation where the main man is leaving.

    Times change, and people naturally regroup as required in order to meet the challenges of those times. The Corona Committee was formed to deal with the Corona crisis, but that was 30 months ago. What we are seeing here seems to be as much about regrouping to address the challenges of the Great Reset which have gained public traction over the lifetime of the Corona Committee, as about anything else.

    "Viviana Fischer is now in control of the Corona Investigative Committee"

    "Reiner is creating International Crimes Investigative Committee (ICIC), broadening the scope to look

  • Injections Under Coercion Are Illegal


    So what's new you ask?

    And anyway, the UK isn't demanding coerced injections any more...   but if any employer in the UK is so doing (or tries it on once more), the law (according to "down under") is on your side.

    No, it's not really anything new, but it is a new twist that potentially evens the argument. Instead of arguing against your possibly remote and effectively faceless employer, you can argue with the person waiting to inject you.

    This could even the odds up considerably.

    Of course the Australian precedent may not be recognised in a UK Court, but coerced medical intervention (especially with a needle) has always been considered assault and battery under Common Law (in my understanding).

    So ask the person wielding the needle their identity and tell them that you are being coerced to take the jab, pointing out that they will be guilty of assault if they do

  • Daily Sceptic - Just Too Sceptical?


    And not just the Daily Sceptic - the Free Speech Union and Toby Young himself have been adjudged too free with their speech - or something; the reasoning behind this is about as clear as mud, so it's pretty obvious that it doesn't stand up.

    In this case it is Paypal that is reportedly acting as judge jury and executioner, no appeal possible.

    So if you had a regular donation to either the Daily Sceptic or the Free Speech Union, you will have received an email from Toby directly - if you haven't had the email then you are not affected.

    Under Law it should be open to Toby to sue Paypal for restitution and damages. It would be for Paypal to demonstrate that their terms and conditions had indeed been broken. Under our official legal  system this is inordinately expensive, but in a Common Law Court it should be feasible, and simple enough, although enforcing judgement would be

  • King Charles in Hot Water?


    Announcement by the International Common Law Court of Justice.

    This site has no opinion on such proceedings, except to say that the charges are indeed extremely grave and the function of the Court is to try them in public to see whether there is any truth in them. If there is none, then the charges should be rejected.

    Let justice be done and be seen to be done. 

    Certainly it would be impossible for the King as constitutional monarch to be tried by his own Courts in the UK.

    In this instance, this does not appear to be a trial, it is simply an investigation by a tribunal. Presumably if the tribunal concludes that a trial is necessary, it will be called for a later date.

    It should be stated that

  • Common Law Court


    Learn about Common Law Courts.

    No, it's not a court, it's a process legal under common law for the people to hold their own courts.

    Common Law Court is also an administrative organisation that provides educational and other services relating to Common Law. 

    This Q&A video introduces us to their activities and you can visit their Common Law Court website for the full information.

    (28 minutes)

    Watch this video here.

    NB: The URL for the CLC Currency is https://clc-currency.uk/ 

  • 9/11 - 21 Year Anniversary Review


    The destruction of the twin towers in Manhattan resulted in the deaths of around 3000 people, ushering in the "war on terror". 

    It was followed up by an official report that many in the civil engineering fraternity flat-out rejected as totally implausible.

    The official blanking of all the professional criticism that ensued raised the alarming thought that this was an inside job that had to be kept covered up come what may.

    This sober film has been made to show the world why that narrative is still unbelievable and still contended, 21 years later.

    "... there is no obligation for the government to issue a truthful report"

    (2hrs 43mins)


    Like / Dislike this video here.

    Unless you are well-advise or well-versed or both, probably best not to try this at home!

    Unhappily this is not helped by the poor video quality, but I guess it was shot on a mobile phone. It makes it difficult to pinpoint the precise legal arguments, but I'm certain that this case will not be the last of its kind.

    Here is another case (Council Tax) that is wending its way through the courts:

    Federal-Social-Media Collusion Hits the Courts


    "The New Civil Liberties Alliance, the Attorney General of Missouri, and the Attorney General of Louisiana, have filed a lawsuit that blows the lid off a sprawling federal censorship regime... "

    "Discovery has unveiled an army of federal censorship bureaucrats, including officials arrayed at the White House, HHS, DHS, CISA, the CDC, NIAID, the Office of the Surgeon General, the Census Bureau, the FDA, the FBI,...  "

    “If there was ever any doubt the federal government was behind censorship of Americans who dared to dissent from official Covid messaging, that doubt has been erased"

    Read all about it.

  • The Power of Rome, London, and Washington DC to Rule the World will be Cancelled


    Do we want a MEGA hat?!

    A Make England Great Again hat?

    It's a catchy concept that has some allure.

    Did you know that there is an English Constitution Party? Nor me, but our English Constitution deserves to be widely known and respected.

    How is it not already widely known? Because our schools do not teach it!

    It is said that our Constitution is the antidote to slavery - so one may ask what happened to it? Since slavery is a hot topic these days, the antidote should be equally hot, so why do our schools not teach it? Do our elites not want it widely known?

    It isn't just England that is in trouble, the whole (mainly English speaking) western world, all of which governments tried to treat their entire populations like slaves

  • Policing - Fit for Purpose? But Which Purpose?


    Philip Flower (former Met Police Chief Superintendent) writes for the Daily Mail:

    "... senior officers appear to have completely lost sight of their basic role: to catch and deter criminals... "

    "... junior colleagues, the products of a woke education system, often have totally unrealistic notions of what their job entails... "

    "Drug-dealing, burglaries, car theft, dangerous driving, mass shoplifting raids and all kinds of other crime seems to go increasingly unchecked"

    "As recently as 2014-2015, some 16 per cent of reported offences led to a suspect being charged. That figure has collapsed"

    ‘Pride is one of the many wonderful community events we are there to police,’ he said, ‘but also to allow people to look behind the uniform and see who we are’

  • Are You a Citizen of California, or a Citizen of the UNITED STATES?


    We in the UK might equivalently ask "are you a citizen of England / Scotland / Wales / Northern Ireland, or are you a citizen of the UNITED KINGDOM?

    Are we free if we have to pay taxes under coercion?

    Are we free if we have to obey the commands of our government under coercion?

    Are our make-believe democratic governments really only the "acceptable" face behind which the bankers exert the real control?

    It's your decision.

    (16 minutes)


    Below is the Derek Johnson video referred to above, concerning the status of Donald J. Trump.  Yes it's a bit long, so it takes second place in this article - not everyone has the time.

    75 Year Anniversary of the Nuremberg Code Marked


    A timely reminder of the Nuremberg Trials and the establishment of the Code with regard to the control of medical experiments on people.

    This 75th Annual Commemoration was called by the Action Alliance 75 Years Nuremberg Code.

    You can also watch the video (6hrs 38 minutes!) of the event. 

    Too few seem to remember the Nuremberg code these days, so perhaps we should offer a handy pocket-sized reminder (A6 double-sided foldable).

    We might also remind ourselves that the excuse that "I was following orders" was

  • The NHS End of Life "Care" Pathway - Case Study


    Case Study of a 90 yr old man who died in hospital: Eric Levy.

    "How on earth does a patient ... who's voluntarily admitted themselves (due to a bang on the head) for a routine check-up, end up unable to discharge themselves from their hospital, being deemed incapable of making the decision to discharge themselves, being put on an end-of-life "care pathway" which includes the nil-by-mouth protocol, not being fed solid food... eventually leading to their passing away?"

    There are legal steps here which we may all feel it wise to take well before we are taken to hospital, if we wish to retain control over our own fate.

    (98 minutes)



  • Climate Emergency, Public Procurement, Private Pockets?


    Whilst one may be a supporter of Net Zero if one considers the need to be proven and the promoters (the WEF-UN partnership) to be trustworthy, one may also suspect that governments and "public-private-partnerships" could be used to funnel public cash into private pockets via payment for bogus services, possibly via short-lived limited liability companies.

    Indeed, given the size of some of these contracts it's quite hard to see how such large sums could otherwise be spent to so little effect.

    So if the Net Zero scam can be purposed to bring more clarity (and hopefully integrity) to the opaque world of the award of public contracts, then in principle one should support that.

    The Good Law project has demonstrated in the past how much Covid procurement was "mishandled" using favoured

  • Political Show Trial - the Jan 6 Committee


    Diana West explains the situation in America to Peter Mcilvenna.

    What is the Jan 6 Committee, what is it up to and why is it so controversial?

    "I couldn't believe that there were 900 that are languishing in gaol, without any rights... "

    "America has unravelled ... we are actually occupied by a revolutionary force... the historical parallels to the Great Terror of the French Revolution... are quite strong"

    "... we are looking at the consolidation of a revolutionary commune, very much like what we saw in the French Revolution... "

    (49 minutes)



  • 6029679/21 - Update from Mark Sexton


    Update from the Telegram Channel 6029679/21:


    "Update today, Friday the 12th of August 2022.

    Since July the 20th 2022 and our visit to Charing Cross police station.
    (Another 30 day ban from 13/07/22 just finished).

    1, no contact or update from The Metropolitan Police, no contact from inspector McManus, email received from PC Clark dated 23/07/22 confirming receipt of emails with the new evidence from Dr Wagh and Canadian data analyst Christine Massey. Nothing at all since, despite the many promises to engage and provide updates.

    2, reply from Baroness Hallett’s team regarding the independent public inquiry into the pandemic.
    “They suggest I contact the police if I am alleging crimes are being committed”

  • Covid is Gone - Long Live the WHO?


    Is it possible for the world to be secretly under martial law and never know a thing about it?

    Most of us would say no, I'm sure. There would be soldiers in the streets and it would be "Papers Please!" everywhere wouldn't it?

    Or would it?

    After all, few countries in the world have anywhere near enough troops to do anything like that, and the push-back from the public would be unmanageable. It would only need to fail in one country and others would be following suit - nobody wants authoritarian government except the authoritarians.

    So what are the would-be authoritarians to do? 

    We know from recent Covid experience that they happily resort to propaganda, "nudge units" and similar fear-based tactics to persuade us to imprison ourselves and
