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  • And Still They Keep Coming


    UNN reports on the ongoing flood of immigrants being welcomed by HMG.

    "The Channel hoppers are almost exclusively fighting-age men; many have the hardened look of soldiers"

    I can't vouch for the "hardened look" personally, and it's a subjective opinion, but we surely didn't vote to leave the EU in order to install an open-door immigration policy for migrants who bypass the normal immigration procedures.

    "My guess is that this vast young male influx is to populate a New Model Army, for which internal military action is planned in the near future. And perhaps this inverted  D-Day will be sooner than you think"

    Now he's well into the realms of outright speculation, but I'm not going to say that he's wrong - it's certainly all very concerning.

    Word on the back-channels does seem to support an acceleration of events this month.


  • How Will the Policies of Governments Affect Our Food Supply?


    With the UK announcing its new farming support stance (support for nature, less so for food production) and EU governments in hot pursuit of the WEF-UN Agenda 2030 Climate Change narrative and provoking lively protests from their farming communities, now sounds like a good time for us to review the likely effects on our UK food supply and prices.

    Brexit Watch have opened this debate with a review of the way things are going...

    "... as the UK is presently facing a ‘cost-of-living-crisis’ which includes higher food prices, then surely it should be a good thing the UK will have ample supplies of food, if not fuel, from countries unaffected by the present supply-chain disruptions in Europe?"

    "... with fuel shortages, drought (yes, the EU has a water shortage as well), high fertiliser prices and

  • The Sustainable Farming Incentive - "Full Guidance"


    The UK government has released "full guidance" on its Sustainable Farming Incentive scheme (for England).

    This is "the first of 3 new environmental schemes being introduced under the Agricultural Transition Plan. The other 2 schemes are Local Nature Recovery and Landscape Recovery."

    "We are phasing out subsidies so that we can invest the money in farm productivity, the environment, and animal health and welfare" - New farming policies and payments in England

    EU on the Skids?


    In 2016 the UK voted to leave the EU. Many may argue that we never really left in practice, despite Boris' posturings, and some argue that with a new PM in the hot seat we may be set fair to rejoin, but it seems that other countries have had enough of the EU as currently constituted.

    Hungary has taken a dramatic step which amounts to a declaration of determined intent:

    Orban’s Hungary votes to abolish current EU Parliament and end “ever closer union”

    With Draghi already busted and Macron on the slide, can other countries be far behind?

    Or will the EU be fatally compromised by Russia's stranglehold on the gas pedal? Or by their revolting national citizenry? Or by the stresses and strains imposed by the military

  • Are the BRICS Just the Same Globalists Under a Different Hat?


    One of the petitions (to those who masquerade as our government) that I have not yet seen raised might be a petition urging the UK to join the BRICS (Brazil Russia India China) group of nations - in other words that group of nations that appears to be forging a new path to the future rather than clinging to the outmoded and failing power-groupings of the past.

    Of all the European nations, Britain may well be among those best placed to do exactly that following our exit from the EU.

    Some may find this suggestion tasteless, made as it is whilst the UK is clearly engaged in an even more tasteless proxy war with Russia, but this is (at least for now) merely a philosophical issue which doesn't detract from the primary argument.

    In any case, there is no case for casting aside logical thought and philosophical enquiry because there is a war on - wars are never won by building strategy upon untruths.

    In fact, the

  • Keep Your Friends Close, and Your Enemies Closer


    A rather depressing but some might think all-too-predictable analysis of the new trade deal with New Zealand is offered by Brexit Watch.

    "Who negotiated this deal, the EU?"

    A fair question. Still, over the next 4 to 8 years (why so long?) tariffs on nearly all of New Zealand's products will be removed, although it seems that some quotas may remain.

    So from all parties' point of view, traders and producers will have time to review supply chains and bring in controlled change. One can always argue about the details, but clearly an abrupt removal might be a source of unwanted disruption.

    There again, the world is being disrupted with supply chains already in some turmoil, so one wonders whether we might need a bit more flexibility.

    How Does this Differ from Open Borders?


    "the so-called ‘High Potential Individual’ visa... would allow graduates of universities around the world to come to the UK to work in jobs at any skill or pay level for two to three years"

    "this is being enacted with minimal checks and balances, including….

    • NO annual cap on numbers (even with 70% of the public wanting such a cap – Deltapoll, 2019).
    • NO minimum salary requirement(even though the lack of one will open UK workers to the real risk of being undercut by cheaper overseas staff).
    • NO need to secure a job before coming (even as 64% of the public say non-UK workers should have to have a job offer from an approved employer before coming here (YouGov, February 2020).
    • NO protection for the UK jobskeekers(even though nearly eight in
  • Brexit Britain "Projects Power in the EU"


    This piece from the Campaign for an Independent Britain and based on research by Brexit Facts 4 EU I present without comment, as I am not qualified to comment (not that that would stop me, but on this occasion I think it best to leave you to form your own judgements).

    I find it interesting, but without any comparative information about what say France, Germany or Spain (to mention three at random) are doing, I think it isn't possible to conclude very much.

    See what you think.

    Still, there are some interesting nuggets on the

  • Eat Your (Edited) Genes


    Maybe you welcome gene-edited plants (initially), or maybe you don't, depending on your faith in "the science" to bring us safe and improved foods.

    If "the science" is exemplified by the rigor displayed recently by the global medical establishment then maybe we shouldn't be queuing up to applaud this latest initiative.

    Of course there is scientific rigour and rigor mortis, and sadly it may be necessary to remind some of our appointed scientific experts of the difference.

    In rigor mortis, the limbs become stiff and inflexible (much like the assurances of late from our medical establishment, politicians, and other appointees to high public positions, when confronted by independent experts and lay people alike) whereas in science, the rigour originates from the practice of gladly submitting any particular theorem to any and all challenges freely accepted, and seeing whether or not it stands up to the evidence of experiment and experience, and the application

  • EU Digital Covid Vaccine Certificate Framework - Passport to Social Control?


    Go on, admit it, you're excited to read about this!

    Brought to us by Global Research, this article brings us up to date with the roll-out of the most important development in the EU for many years - the accession by the EU to the Global Health Governance measures currently underway at the WHO, in the form of the Pandemic Treaty, which will codify into international law control by the WHO over pandemic preparedness in all the treaty countries.

    Naturally this will be facilitated by the WHO’s QR Verification Code project, which is intent upon creating a global digital data bank of 7.9 billion people.

    "Both initiatives are to be carried out concurrently by the WHO in liaison with ID2020 and the Gavi Alliance,

  • Covid Pass to be Mandatory in the EU?


    From Global Research:

    Mandatory vaccination for the EU just went through under the radar

    Whilst I can't vouch for the bit about abolishing cash, nor can I say that it won't happen.

    Extension of EU Digital COVID Certificate Regulation 

    COVID-19: Council agrees to extend the Regulation establishing the EU Digital COVID Certificate


  • Rwanda - Transit Point in the Channel?


    Of course, what could possibly go wrong?

    Priti Patel surely cannot win this one. 

    Fly the illegal channel migrants to Rwanda for processing (out of sight, out of mind?), wait for the media to highlight the appalling conditions in which they are held, then fly them back again? And if their asylum claims are rejected, where will they be released?

    And how much would all this cost?

    Nigel Farage doesn't think she can either. Not for the first time, he hits the nail on the head.

    Our politicians can wriggle and squirm all they like but they only confirm just how out of touch with reality and the popular mood they really are.


  • The EU Tightens its Grip


    Brexit is a work-in-progress - except that this term implies progress, whereas it appears to be going into reverse.

    Of course it depends on whose viewpoint you are taking - from the EU's perspective it is advancing its agenda to break Northern Ireland away from the UK.

    From this report it would appear that the EU is unilaterally tightening up the red tape to make it stupidly expensive to import goods from the UK across that border in the Irish Sea.

    Will anybody in government get a grip on this situation, or will they simply string out the already interminable nonsense with more rounds of meaningless negotiations?

    The EU have made their intent abundantly clear.

    We should either pull the plug on the protocol and have done with it, or wrap up the province in a nice

  • EU Parliamentarians Call for Ursula von der Leyen to Step Down


    "Freedom loving MEPs demanded the immediate resignation of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen who failed to disclose communication with the CEO of Pfizer. They also called for an ending of imposition of EU's Digital Covid Certificate which is useless, unnecessary and discriminatory. One MEP also called for a compensation fund for the COVID vaccine injured and they all ended with a rising encouragement to the freedom loving truckers of Canada. (Press conference - Strasbourg, 16 February 2022)"

    "-00:32 - MEP Stasys JAKELIŪNAS (Greens, LT)

  • Austria, Land of Music, Lakes and Mountains ... and Suppression


    Think of Austria, think of the skiing, the music, the Sound of Music, the sunshine and fresh mountain air.

    Today Austria is implementing mandatory vaccination for a disease that kills almost nobody below the average life expectancy, backed by draconian fines.

    "Last weekend, the Government ... passed one of the most repressive laws in Western Europe since 1945"

    "... the Constitutional Minister, had said in November 2021 that 'the introduction of compulsory vaccination naturally interferes with fundamental rights' ... she added ... that the step wa

  • Nigel Farage gives the 4th Annual Jillian Becker Lecture


    Nigel is like Marmite - you either love him or hate him.

    He is perhaps the most successful politician of the 21st century. The establishment took us into the EU - Nigel took us out (with a little help from his friends) and he did it in some style.

    Watching him tonight, I am reminded that he knows how to work a crowd!

    Here he is giving the 4th Jillian Becker Lecture for the Freedom Association - and he hasn't lost his form.

    Introduced by David Campbell-Bannerman (you can skip the 9 minute introduction if you wish):

    "... there is a problem... over the course of now nearly 50 years, the state has just got bigger, and bigger, and bigger... and all that politicians do, and all that lobby groups do, is to constantly campaign for the state to get bigger still... and I sense that one of the reasons that people... don't value freedom, and don't value liberty, is

  • Reminder of the Benefits of Brexit - Boris Take Note


    Brexit Facts 4 EU 

    "It was refreshing on the second anniversary of our official departure from the EU to see the UK Government finally getting round to putting out some communications material going beyond the glib statements we are all used to"

    "To help readers see what more there is we thought today we would field our first eleven of additional entries to the list of Brexit benefits – and we’ll keep publishing more when we feel the achievements are in danger of being forgotten"

    The list of EU financials for which we would have been liable is not trivial, but also not normally to the forefront of everybody's mind. None the less they would have constituted a significant drain on our resources, already hugely over-stretched by the Covid response.

    Which reminds me - the UK was one of the first to access Covid vaccines (not everybody thinks that these were a good idea, but we got them done with

  • The Small Potatoes of the NI Protocol


    "The seemingly innocuous matter of seed potatoes"

    Brexit Facts4EU highlight one of the many seemingly interminable issues that absolutely defy logical resolution - the thwarted export of seed potatoes from Scotland to Northern Ireland(and indeed to the Irish Republic and the EU).

    I will spare you the details (read the article for these) but we all know that if reason and logic were the only factors of importance we would never have agreed to the NI Protocol in the first place. It was always there to nag away at our terrible democratic decision to leave the warm bureaucratic embrace of the EU, with a view to ultimately confusing us into believing that we should in due course return to the fold. Or to force Northern Ireland into the EU alongside Southern

  • EU Parliamentarians Review Covid Status in Italy & EU



    Like / Dislike this video here.


  • More EU Nationals Being Refused Entry to UK


    Brexit Facts4EU reports on something our government may be getting more right...  the numbers of EU nationals being stopped, questioned, and even refused entry on arrival (excluding channel dinghy crossings obviously) is trending upwards.

    Whilst I have no idea whether the figures being reported are any higher or lower than they should be, we can at least see that something has changed since we left the EU.

    "The Home Office is believed to be applying a more thorough approach in questioning arrivals from the EU regarding the true intentions for their visit, including looking for visitors who are actually seeking work without the correct documentation or the right to do so"

    "The Home Office and the Home Secretary, Priti
