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Free Citizen
Bob Moran Speaks - the Telegraph, the "Pandemic", the Future
Bob Moran, famous / infamous cartoonist, most noticeably for the Daily Telegraph, in an in-depth interview with UK Column.
Bob now makes his living as an independent cartoonist, whilst making his work freely available to independent publishers - our own site is indeed indebted to him for this service and we use several of his cartoons to adorn relevant articles - thanks Bob, you are much appreciated!
A very thought-provoking interview touching on almost everything that Bob experienced both pre- and post-Covid, and where he sees the world going now.
"Nobody had more reason to riot than they did in 2020"
(87 minutes)
The Fourth Turning is Upon Us?
"Fourth Turnings NEVER de-intensify. There will be blood, death, and war on an enormous scale before this Crisis is resolved"
"I believe the next six months will determine the course of humanity for the next century and beyond"
"Most people are unwilling or unable to confront the brutal facts of our current reality"
"Last week they quietly reported that 818,000 jobs they reported as existing were entirely fake. They knew they were fake when they reported them, but you gotta do what you gotta do to maintain your wealth, control and power"
"Events have been happening at a breakneck pace and it is difficult to determine which incidents are being engineered and which are occurring naturally"
How "Sustainable" is my "Biomass"?
"Biomass" (or "wood" to you and me) Is essentially the product of chopping down trees, and drying and pulping and pelleting them (using energy in the process).
The resulting nuggets / pellets / however you want to describe them are then shipped across oceans (using more energy) and burned in power stations such as Drax in Yorkshire (creating as much CO2 as from fossil fuel).
How is this more sustainable than just burning coal (or better yet gas or oil since these can be transported by pipeline whereas coal needs to be shipped like wood pellets)?
We might as well have created the same amount of CO2 from burning fossil fuels and left the trees alone to remove it, saving everybody much expense!
And are we really replanting and regrowing the "biomass" sufficiently fast to replace the "biomass" that we are burning away? Is anybody checking, or are the loggers just coining it? And if
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Big Pharma on the Ropes?
Now that Trump has teamed up with RFK Jr, it looks like the gloves are finally coming off - and in public.
This goes back a long way.
How long? Probably as long as the 1918 flu pandemic in which (a) nobody could demonstrate transmission of the disease via "bodily fluids" (but boy, did they try!) and (b) more (US) soldiers reputedly died of the vaccine (the term warp speed hadn't been invented then but I don't doubt there was an equivalent) than died of battle.
More recently, the tetanus vaccine produced under the aegis of the WHO would seem to have something very "unfortunate" to hide - but as Mike Yeadon tends to say these days, maybe "mistakes were not made"?
I haven't any information about the tetanus vaccines used outside Africa, but Big Pharma's reputation being what it is... why
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Into Deeper Waters on Skye
Martin Geddes is no stranger to entanglements with the law.
It being summer and relatively benign up there (I'm guessing here - it could have been tipping it down, but he doesn't mention that) he has taken a short retreat from the hurly-burly confusion of life in general, in order to sort out the next stage of his spiritual journey, upon which he (I suspect unintentionally) found himself when analysing the logic of his brushes with the judicial system.
Spirituality is not an optional extra in life, it is just that we have to find it for ourselves, and having found it, take our spiritual understanding and advancement upon ourselves.
But what does it have to do with the law?
Who Assesses my Benefits Claim?
Well, according to Big Brother Watch, maybe nobody. It might all be handled by machines. If not now, then soon.
Does anybody know how the AI works? Nobody accessible to the public.
"Black box algorithms and secretive AI tools sit at the heart of the UK's welfare system - with little accountability. Our investigation offers a glimpse into life inside the UK’s poverty panopticon"
So here's a simple enough question:
If the tools of the process are opaque and protected by commercial confidentiality, how can the process be accountable to the public that it is meant to serve? And if not accountable, how is a realistic challenge possible?
I have postulated before that government is simply a
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Who Was "George Orwell"?
Yes, it's true, he was another "Blair" - Eric Arthur Blair, no relation as far as I know to Tony.
In his own time he like us had an "awakening", although his was very personal and national whereas ours is both personal and global in nature. Nevertheless with his writings, especially his famous "Animal Farm", he laid the foundation for our understanding of how the authorities of the day through their surreptitious manipulation of language, manage to guide society in a direction that they would not choose to go, if the people did but understand the destination.
All wars rely on this manipulation in order to populate the armies with "willing" cannon-fodder.
(39 minutes)
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Mr Bean to the Rescue ...
... of freedom of speech.
Well, perhaps inappropriately (in the nicest possible way) his comic portrayals of the incompetent Mr Bean were famously silent, but happily, "national treasure" Rowan Atkinson has found his voice for this video, and a very calm, courteous, and incisive voice it is.
(10 minutes)
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Scott Ritter Reviews the Geopolitics of the Middle East
One of the things I like about Scott is that he is generous with his time and gives it to minor interviewers as well as to the more high profile.
Here he gives a slightly stilted interview which doesn't quite feature his usual easy-flowing rapport with the interviewer, but he does present a very wide-ranging view of the state of play in the area, of western geopolitics, and indeed of internal national politics within the group of nations neighbouring Israel, and of Israel itself.
He is my go-to source for a reason.
(34 minutes)
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Fulford Report - Monday 26 Aug 2024
The war of the hats is hotting up as Summer fades in the northern hemisphere and the traditional financial collapse season approaches in early autumn.
An interesting report this week with news about YouTube & Telegram (modest subscription required for full access).
Twas Ever Thus ...
Yes, it's back to Plato's "Republic", and how the elites have conspired to rule over the plebs of humanity since maybe the very dawn of time...
It's a little slow, but at a speed that hopefully allows those unfamiliar with the concepts to keep up.
No need to fear going to sleep either - there is a rather annoying and otherwise unnecessarily loud drum beat now and then, just to ensure your wakefulness...
So sit back, relax, ignore the annoying uncoordinated visuals (whilst they last - you can pay attention later when they become more informative), and follow the Guardians...
(31 minutes)
The PCR Test, Covid, and Mpox
Interest of Justice have pulled together a nice video which goes into some simple detail about why the PCR Test is not actually and could never be a valid test for a disease.
The PCR process is not a test, but a process for amplifying a specific genetic sequence if it exists in a sample, The inventor, Kari Mullis, stated unequivocally that his process could not be used to identify an infection. There are a number of reasons for this which are mentioned in the video below.
(59 minutes)
As explained in the video, it's not about the details of cycle thresholds or anything else, its about the WHO's support of a "test" that is incapable of identifying an infection.
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Kursk - The Aftermath
Danny Haiphong interviews Andrei Martyanov to review the results of the incursion by Ukraine into Kursk.
Obviously, this is from a pro-Russian perspective, but it makes a change from Scott Ritter, even if the general thrust of the argument is not too different.
(26 minutes)
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Russia Summons US Envoy over Kursk Incursion by US Personnel
"Moscow views this as unauthorized American journalists illegally entering Russia's sovereign territory without permission, ultimately to assist with Ukrainian propaganda under Kiev's military protection"
CNN blatantly reporting from the Kursk region?
Are CNN at war with Russia? Or is the US at war with Russia? Or is all of NATO at war with Russia?
If Russians had been discovered on the Isle of Wight, would Sir Keir be complaining?
Maybe we should be told?
Somebody would seem to have some explaining to do.
Another Idea From Left Field
Now here's an idea that really should be discussed.
Jon Rappoport doesn't take prisoners, so as you are probably nowhere near him as you read this, I suspect you can get away with disagreeing with him if you feel so inclined.
I feature it à propos of nothing in particular, except for the idea that if "everything we have been told" is a lie, then this may well qualify!
Link that idea with the exposure of the medical industry by Covid fraud on a global scale, and what do we have?
"Two Tier" Plod?
Many now seem to believe that Britain's policing may sometimes be less than fair impartial and objective.
So here is a "former police officer" who claims to be expert in dealing with unwanted attention from the plod.
It's your judgement that counts.
(33 minutes)
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The People's Vaccine Inquiry
Who are these uppity people who dare to set up independently of the official government Covid-19 Public Inquiry? Don't they know that the government have all this stuff in hand? OK, the official enquiry may have had to delay certain aspects due to the time that is unavoidably necessary to deal with all the many complexities of the subject matter, but that is after all inevitable.
Bear in mind that it is easy to get lost in all the ins and outs of who did what to whom in this complex matter.
Still, if you must read about these entirely unofficial views, there is a website that they have set up that you can access here (although you may find the content somewhat inclined toward those unproven "conspiracy theories").
You could instead ask just one simple question... was the "gold standard" PCR test as supported by the WHO accurate, and if
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"The South Africa "Vaccine" Injury Medico-Legal Study-Group (SAVIMS) does NOT support the Africa CDC and WHO declaration of a global health emergency for monkeypox"
I think that says it all, but if you need to know their reasoning (and it seems to make very good sense), then read on.
No doubt when the roll-out reaches your country, this will be useful information...
Jacob Nordangård on the Path to Global Technocratic Slavery
Jacob in Q&A mode reviews the history of the global elite's scheme to rule the world.
A useful and accessible discourse that shows how their obsession with world control has been advanced at the highest levels in the most boring way possible, probably in order to evade the scrutiny of the rest of humanity. Well, that's my interpretation anyway.
There can't be too many people by now who haven't heard of the Rockefellers, the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission, the Atlantic Council, the Committee of 300, the Bilderberg Group, the World Economic Forum etc etc... the list is intentionally extensive and irrelevantly but portentously named in order to discourage casual investigation.
Nevertheless there exist heroic sleuths who have penetrated the turgid prose of their never-ending reports to unearth their true agenda, now with us in the form of the equally uninformatively-named UN Agendas 2050 / 2030.
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Update on Darkest Africa
Rwanda, DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo), history of manipulation and exploitation of Africa - Matthew Ehret reviews the situation with PD Lawton.
Why no reports about this in the media?
This needs to be much more widely known:
(81 minutes)
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