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5G & EMFs

  • Federal Communications Commission Still Asleep at the Wheel?


    Children's Health Defense acting in concert with the Environmental Health Trust took the FCC to court in 2021 over its outdated safety guidelines for EMF exposures.

    And won.

    The court ordered the FCC to explain themselves.

    They didn't.

  • 5G, 5G - Wherefore Art Thou, 5G?


    "I'm coming, I'm coming, but those dreadful Luddite conspiracy theorists have been trying to trip me up in Court!"

    "They want to delay me for ever whilst they submit me to quite unnecessary safety trials - but I can't wait - the time for 5G is NOW, and never mind the stupid risks, there's money to be made... "

    "I.O.T. is waiting for me, we can't miss the market!"

    TCW Defending Freedom reports.

    (NB: at time of writing, the results of the judicial review of 6th-7th February are awaited)

  • After 5G - What May 6G Look Like?


    Courtesy of Technocracy News and Trends, this is a perhaps long overdue exploration of the nature of 5G and how 6G may have to perform in order to take a market position that justifies its expense.

    6G is supposedly 100GHz and higher - yet 5G mostly remains below 6GHz as currently rolled out, although the specified range is up to 100GHz - and bear in mind that domestic wi-fi routers today work at the 2.4GHz and 5GHz ranges.

    So 5G mobile telephony isn't currently much of a leap forward, although it does require many more base stations down your street for the higher wavebands (in the tens of GHz ranges) not yet copiously rolled out.

    The power requirements for 6G will also be an order of magnitude higher than the current 5G as rolled out today - the higher the carrier frequency, the greater the power transmitted (and the more careful of safety concerns we need to be - not that anybody "in charge" seems to have paid any attention to safety matters so

  • 5G - The Case for the Judicial Review


    As previously reported, The Court of Appeal was to hear the case for a judicial review of the Govenment's bland but allegedly baseless assurances that the 5G roll-out poses no threats to human health on 6/7th February.

    That hearing did take place and an account of the hearing by the barrister for the claimants has been published, outlining the submissions to the Court.

    "On 6 and 7 February 2023 the Administrative Court heard the judicial review of the Secretary of State’s alleged failure to address the evidence of risks to human health posed by 5G technology"

    "At the hearing the government argued that there is no duty to inform the public of any risks at all, because it essentially denies that there are any risks from the increased exposures or new form of radiation frequency to be used in 5G

  • 5G - The Silence Continues - But for How Long?


    That microwave wireless radiation can upset some people is well-established - what is not well-established (or at all established) is governments' recognition that there might just be a problem here in the wake of a global roll-out of 5G ( / 6G / nG ) technologies.

    Given their resolute blindness to the damages wrought on many by a recent well-publicised global roll-out of new and minimally tested (some would assert essentially untested) technology, the omens do not look good.

    However, this may (or may not) be about to change...

    "... the Court of Appeal has recently given permission for a judicial review challenging the Government for 'failure to give adequate information to the public about the

  • Are 5G & EMFs another "Climate Change"?


    Arthur Firstenberg, author of "The Invisible Rainbow", probably knows as much about the effects of electromagnetism on the planet as any man alive. In his book, he documents the effects of introducing electrical technologies over the last couple of centuries, and illuminating reading it is. From the very first experiments with electricity to the rolling out of military radars and civilian cellular telephone systems, little escapes his scrutiny, and a compelling case he makes without a doubt - even if there is (as with all human endeavour) the possibility of error in regard to specific instances.

    Nevertheless there is abundant scientific literature to confirm that EMFs as we know them today can be

  • Scientists Call for Moratorium on 5G Roll-Out


    The Defender (Children's Health Defense) publishes an update on the sorry story of the reckless roll-out of the 5G networks - reckless in as much as the authorities at the Federal Communications Commission have deliberately failed to ensure that these wave-bands will be safe in general usage.

    "The authors of a peer-reviewed study published Tuesday warned about the risks of exposure to radiation from 5G technology and said their research shows existing exposure limits for wireless radiation are inadequate, outdated and harmful to human health and wildlife"

    Scientists Call for Moratorium on 5G After Study Shows Regulators Ignoring Health Risks of Radiation

    This comes as no

  • The Prototype Smart City?


    The Netherlands is forging ahead, reportedly under the guidance of the WEF, with a 5G smart network, but without any public consultation, let alone consent.

    "the municipality of Apeldoorn and RadioLED signed a secret agreement in 2021, giving RadioLED permission to install 500 small transmitters (square white boxes) on lampposts"

    Not all of the citizenry are impressed:

    "One of the initiatives of this working group is the petition 'Stop Smart City Apeldoorn and the rollout of the boxes of RadioLED'"

    Strangely, no politicians seem concerned that there has been no public debate about this development - you would think that such debate would be meat and drink to the political classes, but apparently not. 

    Who needs politicians anyway? Perhaps the good burghers or Apeldoorn will find a way to deal with this intrusion on their lives without

  • Who is Q? What is the Plan for the Vaccinated?


    This is a measured and calm review of the deep state and its ambitions to rule a depopulated world.

    Also the push-back from the antidote to the deep state: the Q team (whoever they may be) and what has been happening since the assassination of President Kennedy.

    This has been a clandestine war from the very beginning -  a beginning that goes back millennia at least to biblical times.

    This war is coming to a head as we live and breathe - a war to end all wars, and to end the influence of institutional evil that has been festering within the halls of power from earliest known times.  

    We indeed live in the most "interesting" of times.

    In only 30 minutes much is left unsaid, but the primary message concerns the fate of the jabbed - how will the negative effects of the injections be countered?

    Operation "warp speed" was

  • Swindon Residents Association research 5G


    Two videos of local residents association members checking out the 5G towers in their area.

    Not exciting, and not too difficult!

    (23 minutes)



    (25 minutes)



  • Wireless Tech - What We Need to Know


    Arthur Firstenberg, author of The Invisible Rainbow (recommended), brings us up to date with his revised What You Need to Know about Wireless Technology (download), 21 pages.

    This document includes a list of biological effects (not necessarily exhaustive - we are still learning), morbidity and mortality, sickness, and a long list of references.

    The findings include a long list of flora and non-human fauna whose health is affected by radiation, from fruit flies to cows.

    And of course, humans.

    Let's Do It, Let's Fall in Love ... Update?


    This is a song that has been updated over the years, by various artists, and might well have been updated by Gilbert and Sullivan ("arcadian shepherds do it"?) had they created their masterpieces a century or so later (incidentally, where are G&S when we need them?!).

    Perhaps in the light of latest research we should now include "Staphylococci and Bacilli subtilis do it" - "let's fall in love"!

    But how would we know? Might we see them canoodling down the pub of a Friday evening? Should we be searching social media for their soppy postings

  • 5G - "Slash the Red Tape"!


    Time to write to your MP council and anyone else you can think of to ask for the evidence that 5G has been shown to be safe.

    After suffering the results of rolling out experimental vaccines to all and sundry regardless of risk, the last thing we now need is another experimental roll-out of technology of untested safety.

    "The project winners are based across England and Scotland as part of the government’s mission to level up access to fast and reliable connectivity"

    But what exactly will these winning areas be winning?

    "Areas to benefit from the pilots include Angus, Dundee, Fife, Perth and Kinross in Scotland, as well as Tyneside, Sunderland, Dudley, Wolverhampton, Somerset, Dorset and several other areas across England"

    "The eight winning DCIA projects are based across England and Scotland and will be respectively led by Dorset Council,

  • "All Jabs Tested Found to Contain Nanorouters"


    Many of us have watched videos of strange particulates found in the "jabs" and have heard speculations about what they may portend.

    Ricardo Delgardo of La Quinta Columna (or for us Brits La Quinta Columna via Google Translate) explains the results of his investigations in this video.

    "Graphene oxide is extremely toxic, and the toxicity is also dependent on the electromagnetic radiation it absorbs"

    "... this graphene oxide can be stimulated remotely and wirelessly, using .. the new 4G, 4G plus and 5G technology... "

    "All vaccinated people send their data to an external server controlled by artificial intelligence...

  • 5G Down the Tubes?


    Well, yes and no.

    First Milestone of 4G Rollout on London Underground Completes


    What is 5G anyway? It's a broad-brush term that covers a multitude of sins, including many frequency bands that lie broadly within the same range as 4G, which is what is being rolled out here.

    So why 4G and not 5G? No idea, but maybe it has something to do with the potential customer-base - there are still a great many more 4G enabled phones than there are 5G I'd be willing to aver.

    And I suspect that the 5G you are likely to find on the underground in the near future is likely to be at the

  • Swedish 5G Study Gives Serious Pause for Thought


    The Environmental Health Trust has been active in the EMF space for some years, and has now published a significant study, albeit of one couple, who had a 5G base station installed in the roof above their apartment.

    No it wasn't randomised and double-blinded but it does illustrate that some people are seriously affected by electromagnetic radiation below the official limits.

    So who sets those limits? The national authorities of each country - but they all tend to take their lead from the United States. That can make sense, since if the work to determine the safe limits has been done conscientiously there is no point in duplicating the effort, all other things being equal.

    "Measurements before and

  • Moderna, Pfizer, Biden on the Ropes - FDA-CDC in the Dock of Public Opinion


    Sorry guys, this is (in parts) deep conspiracy theory. 

    But too many conspiracy theories have turned out to be conspiracy facts in the past years.

    For example, that the world governments are being run by a secretive Cabal.

    Now we have video of Klaus Schwab confirming that his "young global leaders" of yesterday are now prime ministers and other ministers of world governments. So a mechanism is there and Klaus is on record writing a book on how he would change the world. One need not be a genius to put two and two together, it's just not a secret any more.

    I am not a committed conspiracy theorist. But the

  • Smart Oceans - 5G Under Water?


    Well, we now have 5G in many cities, and 5G in space courtesy of Elon Musk, so where else is there to put it? (and don't say underground!).

    "without any publicity, governments, research laboratories, and commercial and military interests were collaborating on plans to create “Smart Oceans” and the 'Internet of Underwater Things' (IoUT)"

    "They did not consult the fishes, whales, dolphins, octopuses, and other inhabitants of those depths"

    Well, I guess they don't speak the language, so how could they?

    "The goal was to enable broadband wireless communication from any point on or in the oceans to anywhere else on the planet or in space"

    I suppose that this amounts to a marriage (not for the first time) of extreme cleverness to utmost stupidity. I wonder how long it would be before a pod of orcas would take a dislike to such equipment and

  • London - Blueprint for the Technocracy to Come?



    "For better or worse, London has long been considered one of the world’s great cities. It has produced many of the world’s great artists, writers, and thinkers. Many of the world’s most renowned museums are here, housing priceless historical artefacts and works of art. London’s palaces, parks, gardens, and squares make it an architect’s playground.

    "Conversely, London is also known as a place where freedom and privacy are nearly extinct. It is one of the world’s most surveilled cities"


    The incumbent Mayor of London is of course fully on board with all such technocratic measures:

    Whistleblowers Speak Out


    These are well-known names who should know what they are talking about.

    Bill Binney
    Dr James Giordano
    Jacob Appelbaum
    Barry Trower
    Edward Snowden
    Nick Begich

    "... the brain is, and will be, the 21st century battlefield... " 

    "... if you want to cause a specific psychiatric illness... "

    "... if you are targeted there is virtually nothing you can do... "

    "... for the last 40 yrs the... English government has been lying to the people... "

    "... they've been lying to protect industry, to protect their profits, to protect themselves from lawsuits ... "

    "... scientists at the end of the war were hanged for what scientists today are doing and getting away with...


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