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Lucky Dip

  • Excess Deaths and Covid Jab Status


    We have waited a long time for someone to connect the dots.

    Remember, it is the responsibility of the MHRA to monitor the results of the distribution of medicines - including those labelled as vaccines - to pick up any safety signals and ensure that potential problems are investigated.

    The ONS has published statistics on excess deaths that can be correlated with the different rates of vaccine uptake across the age ranges.

    So, the analysis is based upon the principle that if there is no connection between vaccine uptake and excess deaths, then the excess deaths would not obviously be related to the vaccinated/unvaccinated status of those who died, and the percentage of excess deaths in both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated groups will be (more or less) expected to be the same as the overall proportion for these groups combined.

    So if the proportion of excess deaths overall is 10%, then both the unvaccinated

  • "The Net is Mightier Than the Sword"


    James Corbett reviews the history of an ancient aphorism, and explains how his network of open-source sources enables him to deliver state of the art journalism.

    There's been a lot of water under the bridge since 2014 (when this video was made), and the deep state is now desperately trying to put the cork back into the social media bottle - but is it too late?

    (11 minutes)



  • Technology, Conscience, Divinity


    Martin Geddes with a podcast! Whatever next?

    In his own words, how he came to be where he is today.

    He covers everything from telephony to transhumanism, rational thought to consciousness to AI, religion to divinity.

    And a great deal more besides.

    (50 minutes)

    Festival talk on technology, conscience, divinity

  • The World According to Neil


    Neil Oliver as always comments with verve and aplomb on current events, recent and not quite so recent.

    (15 minutes)


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    (11 minutes)


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  • Mind-Machine Interface from Ancient Times


    Clif High back in inimitable form with an update on his investigation of ancient literature on a subject close to the WEF's heart!

    And it's not just audio, it's a real video - watch carefully. Especially if you want to know the real reason for circumcision (according to Clif).

    Watch whilst it's still up.

    (47 minutes)


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  • Romanian Rainwater


    Why would anybody want to analyse the rainwater in Romania?

    Well, if you are a die-hard conspiracy theorist and believe all the nonsense about "chemtrails" then I guess you probably would.

    Of course, although the said conspiracy theorists allege stuff like Graphene, Barium, Strontium, Aluminium, Iron, Copper, Zinc, Calcium, Nickel and Arsenic, to name but a few, you wouldn't actually find anything other than water would you?

    Oh wait...

  • New Climate Paper May Account for Unusual Patterns ...


    Well I'm not going to get involved in this one.

    Climate Science being the most convoluted and complex topic known to man, with so many supporting and conflicting variables both known and unknown, the only warming that we can be certain about is that caused by the outpourings of our politicians media pundits and pseudo-scientists as they pontificate over the latest intricacies and minutiae of their conflicting positions. Or possibly cooling if we account for the opportunity cost of them not talking about something else entirely.

    It is in fact as stated somewhere previously the perfect hoax - both too complex for conclusive analysis, and too long-term for accurate testing, thus susceptible to neither proof nor disproof. It's a genuine fools errand that cannot be conclusively gainsaid, and thus perfect for

  • An Economic Analysis of Global Boiling


    Fortune and Freedom is primarily an independent financial/economic collection of journalists of various associated subject-matter expertise. It has a long history, but (no doubt due to its independent streak) it has always looked to identify the issues below the surface that the mainstream media choose not to highlight - for such are the issues that the financially savvy may profit from.

    Of course, economics and politics are two facets of the same coin these days, since monetary management is pivotal to both; and now that government seems to have transitioned almost openly from democratic to corporate, this linkage is absolutely consequential.

    Personally, I myself have a great deal of respect for Nick Hubble, here interviewing Brandon Smith of Alt-Market, and discussing the current tendencies of corporate government to want to micromanage each one of us individually through technology rampant. Nick comes from a personal international background which gives him insights that stay-at-homes such as

  • So You Think You Know Your AI?


    AI has become a bit of a bogeyman, used to scare us all into thinking that we will soon be thrown on the scrap-heap of history when our jobs are taken by automation/artificial intelligence.

    Is there any truth to this suggestion?

    Or is it all a wild over-hyping that will fizzle out in the cold light of reality?

    What is "intelligence" anyway?

    Does it differ from wisdom?

    What will we do if/when the mundane is covered by automation and we don't need "the daily round, the common task" in order to survive? The answer will depend upon who garners the fruits of its labours - will they be reserved for the elite of the WEF-UN partnership

  • Can China + Saudi Bring Peace to the Ukraine?


    With Russia presenting an immovable object, the irresistible force of the Ukrainian armed forces backed by NATO seems to have met its match. Yet the USA-UK axis has betrayed no inclination to move for peace.

    Ukraine however must be looking at its backers and wondering if they have enough Ukrainian lives left to make any more war?

    Surely there are people in the Ukraine who will be looking for a way out?

    Step forward China / Saudi Arabia to broker a talks process to hopefully lead to a ceasefire, followed by a peace agreement.

    (10 minutes)


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  • Where Are Gilbert and Sullivan When We Need Them?


    This tale of dastardly deeds and piratical purposes cries out for that good old-fashioned operatical treatment that was so well-received (and effective) in times of yore.

    Are there no budding composers and librettists who can step forward to fill this yawning gap in our modern pantheon of raucous pop and discordant noise?

    Plot? "Plot" you say? You want a plot?

    Is there a shortage of plots?!

    Perhaps we only have to look in the right place, and we will find a veritable cornucopia of plots!

    But maybe we can help out today with a neatly packaged, scumbag filled, byzantine assemblage of legal twists, important actors, nefarious motivations, occult collusions and yes, that vital lowly hero who selflessly stands against the impossible odds, determined to secure the eventual inevitable triumph of light and love over venality, subterfuge, and darkness - simply because it

  • CO2 Masterclass



    Dr Patrick Moore, "Dr. Patrick Moore - Co-Founder and former President of Greenpeace, Director of the CO2 Coalition, Senior Fellow of The Heartland Institute, and author of 'Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom' "

    In this video he brings a much-needed historical perspective to global temperatures, CO2 levels, polar bears, ocean temperatures, carboniferous deposits on the ocean floor, and the way in which humanity may (or may not) have been responsible for saving the planet from a disastrous CO2 famine.

    Not to mention the Great Barrier Reef... the Great Pacific Garbage Patch... etc etc


    (81 minutes)


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  • Boris as You May Once Have Voted for Him


    There is a theory that Boris was a bit of a maverick.

    A man who declined to conform to the political norms of the day, who may even have had the interests of his electors at heart.

    Whether any of that is true is impossible to know, but some kind souls have put together a reconstruction of the Boris that perhaps we thought we knew - until the Covid scare destroyed all reason and rational argument on a global scale - speaking in the belly of the Beast.

    His warnings on 5G, Smart Cities (and Smart everything else) were indeed relevant.

    Quite interesting to review what might have been...

    (With thanks to the Light Paper &

    Quantum Computing Explained?


    As a "computer scientist" I was taught to think bits bytes registers and code at a time when a computer needed quite a large air-conditioned room to itself, not to mention various peripheral units (card readers, paper tape readers, magnetic tape drives, printers) scattered around it in their own large cabinets, all connected by equally large underfloor cables, and requiring constant attention from an operator to load the right instruction programs and the correct data tapes on the right drives at the right time.

    In fact, it was a time when the "operating system" had yet to be invented and the operator had to preset the "read a punched card" instruction into the program register, and the first card read had to contain the first (machine code) instructions to be executed. This was known a bootstrapping.

    As time went on the next machines introduced the idea of an operating system (although it wasn't called that until later) whereby the small "executive program" sat permanently in the machine and the

  • Wind Farms Down Under, and More


    Rather a good analysis of the contributions made by "sustainable" energy "solutions" from someone who worked in the field.

    Have you ever wondered why wind turbines still rotate even in the mildest breeze?

    So is it all a load of hot air? You decide...

    (91 minutes) 



  • Down the Rabbit Hole - to ... well, Almost Everything We Think we Know but Don't


    (New readers may like to check out the other articles in our "Down the Rabbit Hole" series, where we look at out-of-the-usual issues that many dismiss as absurd, but which seem remarkably resilient and are not easily disproved - forewarned is forearmed!)

    This is a tantalising exploration of our life assumptions that may be obscuring the truth about our world, our history, and our origins.

    It's quite a challenging ride, not only for the concepts presented (mud floods, rewriting of history to exclude the significant bits, Tartaria, ancient megaliths that we couldn't build even today, and the prediluvian civilisations of prehistory that survive only as fragments in the accounts of the ancients), but also in the possibly unhelpful sequence in which these matters are presented.

    Still, whatever its faults,

  • How to Approach our Spiritual Journey


    It's been a helter-skelter few years which have posed spiritual challenges both unfamiliar and enormous - but maybe not actually complicated.

    Unless you are one of those who rejects the very concept of spirituality. If so, just consider the simple logic - if we work together we are obviously more productive and powerful than if we fight each other. 

    To work together we must reach genuine agreement, which requires the free flow of ideas and true information. To avoid the fighting we must agree to stick to peaceful discourse.

    Everybody has the equipment between their ears to understand these points, but for whatever reason we are not all willing to make the deductions that follow on from them.

    This is a useful ramble around the psychology of these situations, and it challenges us all to face up to the realities.

    As individuals working separately we are not going to

  • Thought of the Week


    Martin Geddes with another of his dissertations on the current state of events within the broader sweep of recent (and not so recent) history.

    In times like these when it's become extremely difficult to determine what is true and what is false, confusion is our ever constant companion;  yet is it possible by setting events within context to bring some clarity at least to the overall direction of travel.

    Our planetary exodus from being taken hostage


  • Clif High Reports - Summer Immediacy


    This is an audio report (with pretty but unrelated pictures) which I deduce is 2023 and very topical.

    It's a bit technical, but bear with it.

    August incoming - keep up your situational awareness, prime it by listening to this recording.

    "... they can't have you talking about [this]... "

    "... they can't go back... "

    "... this is going to be a very very very entertaining late summer, fall and early winter... "

    (28 minutes)


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  • The True Origin of Money?


    Richard Vobes interviews Michael Tellinger, proponent of the Ubuntu "one small town" movement.

    "... it [money] arrived as a fully evolved, fully planned, premeditated tool of enslavement "

    "... we're not opposing the system, because if you do that you're going to lose"

    Essential viewing.

    (72 minutes)


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