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Lucky Dip

  • The Marvellous Medical Myth Makers


    This theory is much more difficult to prove than the SARS-COV2 / Covid story was to unravel.

    I can't say whether or not it is true - but I can say that if it does turn out to be true then I won't be in the least bit surprised, given that it comes from the same bunch of sorcerers.

    And Jon Rappoport is an old hand at debunking the narrative...   I guess that makes him either a fearless seasoned veteran reporter, or a deluded dude with a paranoid obsession that defies logic.

    It's your unenviable task to decide for yourself!


  • What's Up with Ivermectin?


    I'm no expert and don't have the time to look into it in depth...

    ... but these days, nothing would surprise me!

    If you are inclined to do your own research, here are some links to get you started.


  • Down the Rabbit Hole - What's Up with the Moon?


    (Let me start with the customary suggestion - readers are advised to read my other 'Down the Rabbit Hole' titles (use top left Search box), in particular Down the Rabbit Hole - 1, before continuing)

    Our regulars will already be familiar with Clif High, a man of remarkable talent, stupendous memory, and somewhat off-the-cuff presentation, and here he is giving us the latest "woo" on the topic of the moon - is it what were led to believe? If not, what is it and what does it do?

    Here he talks to Jean Claude (of Beyond Mystic) to bring us up to

  • The Laws of War, or the Wars of Law?


    It's some time since one Donald John Trump stepped down from the White House, and that's probably just the way he likes it.

    For those of us struggling to understand the events of the modern world, this video purports to shed some light by reviewing the laws that expert Derek Johnson believes to be guiding matters.

    We might also be advised to cast our minds back to the DJT "capitulation tour" of 2017/18 - it seems that the world has never been the same since.

    You may wish to skip the first 4 minutes of "word from our sponsor" - it's not really connected to the topic in hand - although we surely do need faith at this particular juncture of history!

    (67 minutes)



  • CDBCs - Saviour of Dissenters? Or Digital Prison?


    Well, here's a new slant on CBDCs... We need them!

    They will obviate the debanking suffered by many (not just Nigel) on the whims of the retail banking fraternity, and still won't provide the authorities with the details of your purchases, so "they" won't be able to control our spending even if they wanted to

    Yes, as always, the devil is in the detail.

    Of course, if your purchasing power is held in a CBDC then it's not going to be subject to loss if your banker of choice goes bankrupt, because your banker of choice will be the central bank, which by definition cannot go bankrupt, or if it did it would take the whole country down with it. This would be an advantage of the CBDC - CBDCs are not inherently worse in all respects than the current system of banking.

    It will all depend upon

  • The Destruction of our Planetary Environment Continues ...


    Arthur Firstenberg, author of "The Invisible Rainbow", founder of Cellular Phone Task Force, reminds us that the destruction of our animal kingdom continues apace at the hands of the military industrial complex.

    OK, this time it's not cell phone masts, it's military radar installations, and at a time when WW3 seems to be about to explode, maybe the chances of getting these dismantled are as close to zero as we can get.

    Nevertheless, once we can get through the incoming turbulence, maybe there will be the opportunity to dismantle the military industrial complex worldwide, and start the process of rebuilding the planet based on verified peaceful

  • Matt Ehret On World History Leading to the Israel-Hamas Conflict


    Another offering from Matt, the Canadian Patriot.

    Along the way he skips us through the nefarious operations in the Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, and refutes our recent understanding of the Khazaria's role in world history, thus reinforcing the notion that what we think we know is almost certainly a long way short of the whole but complex truth.

    And yes, the British (and many others) had a big hand in how we got here.

    At one hour or so, it's another opportunity to broaden our understanding of where we stand today - in the midst of a carefully planned destabilisation.

    (59 minutes)



  • Matt Ehret's Unconventional View of History


    Matthew Ehret's little finger knows more history than my entire person, so when he explains something I tend to listen.

    Here he explains to Reiner Fuellmich the origins of the wars of the last century, not to mention our current fractured times.

    Yes, the UK had it's hands in it right from the beginning...  

    If we want to know whither the world is now bound, maybe understanding how we got here is no bad idea:

    (1 hr 59 mins)



  • Every Citizen Needs the Great Reset Explained


    Technocracy has its roots in history - probably very ancient history - but for our purposes we need look back only to the Third Reich. I have to say that it's a salutary exercise to read Hitler's demands of the German nation, which at that time was reeling under the draconian war reparations treaty of Versailles, a treaty that we, if it were imposed on us, would consider crushing, inhuman, impossible ever to satiate. Clearly, something had to be done, and the German people were ready for it.

    Hitler's list isn't all negative. There are certainly items that would resonate with us today as perfectly sensible. It was though a product of its times - a time of empire, of implacable economic war of nation against nation, with Germany very much the underdog with no means to get out from under. 

    Hitler's rhetoric must have seemed like a breath of fresh air.

    I would have thought that somebody would have foreseen this - maybe somebody did. We have to ask how Hitler

  • Deep Woo Incoming?


    At some risk of turning off a number of readers, this is one of those down the rabbit hole reports that those who pride themselves on knowing that our three-dimensional habitat is all there is may find unbelievable, even objectionable. If you are full-on in your own opinions, and you align with mainstream media, then you may wish to skip this one.

    Our policy is to cover topics that cannot be disproved - that doesn't imply that we believe or do not believe, it implies that we are simply open to considering stuff (AKA "conspiracy theories") that has a following and that hasn't actually been disproved (in my judgement!).

    That said, these are extraordinary times, and some believe that the world is heading for some sort of climax that will likely leave a great many confused, uncertain, panicky, and generally discombobulated and anxious. This message has been coming from a number of

  • The Great Global Warming - Fact or Swindle?


    This now somewhat ancient video reminds us just how long this controversy has been running (it aired first in 2007) - yet in its fundamentals it could have been released yesterday. The argument (if that's what it is) is still completely stuck in 2007, having made absolutely no progress one way or the other since then - we do have to ask ourselves - why?

    Maybe it isn't an argument at all. Maybe it's just an idiotic duel of the completely deaf.

    (73 minutes)



  • Return to Palnackie


    Martin Geddes returns to Palnackie (of which he has written previously).

    He uses his experience to encourage us in our social responsibilities, and it is a reflective discourse on some of the problems that afflict our local governance, and how we may / should respond to them.

    Being bothentertaining and illustrative of the interactions between human foibles and the knowledge of being under observation, it is interesting on many levels.

    Essential reading for would-be local officials and politicians?



  • "We Are Past the Time When Reform Was Possible"


    Neil Oliver is outspoken and indeed speaks for many - but are we really past the time for reform?

    Dominic Cummings makes a case for limited reform - it's an extensive case, but perhaps it qualifies as a limited hangout - a last-ditch attempt to persuade us that reform is coming - but without mentioning that it perpetuatesstillthe underlying problem.

    Many believe it now very obvious that those who control the Parties control Parliament, by controlling the selection of candidates for election, and by whipping MPs to vote as directed by the Party. Elections provide the veneer of competition and a largely fake responsibility to constituents. Until this changes, MPs are the Party's MPs, and the Parties are

  • Buckle Up Buttercups!


    "The Greatest Show on Earth"

    That's some title. Is it deserved?

    Honest folk who have begun to feel that the division between real life and Hollywood movies might be wearing a bit thin of late - well, could they really be onto something ..?

    This film is made from the viewpoint of the United States, but does it have a wider significance? After all, with the advent of the UN, and more recently the WEF, and more recently still the UN-WEF partnership, to whose pronouncements all western governments now seem to be in thrall ("The Sorcerer's Apprentice" comes to mind!), we could perhaps be forgiven for playing with this preposterous notion...   and there is more, much more.

    Worth watching? Well, I would say so.

    But it's your perception that counts.


  • The Science - Debunked


    "...  collapse of the once revered scientific process... "

    "...  there will need to be an inquiry into how so many scientific bodies abandoned core principles of scientific integrity... "

    "... silenced those who tried to continue the scientific endeavour... "

    "Group-think that maintains prevailing fads and suppresses dissent on behalf of alleged ‘consensus’ is the opposite of the central purpose of universities

    This site has pointed out before now that the scientific method, which prizes investigative questioning and confirmation/refutation of accepted theories by multiple independent scientists, has been abandoned in recent years in favour of both complexity, and "authority", posing as science. 

    Climate Chuckles


    At grave risk of committing the cardinal sin of not taking life sufficiently seriously(and especially Climate Change - if that qualifies as life - it does seem to have some sort of undead indestructable quality of its own, although it may not be alive if it never manages to evolve to adapt to new circumstances), I offer this tongue-in-cheek review from CDN of the "science" that currently purports to "save the planet".

    Brickbats on a postcard please to the usual address.


  • Government - Why Do We Need It?


    What do we actually need a government for?

    And is the current invocation doing a good job?

    And what should we do about it?

    A soliloquy, a ramble around the ramifications of this topic, from the inimitable Richard Vobes.

    (21 minutes)


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  • Mark Attwood Interviewed by Richard Vobes


    A serious but lighthearted exploration of the current political situation in Britain and Ireland.

    The Great Reset, the Great Awakening, the Apocalypse?

    May we live in interesting times...

    (64 minutes)


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  • The Ideal Mine?


    This is new one on me, but is the Woodsmith Mine "the answer" to global warming, feeding humanity, and continuing civilisation?

    I don't know, but it's a brilliant PR piece that hits all the modish "hot buttons".

    And it's British (well, Anglo-American), so we'll probably find some way to make it illegal and close it down...

    (9 minutes)


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  • The Last Word on Climate Change?


    "If only!" I hear you cry.

    Nevertheless those who profess to know best and therefore feel no need to listen to anyone else are still plodding relentlessly on in their irrelevant unscientific way - though sadly not irrelevant to our future prosperity and comfort, possibly even to our survival (many more die from cold than from excess warmth).

    So who better to clearly and calmly summarise the salient facts as we know them than Ivor Cummins?

    (20 minutes)


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