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Few Brexit supporters who have monitored the seemingly ever-closer "defence" arrangements between the UK and the EU military post-Brexit (under both Mrs May and the Boris) will be surprised by this article on the Brexit Watch site - the only real surprise is how long it has taken to manifest.

It has been a pretty safe assumption since the early days that the civil servants were in fact driving the agenda, pulling the various Defence Ministers (and others) along in their slip-stream, willingly or unwillingly.

Now the "Brexit Watch Team" has published their investigation into the role of one Angus Lapsley in these post-Brexit shenanigans, and interesting reading it makes:

"...there is no such thing as a single error in the loss of secret intelligence, because many processes are involved with keeping it safe ..."

"The agglomeration of security breaches is akin to a factory woodworker slicing off someone’s hand and then proceeding to do it at least twice more – it would be preposterous to call it an accident"

There are many questions here that demand answers - but it seems unwise to make any bets on the length of time that we may have to wait for any to appear ...

Read the full disturbing report.