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Lucky Dip

  • Fulford at Christmas 2023


    My apologies for taking Christmas Day off 🙂.

    It seems that Benjamin Fulford did not, so here we present his Christmas 2023 report for Monday 25th December.

    "... both China and the West (the rest of the world not so much) need to completely change their long, short and medium turn economic plans"

    "The victors in the war against the KM are now presenting plans that are astonishing in their scale and ambition"

    "Once the plans on how to accomplish this are worked out, the result will make the Cambrian explosion look like a champagne bubble by comparison"

    We stand on the threshold of a new age, a new era, a new eon perhaps.

    Buckle up. Do we trust any government that relies on coercion to take us into

  • For the Esotericist


    If you fancy a bit of brain-hurt, this may be for you.

    Be warned, it traverses a great deal of history, mythology (what is mythology?) and of the "hidden knowledge" so beloved of the many and various incarnations of the secret societies that have flourished and withered over many centuries - making sense of it is problematic to say the least.

    Still, without wishing to assert that any of it is actually true (truth here must be entirely dependent upon the interpretation of each individual reader!), it does make for a diverting and indeed challenging read in the wake of this winter solstice, when the Sun reverses its course and the days start to become longer once more. Is this anything to do with Lucifer, the "bringer of light"? Or just the same old cycle of the heavens...

    Make of it what you will. They were not called

  • The Space Between Me and Reality


    For those becoming discombobulated by a realisation that our world is not run the way we thought it was, and still coming to terms with the new reality...

    This substack isn't directly applicable but does deal with the writer's approach to the uncertainty involved in dislocation.

    "The place I’m in feels liminal; not quite done with the past and not yet having created a new life here"

    "the myriad ways in which my body and heart and spirit are supporting me and carrying me onward, if only I can take the time to listen"

    "I feel help coming from so many other forces too: particularly from friends; from the trees, the waters and the land I’m on; from the movement of the stars reminding me of deep time and space"

    This piece probably isn't for

  • Elon Lays it Out


    Elon Musk performs for an Italian audience (in English!):

    (39 minutes)


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  • An Encouragement for Our Time


    Once more Neil Oliver articulates our thoughts, and does it much better than I could ever achieve.

    As the Christmas season approaches, it's easy to get overwhelmed by all the things we think we should have done but haven't (yet) - and at such times as this, even in the midst of global uncertainty rampant, it's important to take a step back, establish a moment of calm, and review what went right as well as what did not go so well, and what remains to be done.

    Neil, we salute you!


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  • The COP28 Ritual Explained


    Dr Benny Peiser reflects on the realities underlying the COP28 pronouncements.

    As the good Dr remarks:

    "... for the first time that I can remember, this COP has given the rubber stamp to fossil fuels"

    I guess what it comes down to is - what's in a word? As Humpty Dumpty remarked:

    "When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less"

    Pragmatism, or revolt (by any other name) because too many populations simply cannot survive without effective and reliable power supply?

    (26 minutes)


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  • Another Take on Our Health (or Lack of)


    This is going to be controversial!

    I have no idea whether the ideas put forward in this tall tale are correct or incorrect - but I do give credence to the general idea that the modern medical industrial complex has seriously lost its way (assuming that it is motivated to support our health well-being and active life-span).

    Some now consider that parasites are the cause of a number of our human health problems, but whilst there is widespread acknowledgement that animal parasites do infect our pets and livestock, there may be some disagreement on the existence and extent of modern human parasites. For my part I would ask why humans should be any different from animals in this regard?

    This presentation from the Global Sciences Congress 1997 (Tampa) presents the case for human parasites and what to do about them.

    In the interests of balance, I should point out that Full Fact has

  • Will AI Rule the World?


    So what is it with AI? Will it rule the world?

    What are its limitations?

    Will it take my job?

    Well, maybe it depends...

    Maybe it won't do my job any time soon, but listen up, and form your own conclusions.


  • Russell Brands the Jabberwocky Psy-Op


    I think you will just have to watch this and come to your own conclusion... 

    (8 minutes)


    And by way of comparison for strictly educational purposes:

    (2 minutes)


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  • Thought for 2024



  • Are We Ready for Hypernovelty?


    Sarah Westall interviews Clif High, covering a great deal of ground in three parts.

    Parts 1 and 2 are freely available and linked below, part 3 is for subscribers to Sarah's paid substack. It's up to you whether you want to take out that subscription (although there is the 7 day free trial if you want it).

    This is a fascinating interview, not to be missed, not for the faint of heart, nor for the irreparably religious... and even the religious may wish to know what the others are foretelling.

    If you want a glimpse into what we may be in for over the next few years, I know (in my misguided opinion) of no better guide than Clif High, and Sarah asks all the right questions.

    Each video starts with a snippet from the interview to whet your appetite (which makes it seem a bit disjointed until you realise what's going on) followed by the message from her sponsor(s) (we all have to make a living) followed by the

  • The Illusion of Reality


    At grave risk of alienating around 90% of my readership...

    ... today we explore what may (or may not) be the true nature of our earthly reality.

    Certainly in a world in which our mainstream media are adept at misrepresenting reality in order to sway our thinking in directions that our puppeteers wish us to support, reality has been shown in recent years to be elusive.

    It's a bit tricky to navigate this topic because it's so difficult (likely impossible) to prove what the true nature of reality may actually be, so ultimately we may have no way to decide one way or another... but perhaps that is the ultimate challenge?

    However we do have a (possibly "the") master "conspiracy theorist" to guide us in our quest, so all is not lost, it merely requires an adjustment to the controls of our mindset. Don't forget, if it all becomes too much, simply hit the STOP button and move on to the next article in our

  • Whither UK Politics Now?


    As per usual, or even more strongly than usual, many view the current state of British politics with dismay.

    The Tories are haemorrhaging support, but few believe that Sir Keir would make a better fist of running the country. 

    Clearly some "outside-the-box" thinking is required, and I believe I may have hit upon the exact solution that would lead the nation beyond the current political impasse - and solve the Tories' "red wall" conundrum into the bargain!

    Difficult times require difficult measures, but if we are to unite around a revised political settlement then all parties will need to share the pain for the greater good. So without further ado let me put forward a truly different proposal that will bring stability to our national institutions of government whilst also healing old

  • Climate Chuckles of the Week


    The ever reliable Climate Discussion Nexus pokes much-deserved ridicule at the latest climate scare news peddlers, currently finding their beloved narrative crumbling beneath their feet and threatening to dump them into a whole ocean of the patiently waiting cold water of truth.

    And closer to home, even the Royal Society feels safe now to have pop at some of the more ludicrous climate predictions...

    In these fractious times we must take our entertainment where we can find it 😎.


  • How Our Thoughts are Manipulated, and Our Thinking Channelled


    The ways in the public can be manipulated by the media are legion, but one particularly insidious method is by the introduction of new phraseology that linguistically guides our thoughts in a specific direction.

    Of course this technique can be used for good and for ill - but only the privileged "thought leaders" of the press, politicians and pundits have the prerequisite penetration to promulgate such phraseology across an unprepared public.

    Is there a term for this? Maybe there is.

    It's a topic of which we should all be aware, and cultivate some understanding - the first step toward countering such influence must surely be to understand it, recognise it, and perhaps to turn it to our advantage. After all, "all's fair in love and war".

    "When certain language practices are altered... they can actually shut down

  • Bring Back the Classics of Our Youth!


    Guy de la Bédoyère is my kind of man - Heck, he even grew up on my old stomping ground!

    Reading this piece is reliving my own youth - it just needs the scent of steamed syrup pudding and custard to be overwhelming.

    I have to admit that having spent much of my adult life looking forward to achievements not yet met, to be dumped back into my childhood and adolescence so unceremoniously is arresting(despite the omission of "Dixon of Dock Green"), and prompts a degree of introspection - what have I done with my life, and what was it all for?

    Guy is right - in those days we had dreams. Exciting dreams. Entertaining dreams. Encouraging dreams. Dreams worth dreaming.

    What dreams do our kids have now?  Deadly pandemics? Climate armageddon? Gender dysphoria? Terrorism? World war 3? the Collapse of

  • Fifteen New Cities Incoming?


    We are grateful for the good folk at Migration Watch UK, still on the job, monitoring the incoming waves of immigration to this sceptred isle.

    They reckon that we will have to construct the equivalent of 15 cities the "size of Birmingham" in order to house the numbers expected.

    The weasel word here of course is "size" - are they talking surface area, or merely head of population?

    It occurs to me that this problem could quite possibly be solved in short order (with a little lateral thinking) by a government announcement, widely promulgated, that in line with the WEF thinking so wisely supported by our ruling classes, all new immigrants will be allocated priority housing in brand new cities, constructed

  • How Will We Remember Them?


    How will our politicians from these times be remembered in times to come?

    And were they really "in power"?

    Make up your own mind:

    (5 minutes)


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  • Global Financial Crash / Nesara - Gesara Imminent?


    This is as they say "scuttlebutt" - word on the internet street - conspiracy theory on steroids, fit only for nerds who have nothing better to do with their time than scan the usual suspect sites for new mis/dis/information. Yes, guilty as charged.

    I don't normally feature videos from this source because, well, you likely have neither the time nor the inclination to sit through it all, and yes, he can be annoyingly slow at getting to the point, and yes, he is mostly of interest to those residing over the pond. He isn't the BBC/CNN etc. He's a bloke who does what he feels led to do.

    But today is the exception.

    I suspect he has a very significant - nay huge - point to make here, and I believe his track record to be pretty good, which is why I'm featuring his work today (you can skip the first 21 minutes without missing anything of substance 😎 but DO watch from there at least to the 50 / 60 minute mark).


  • A Bridge Too Far?


    Here we have it - a (full?) run-down of our modern scam world - legal, political, judicial, corporate, "charitable", and military - all carefully constructed over centuries.

    A vast interlocking network of conspiracies to enslave humanity and steal our wealth our labour and our future? Or a benign system of governance that has only our well-being and development at heart?

    Time prohibits me from a full assessment, but there's enough here to suggest that we could
