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Greater Reset!

  • Every Citizen Needs the Great Reset Explained


    Technocracy has its roots in history - probably very ancient history - but for our purposes we need look back only to the Third Reich. I have to say that it's a salutary exercise to read Hitler's demands of the German nation, which at that time was reeling under the draconian war reparations treaty of Versailles, a treaty that we, if it were imposed on us, would consider crushing, inhuman, impossible ever to satiate. Clearly, something had to be done, and the German people were ready for it.

    Hitler's list isn't all negative. There are certainly items that would resonate with us today as perfectly sensible. It was though a product of its times - a time of empire, of implacable economic war of nation against nation, with Germany very much the underdog with no means to get out from under. 

    Hitler's rhetoric must have seemed like a breath of fresh air.

    I would have thought that somebody would have foreseen this - maybe somebody did. We have to ask how Hitler

  • It's Time for We the People


    Neil Oliver exhorts us to take the initiative, to make our views loudly heard, to take the politics by the scruff, and take back control.


    Where there's a will there's a way. Do we have the will?

    (9 minutes)


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    And here is Richard Vobes making much the same point at local council level. 

    (12 minutes)



  • Fulford Report - Monday 25 Sep 2023


    An upbeat report this week - Red October incoming? It wouldn't be the first time this has been suggested! But let's hope it's the last.

    "... the President of Ireland and King Charles III have been ordered to appear on BBC to say they have been arrested..."

    Now that would be something! But I don't think I'll hold my breath for it...

    As always, to read the full report, a modest subscription is required.

    And as always, the secret services will tell us exactly what they want us to believe... via whatever mouthpiece they have available.


  • Deep Woo Incoming?


    At some risk of turning off a number of readers, this is one of those down the rabbit hole reports that those who pride themselves on knowing that our three-dimensional habitat is all there is may find unbelievable, even objectionable. If you are full-on in your own opinions, and you align with mainstream media, then you may wish to skip this one.

    Our policy is to cover topics that cannot be disproved - that doesn't imply that we believe or do not believe, it implies that we are simply open to considering stuff (AKA "conspiracy theories") that has a following and that hasn't actually been disproved (in my judgement!).

    That said, these are extraordinary times, and some believe that the world is heading for some sort of climax that will likely leave a great many confused, uncertain, panicky, and generally discombobulated and anxious. This message has been coming from a number of

  • Fulford Report Monday 18 Sept 2023


    An event-packed report this week that reviews the antics of those who are thought to be running out of time and money at the end of this month (again). I guess there are none so resourceful as those whose backs are in the corner.

    It seems that Chairman Xi is still not playing their game, and there is plenty else going on, although nothing decisive as yet.

    Modest subscription required - "blade runners", now enjoying an international following, may be interested.


  • Out With the Old Democracy, In With the New?


    I never thought I would feature Dominic Cummings, but this polemical brain-dump is too good to miss. It's also tediously long and in many ways repetitive (forgivable in an ex-insider who has seen a lot of both dark and light), but has its essentials squarely in the right place.

    Whether or not we agree with his solution, it's a potent message.

    It's also too long to digest in one sitting, so I have indexed the sections below :

    A great chance (best since 1850s?) to replace the Tories


  • "Biggest Grass-Roots Movement in History"


    Biggest in History?!

    No lack of ambition here then.

    Personally I'd settle for the biggest in the UK (for now).

    All joking aside though, I suggest that this initiative from Not Our Future has much to commend it.

    No it won't be perfect, so if you're looking for perfection then, as always, you will have to look elsewhere; but if "we the people" want to wrest control of our country back from the vice-like grip of the political parties (and their donors/controllers), then we will have to vote them out.

    That gives us two high hurdles to leap - 

    1. The votes must be honestly collected counted verified and substantiated. 
    2. They must not go to political parties or party
  • Fulford Monday Report - 9/11 2023


    With the stakes for Global Control being pushed ever higher each week now, this report is a must-read (even if you have to subscribe).

    With earthquakes, fires, floods, sometimes simultaneously, being reported all around the world, I'm beginning to feel that the UK is uniquely tranquil. I pray that it lasts.

    Modest subscription required.


  • The Last Word on Climate Change?


    "If only!" I hear you cry.

    Nevertheless those who profess to know best and therefore feel no need to listen to anyone else are still plodding relentlessly on in their irrelevant unscientific way - though sadly not irrelevant to our future prosperity and comfort, possibly even to our survival (many more die from cold than from excess warmth).

    So who better to clearly and calmly summarise the salient facts as we know them than Ivor Cummins?

    (20 minutes)


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  • Carbon Offsets are a Shell Game? No Longer!


    Shell Plc have faced reality.

    "Shell... has quietly shelved the world's largest corporate plan to develop carbon offsets"

    "Shell has struggled to find projects that meet its standards for quality"

    "The pullback reflects... an admission that the prior goals were simply unattainable"

    Well, at least they have chosen to admit the truth that others still seek to ignore.

    Will this start a trend? Or will the multiplicity of offset scams stubbornly endure in the face of reality? Would that not amount to misleading investors? With possible legal consequences that would be - shall we say - significant?

    Zero Hedge

  • Fulford Report Monday 4 Sep 2023


    Ben's report this week indicates incoming turbulence among those who would still be the movers and shakers of this world - but who are beginning to resemble a cartoon character in the Wile E Coyote tradition. Please don't laugh - this is serious after all.

    "Many deep state people were expecting money from the Rockefellers today [September 1st] but NOBODY got a penny-they went all around the world to various banks and found out their accounts were either not there or drained of funds % of the money the IRS collects is supposed to go to Rocky’s banks but not anymore"

    Is there any light at the end of this cartoon tunnel? (Modest subscription required)


  • From Inside the Belly of he Beast


    Former London banker Alexander Pohl explains his journey of awakening - from wide-eyed ingenu to old hand who knows how the system is worked to the benefit of the unscrupulous.

    "... there's a lot of dark stuff in these companies' supply chains... it's all about money... "

    He tried to escape - but found that the system was following him...

    "... then I was left with Sweden"

    (92 minutes)

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  • They Always Plan Events in Advance


    Event 201, where the "great and the good" got together in 2019 to plan how a new pandemic should be handled, effectively heralded the Covid "pandemic".

    The shaping of public opinion is a trademark of the secret services - that is clear from Operation Mockingbird, where the CIA took control of the American media. Why do that unless you want to manipulate public opinion?

    Of course, the British are alleged to have helped the Americans to set up the CIA after the end of WW2. So have the British secret services been up to the same kind of tricks as their counterparts in the USA?

    Tricks that may go well beyond the mere manipulation of public

  • Technology, Conscience, Divinity


    Martin Geddes with a podcast! Whatever next?

    In his own words, how he came to be where he is today.

    He covers everything from telephony to transhumanism, rational thought to consciousness to AI, religion to divinity.

    And a great deal more besides.

    (50 minutes)

    Festival talk on technology, conscience, divinity

  • Fulford Report Monday 28 Aug 2023


    With all eyes on the recent BRICS meeting, this report explores the current and incoming global geopolitics, set against the dying machinations of the globalist Khazarian Mafia fronted by the Biden regime / WEF / UN.

    Of special interest is the role that President Xi and China will play over this coming autumn of discontent, that seems highly likely as matters develop to a head.

    Will it be an autumn to remember, or one to forget?

    Modest subscription required.


  • Mind-Machine Interface from Ancient Times


    Clif High back in inimitable form with an update on his investigation of ancient literature on a subject close to the WEF's heart!

    And it's not just audio, it's a real video - watch carefully. Especially if you want to know the real reason for circumcision (according to Clif).

    Watch whilst it's still up.

    (47 minutes)


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  • Dr Coleman Explains the Committee of 300


    How the world is truly governed?

    Together with a reminder of the meaning of the word "paranoid"... if you are not yet, you will be.

    "The descendants of the British East India Company today run the United States"

    (103 minutes)



  • Fulford Report Monday 21 Aug 2023


    Now it's Russia that both needs and wants regime change before they will talk of peace deals.

    Well, would anybody be expected to negotiate in good faith with Biden?

    And Russia is open to providing independent and wanna-be independent nations with the tools to bolster that independence:

    "Russia is open to military and technical cooperation on equitable terms with all countries that are seeking to defend their sovereign interests"

    The Chinese may not be far behind.

    Modest subscription required.


  • Is the Real New World Order About to Come Together?


    So who is it that's pulling it all together?

    Well, if you want to build a New World, you are going to need BRICS...

    Redacted lays it out for us...

    (8 minutes + the "message from the sponsor")


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